Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Gym and This Morning Psychic Stuff

This morning I was going to go to the gym but I will later. I have to work out the lactic acid build-up from yesterday or at least run and sauna.

I had someone steal from me AGAIN yesterday: socks and my face powder and I reported it and then was told that since I was late to chapel I had to be out until 4 in the morning. I understood this as being kicked out for the night and was upset about it Then she changed it. I got a weird response from some things yesterday. figured out some things.

Then there was this chrisitian woman who spoke but what I was shocked by was that when I was leaving she looked GlAD about it like she didn't LIKE me and I don't know who she was but she acted like she hated me.

So I went back and was in chapel and then I asked God, "What about her God? what about her life?" and she was talking about being a fake christian and perfect on the outside but with a past. I opened up the Bible and turned to "Divorce" and I showed it to the woman next me and motioned to the woman. Next thing, the woman started talking about her "1st husband". But then she said he'd committed suicide. So I thought, was this wrong? or no divorce? and then she talked about hubby #2 and no divorce so I thought, "I guess it was wrong...but I don't know..." and then all of a sudden, she started talking about divorce.

How she had to get a divorce from the 1st husband who killed himself. And this long testimony about how she didn't know how to get a divorce, and she had to get one to remarry and she couldn't afford one and how what a blessing it was to start getting a check from his social security or whatever once she was divorced.

(I thought briefly, "I wonder how he died.")

Anyway. Divorce.

Then one time during the chapel I opened up, first try, right to the spot in the Bible for the verse. The day before it happened once on the second try, right to the correct page, out of the whole Bible.

Then, the other night (2 nights ago) I sat next to a Vietnamese woman and we were talking and I asked God about her life and not really focusing, but just a little, a brief request and I saw these butterflies. A whole bunch of them. In the minds eye I mean. so I asked her, when we were talking about Vietnamese culture, "Are there a lot of flowers and butterflies there?" and she exclaimed yes, there were these butterflies and she would catch them when she was a little girl and how she loved doing this. I said flowers too bc though I got nothing about flowers, I wanted to see if there was anything about butterflies. There were a bunch of other women who overheaard and I think they were shocked, but they didn't know what I had in my mind's eye either and that this woman got so excited about butterflies and how it was one of her favorite things to do as a little girl, even caught me off guard. She started showing me how she caught them and brightened up and was really excited about it.

So I have to look up butterflies from Vietnam.

other things to write about later.

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