Saturday, January 1, 2011

FBI Duty Agent: S.Diane Harsha

She lied.

I just found out, by checking my balance on my card, that this woman deliberately lied to me.

She works for the FBI in Nashville, TN off of Elm Hill Parkway.

I gave her only 1 of my reports and I gave her an easier one and she lied about what she was going to do. I should have known, because she was telling me she was going to call some people "right away" when she didn't have the numbers. I had to give her email addresses.

All that I told her was that I had been medicated and poisoned as well and I had proof on my body and new proof showing up in my toenails.

I told her I was very concerned because the State of Washington lied to me, telling me by email that they would email or attach any important notices to my benefits. I asked, in writing, and they agreed, in writing. They didn't do this. They mailed a notice to the post office but didn't send it to me by email, as promised. I found out last minute that I was going to end up with NO money on the 1st and NO food stamps, unless it was called in before the 1st.

I have seen them correct these kinds of mistakes within minutes. In their office and over the phone. They've done it with me when they've made mistakes in the past.

However, they chose not to fix the mistake and lied, claiming they were short on time.

I was already planning to go to the FBI about the poisoning, but the emergency of not having food money (so I am able to purchase my own food) or cash, put me in a bad position, and a dangerous position.

I told Diane that the place where I had stayed (as a hostel) was one of the places where my food had been tampered with.

So, it was emergent to protect my safety and ability to buy my own food and also, to have cash for transportation.

Diane knew all these things, and it was reasonable. It WAS an emergency and she did not dispute that I had been poisoned. She told me she would make sure WA fixed the benefits and that she was going to call Washington D.C. and ask them what they wanted to do with forensics for the poisoning.

I asked her to get back to me. She didn't. I was patient, as long as I could be, and then sent a copy to Knoxville, TN FBI. No one responded.

I was ignored. I only sent the email she asked me to send and then one follow up inquiry. It was short and to the point.

I noticed a couple of things when I showed up there.

This is a large FBI office that stands alone. All around it, in front and to the sides and back, is a very large parking lot. The entire parking lot was empty except for 1 car--an SUV that was almost identical in color and model, to the one where my son arrived in for his visits. The FBI made sure this one was parked out prominently in the front.

(I made an interruption to note a man coming into the gym with a large smirk on his face, when as soon as I showed up, someone had the overheating going. But it was because of the car that was parked next to the window. A man parked there and left it and when I moved from the window, it quit. This man wearing a "Chris Dabney" style long sleeved black shirt walked by mocking me. His name will be noted when I find out what it is. He chose to harass me and he chose to be noticed. He just came back down after checking his cell. Oops. Grey curly hair to the nape of his neck, a little white and more grey, thinning on top but kind of ringlets near the bottom. About age 50-60. Medium height and slight build).

So here, the FBI just coincidentally had one car that looked exactly like the Anne Crane's SUV (the Catholic visitation monitor) or they WANTED to provoke and upset me by parking a vehcile they knew was like Anne's, at the very forefront of their parking lot, with no other cars (AT ALL) around.

I went in, and sure enough, out comes Harsha, and she was making comments in Anne Crane's style and using the same expressions she used. I knew, intuitively, it was not a mistake. So I wondered how she knew what things Anne used to say, and how did they know what her SUV looks like?

I gave her my report anyway and she said she'd fix it and didn't. Then she refused to even let me know what the status was going to be when I asked.

She would know, just as Washington state would know, that the cash for me from WA was a few hundred as opposed to TN's $100 or less and that I didn't want to apply and was not a resident here. I am a resident of WA. My food money is $200 as opposed to TN's $80 average. And that's not including hassle, delay, and the fact that I told her I did not want to apply in TN. She was very clear on this and knew I would need the money to travel and food stamp money to protect what food I buy. She and anyone else would know that they would be obstructing my right to move and travel freely by quitting benefits.

I can buy a plane ticket or a bus pass with the cash and she knew I was trying to go back to pick up things and then might still visit or go between states, as many people do in commutes or split time. At least short term. I also publicly blogged that I might purchase a passport with the money. I would have been able to pay for a renewed passport with the money.

They deliberately obstructed me.

Washington state deliberately lied about sending me notices by email or attachment, knowing it would put me out of money. The Nashville FBI woman deliberately didn't do what she said she was going to do and then didn't get back to me either.

Where there is no excuse for their "mistake" or lying, they knew that by quitting my benefits, I would have no money. They would also know this meant I could not travel or get a new passport. They knew that they would be indirectly obstructing my freedom of movement, which is against the law.

No person shall...

Obstructing freedom of movement or travel is against international civil rights which the U.S. has signed. It is also against domestic civil rights.

Harsha and her FBI would also know this would force me into being trapped in TN.

They would also think there was no way for me to have a fair hearing when I was out of state and couldn't get back to the state.

So they would assume I would be forced to apply for TN benefits, after I specifically told them I was NOT staying and did NOT wish to be a resident and that I needed my WA benefits to travel.

If I do not have food stamps, what would I eat?

I had just reported others tampering with my food and drink. I told her it had happened where I stayed. She understood and knew I had to have the money for buying sealed items.

She would then assume I would go hungry, be forced to eat food that was tampered with, or be forced to apply for TN benefits, which she knew I did not want to do.

