Monday, January 3, 2011

Cover Up Of Poisonings & Other Medical (photos)

My fingers are squished here so they don't look right and the line doesn't show up in this photo the way it does in person. But it's there and then the one on the bottom you can't even see but you can sort of see fuzzy changes to the other nails even if there is no actual line.

This is going from weird to worse.

I think I am being given medications that eliminate the effects and evidence of things that have happened to me.

I say this because I decided, with how horrible things have been, I needed to photo-document everything on me that has changed as a result of poison or technology. I had already photographed pigmentation changes on my arm which showed up after I was bleeding in the toilet. Then I photographed the white line on my toes which helps prove arsenic or rat poison.

I decided to photograph my tongue, at the part where it is redder and the tastebuds are gone ever since the poison cigarette. It is not as bad now for some reason. It's sort of a patch that is still there, but then what freaked me out, is that ever since this happened, I had very dark purple spots where blood had come to the surface of the skin under my tongue after this same thing happened (poison cig).

This has ALWAYS been dark purple, ever since it happened and I stupidly told people about it and maybe blogged about it.

I looked today and I couldn't find the spots. I mean, they went from being there very dark and noticeable to not at all. I looked more closely and then could see very faint signs of where they were but I thought,

"I am being given medications that are altering my body and covering up criminal evidence."

How clever that someone researched what might work.

I took photos anyway. There is hardly anything there now, but I figured I had to catch it while I could.

I think someone is worried about my presenting my evidence to internationals or people out of the Washington area. Or that I could use it for political asylum.

The other minor thing that showed up was white lines on both of my thumb nails but they don't go all the way across my nail. It's kind of weird. And it's not on my other fingernails. Just my thumbs.

My nails look like this, for Mees lines, except without the dots. I can't cut and paste but if you type in "images of Mees lines" and look at the one, this is what my nails look like. I am going to find more photos to see if they match.

There are distinct white lines on my thumbs and thicker than the white line on my toenail.

Why did Diane Harsha get my complaint and what has she done with it?

There was a witness there when she told me she would make sure I got my benefits from Washington state. It was the young man in the gray sweater at the front desk and he was right there.

My guess is that they have security cameras or monitors there too.

So why are they trying to screw me over and allow my son to suffer?

There is something wrong with S.A. Diane Harsha.

I will put money on one thing: She is not a Christian.

If the guy at the counter denies what she told me, then there is something wrong with him too and I would guess he isn't a Christian either.

Right now, if you go to google and type in "images of Mees lines" 4 photos come up at the top. My fingernails, and thumbs esp. match. They don't really match the very last one, because his are very noticeable, and bright stripes all the way across, and twice, and all nails. But mine fit the other photos.

I looked up other nail changes, to see if it matched something else, but it doesn't. It doesn't match the appearance for liver problems, or disease or anything. It only fits Mees Lines.
I have other photos to post but I need to do it from another place.

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