Sunday, January 2, 2011

Cyanosis of Oliver Garrett (my son)

Please refer to last blog post, at the end, to see what I wrote there.

I did not ever write about this incidence of cyanosis in my son, or report it to CPS because they deliberately discouraged me from reporting things.

I had cyanosis happen with me too, but not like I saw it with him.

CPS tried to call me "paranoid" every time I tried to report something.

My son went to the bathroom and asked me to help him so I went into his stall. He started going, and he's done this before. Never, not even once, did he ever tell me "look".

If anything, my son was more modest around anyone, and even as an infant, sought privacy for these things. Even in diapers, he didn't want Mama watching if he went around the corner for his "moment" and this was before age 1. He was highly intelligent and highly self-aware and I respected his unique personality and needs.

On this particular visit, he showed signs, as usual, of being brainwashed. He started talking in an automatic, repitious voice, repeating over and over, "Look. Look. Look. Look." My son, by his behavior, made it clear to me someone wanted me to look and notice what had happened to him.

And I know it wasn't my aunt or uncle or relatives and what happened to him had nothing to do with them but with technology and torture.

Which I have seen a lot of evidence of.

One side of the entire length of his penis was blue. It was uneven, and it was completely dark blue or the same color skin takes in cyanosis.

It was not from sexual abuse. It was clearly from something else.

Cyanosis is caused by lack of oxygen to the body for some reason. Sometimes it is an indication of heart problems. Which can be caused by torture with technology.

When I saw this, I looked closer thinking it was a dye or discoloration from color on clothing. It wasn't. It was cyanosis.

He was 3 years old. He never had this happen before.

I said nothing to him about the color because the monitor was there. I said nothing to CPS because I had repeatedly reported things, not just to Wenatchee but to the supervisory offices and they covered up every single thing. They lied, they lied, they lied, and I discovered some of them were instructing my son how to lie and not talk about things. There were state workers who were corrupt in every way.

At the next visit, the discoloration or cyanosis was gone,

It was marked.

It was blotchy or uneven and on the entire length.

Thank you Washington State and Roman Catholic Church of America and Jewish and Protestants, for allowing the torture and abuse of my son.

And agreeing to go along with the slandering of my good name and reputation.

You have allowed the torture and kidnapping of a child, and allowed those who are enemies to me and my son, to harm us and get away with it. You have allowed government officials who are corrupt to get away with this by your silence and refusal to take a chance and stand up for me and demand that I be heard and that I be able to make a report and have it investigated.

You have, knowing or unknowing, allowed bad people to triumph over good.

You have believed in liars and judged me only by my reactions to seeing the torture of my son and experiencing torture myself.

You allowed others to say my 'reactions' were a sign of mental illness when they knew my reactions were caused by torture and great distress and provocation.

You allowed others to conceal crimes against humanity.

You cared more about your own jobs than you cared about the emotional and physical health of a child who was also a baby when he had to endure these things.

You who have been charged with the protection of children and of the public, have not done your job and you have allowed others to so defame me and charge me, that there is no hope of my recovery unless you now rally to buck those in the system who hold power.

You have allowed those who work in military and mind control professions to use my son and disregard his civil rights and have taken him from the protective covering of the only person who has dared speak about these things.

You fucking medicated me and allowed others to medicate me. And then secretly tried to include this in files that others have about me which no public person is able to see or dispute, not even me.

You almost killed me and my son in East Wenatchee. We almost died and might have died if I had not left for Canada and then you started things all over again and knew you would never be caught.

You had Hayden, Panetta, the FBI, and the Pentagon on your side.

On my side were a few people who knew and who risked being thrown into prison for life if they revealed how they knew what was going on.

Some of you wanted to "trade up" to whatever side you thought would be the winning side. You had no backbone, no loyalty, and no interest in true public service. You wanted a job, to the detriment of a child's welfare.

Mr. Cabellero, how does it feel?

Cyanosis on wikipedia.

While you're there, look up sliced fingers, a slice taken out of my son's face where evidence of his untreated yeast infection was presenting and then was cut out and removed, hypnotizism, exposure to cold, sexual abuse, mental distress, nightmares, cold sweats, being strapped into a carseat for hours at a time, poisoning with perm solution, self bruising from acute mental distress, being tied up, locked in closets, blindfolds, mind control. Look up other forms of technological torture too and experimentation of psychic abilities on a child.

Have a cigar sir.

Then look up intimidation and blackmailing of families to allow the abuse and use of children for these purposes.
The cut on the side of my son's face which I photographed and posted online, was a cut which removed a spot that had appeared which I had blogged was evidence of tinea versicolor in my son (which I also got) after Dr. Butler failed to treat us for yeast infection that became systemic (and possibly worsened by our living in a mold infested apartment which was later condemned).

The state called me a hypochondriac and mentally ill for thinking there was anything wrong.

I put that photo up for the entire world and what did YOU do for my son? You allowed CPS to continue in their corruption.

You allowed Judge Hotchkiss to do a favor for his church and friends, and order that I be blocked from further documenting abuse of my own child.

It's nice when you have gang members to back you up and cut out the evidence that I was right, isn't it? and gang members are always a nice foil for mind control use of children because no one wants to suspect U.S. government involvement.

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