Therefore, refusing to do what she said she was doing, and assuring me peace of mind when she had other plans, was a deliberate lie and abuse of my trust. It was also an attempt to trap me and obstruct my freedom of movement.

It was unethical for her to do this, and I would like to know if she got her orders from Washington D.C.

Did Harsha just decide to do nothing and then ignore the courtesy of even letting me know? on her own? or did she first call D.C. as she said she had to do for forensics, and did they advise her to force me into this position? Regardless, she had an obligation to inform me about what was going on and then I emailed Knoxville and no one replied.

Not only this, this made a huge show of pretending not to know who I was.

Everyone in their whole office knew I was going in and they're acting like bumbles, as if they had no clue. I walked in and saw the receptionist guy knew who I was. Then, she came out and pretended not to know me when she already knew me. My favorite part was the little mini-drama moment when she called out a "STAT" or needed him to "Run her CRV" or whatever. I think she expected me to ask what that was. I didn't ask. He said "okay!" like a bright eyed puppy as if he wasn't expecting this and then he changed his expression to an eyebrow cocked look as he handed her a yellow post it. She stared, as if she'd never it before in her life, and put it on the top of her papers and turned them over. Wanting me to ask what it was because they made it look bad. I said nothing. She wanted me to ask so therefore I wasn't going to ask and I could already guess, by how I'm treated like shit by the FBI, that they defamed me in their files long ago and it's been downhill since.

Let me guess. Right after I reported the 2 FBI employees for misconduct. Am I right? or maybe something from before, from an Abbey lawyer, trying to make me out to look bad--pre litigation style?

So after this, it was "You're so thin, how come you're thin?" and "Have you ever been suicidal?" and later I wondered who the hell she was and if she was another "Brad Uhl" with a degree in psychology.

What does having to be suicidal or not have to do with arsenic poisoning and my fucking benefits?

I told her no. She asked if I was charting all my symptoms and said I should make notes and keep a journal of all the problems I have. I thought, "Right. So the military assholes can give it to the Nazi doctors."

Let's be real.

These are fucking Nazi's of the modern day. I heard my Dad say something about this once and I thought it was a phrase and an exaggerated one.

It's not exaggerated. These are people who are covering up crimes against humanity. Period. They are ALL, each and every one involved, Nazis.

They should be killed. I am not kidding. If I ever find out, I will take any and all necessary measures for my self-defense. What I hope happens instead, is that they are all incarcerated and made to live in jail to feel what is like to have nothing to do.

I wasn't having a problem when I was first here, but now I am because people know my habits and where I go and where to expect me and how far I can walk. It's been over a month so they know.

When I'm gonig to different places by bus, it's not a problem. I go too far out of the way I guess. I just don't have a problem with it.

At any rate, I wondered why Harsha would do this to me and how she might know Anne Crane so first I thought "Is Harsha Catholic?" (I mean, does she know of or about Crane through a church connection?) and then I thought she might be Jewish. I then typed in the last name and it comes up with Eastern Indian so I wondered if she married. I wondered about religion, because this has been a very serious thing to discover, when I find the majority of those who have handled me or my case and were not honest, tend to have similarities in their profiles.

Who is Diane Harsha doing favors for? that's the question.
I am not staying here.

In Nashville.

I will hitchhike before I am trapped here and maybe this is exactly what the FBI wanted to do with this. They have already shown no concern about my being bumped off.

Someone would be doing them a favor. Or at least, doing quite a few of the FBI employees and their buddies a favor, right?

Or maybe they can play more exciting games with the CIA and Pentagon assholes, and try to predict what I do next and, as I am a rodent-on-the-fly, maybe they could experiment with attempting to influence my direction.

Holiday Inn anyone?

One thing is for sure.

The criminals don't want me to get away to another embassy or country that might pay attention and validate me.

I think this is their biggest fear at this point.

They have demonstrated an animosity towards me and willful attempts to provoke me. I should have taken a photo of the Crane SUV look a like just for fun. Maybe it was coincidence, or maybe it was FBI style harassment and provocation.
"Cameo. Look at the car, think of your son. Don't you MISS your son Cameo? Too bad for you isn't it? Are you sure you want to report something to the FBI? Look, we are a part of the train wreck. We are the train. Look! Hey guys! I wonder if she'll freak out, or go around it or not come in, or start to cry or what! Let's just make sure she feels shitty and show our collegial support for OUR HO and BITCH CRANE! YOW!"

I walk in calmly and this othah "ho" is making Crane expressions and mannerisms.

THIS is the fucking FBI?

I didn't care. I ignored ALL warning signs because she gave me a REAL LIVE FBI card! in a REAL LIVE FBI office. And it was her WORD OF HONOR and since she is FBI I trust her to have integrity and be looking out for my safety.

I wrote to my mother that everything went well.

Thanks for letting me down, intentionally. I mean, if I find out she was in an ambulance on her way to the hospital I will be totally remorseful and delete it all. But that's not the case. She was sitting in her office chewing on the end of her pen.

I seriously was thinking I need to find an embassy to help me raise money to get the hell out of this country and then pay them back through work as I make my complaints.

If they are trying to trap me here I don't see another way out.

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