Sunday, January 2, 2011

FBI Hacking and Non Consensual Medication of Me

Someone started hacking and causing my sentences to all run together on my last post.

I am checking to see if this is fixed by starting a whole new post.

Well, I made the first couple of sentences and it was fixed but that doesn't explain why this started happening on the last post that I made.

I asked my parents if they had anything to do with my being medicated and they said no and acted offended.

I am starting to think they're lying.

On one hand, I cannot imagine my parents lying to me about such a thing and I don't want to blame them if it's others doing this, with zero court clearance or leeway.

They have acted so upset and offended that I would think this, I have believed them.

However, I asked why they were going to Vancouver, WA, which is where the dishonest court ordered psychiatrist is.

Also, Washington state blocked me, as did Judge Hotchkiss, from having legal representation to obtain some medical record information in the court case with my son.

The only reason my parents would say I am mentally ill would be to protect themselves or my son, or possibly through blackmail.

If someone was ever threatening them, they would do this.

If government officials were trying to protect themselves, say, an intelligence group of any kind, that wanted to smear my account of things that happened in D.C., they would also do this.

I would think a few of my past boyfriends would like to say I'm crazy to cover for themselves and things I've reported.

Those with the most to hide would be state workers and government officials. Anyone who has anything to do with me or my son and our abuse, or this court case, would want to say I'm crazy and try to medicate me.

This would include the FBI.

The FBI is the one agency that Canadian officials questioned when I brought them up.

Nothing I said mattered to them, except when I innocently brought up the FBI. All of a sudden, it stopped them in their tracks.


Unless maybe it was the FBI that had the largest part in communicating defamatory information about me to others abroad.

If the FBI was defaming me, and I didn't know it, all of a sudden, someone in another country might question the information they were receiving and wonder about the motive behind it.


If Cameo Garrett had a complaint against the FBI and then it was the FBI defaming Cameo, maybe the FBI had something to hide.

Is this true Washington D.C.?

Washington D.C. FBI is not the solution.

They are the problem.

How do I arrive at this conclusion?

1. My problems with the FBI began when I made a report about FBI employees Raul Bujanda and Armando Garza. This happened in Oregon. I tried to report to Oregon S.S.A. and they were hostile.

It is possible there was something about me already, if Abbey or Archdiocese lawyers tried to smear me through other law enforcement first. But I personally didn't have contact with them until I made a 1st report about the Oregon Bar Association asking about fraud with the way they had set up their system of making reports against lawyers. My next contact was to report the FBI employees and I was treated very badly.

The Oregon S.S.A. in Charge for FBI was Catholic. I think the second person down was also Catholic.

I was in the middle of litigation or pre-litigation against Mt. Angel Abbey and Archdiocese (Roman Catholic institutions).

The lawyers against me were Catholic.

Everyone except for some involved with the newspaper defamation case, was Catholic.

The only people to ever claim I was mentally ill at this time, were the Catholics. It didn't go very far because I was proving them wrong by handling 2 lawsuits and a FT college schedule and a business, all on my own.

I was doing well in every venture. Not just doing well. I was exceeding all expectations, to the point that other lawyers believed I had a "ghostwriter" or people helping me with my lawsuits.

I had God.

That was it. I had God and my God-given natural abilities. I didn't excel in high school because I was bored. But if I was interested in something, I could apply myself.

I didn't suddenly become "nuts".

The FBI and others constructed a strategy for creating a "double" that would contradict anything normal about me.

They used illegal means to do this but made it look legal. They had to. Especially if they were religious because no one wants to think the nice Catholic people at church are criminals.

I also reported a man who raped me who told me he was Jewish.

I was 24 years old when this happened, a virgin, and I had kissed one person in my life.

I found out Portland police likely tipped him off and he fled out of country and then when The Willamette Week article came out about me, the detective in charge dropped the investigation.

That article benefited this man and it also benefited the Abbey and Archdiocese lawyers. It made me sound unstable.

Later, being literally tortured definitely created reactions from me which might look unstable. Anyone would appear "unstable" if they were being tortured, knew their son was being tortured, medicated and poisoned and slandered.

The Jewish man who raped me drove a white older small sedan kind of car that he said wasn't his.

What would be super crazy, would be to find out THIS man was connected to any kind of law enforcement agency.

He didn't say he was, but I suppose anything is possible.

Police saw us together on the same night that the rape occured (which happened later that night). I felt they knew who he was.

They were Lake Oswego police, in Oregon. This was Summer of 1998.

My reputation and credibility went out the door when The Willamette Week published this article about me. The detective dropped everything and told me "Maybe you should buy a new coat" because he said I was being newly harassed because everyone read the article and saw the photo of me in that coat.

These things, I have largely forgiven. It is in the past. However, I think that since these past things have affected my present and future, they are relevant and must be examined.

I resent having anyone medicate me. I will sue those responsible and this is a fact.

More than this, I resent those who have taken a good person with a good reputation and ruined her life in a kind of conspiracy that not even Shakespeare conjured.

When I left Oregon for Washington state, things only got worse. People from Oregon communicated slander about me to Washington. I was forced to drop out of college and at this point, the "she's crazy" idea was able to ferment, because I had nothing else to show for myself which would contradict this. I couldn't point to college/lawsuits/business entreprenuerial venture to prove anyone wrong.

When the FBI in Oregon and Washington were involved, it must have been that the wrong ones got involved.

I then had so many horrible things happen to me that I wondered what was in the FBI files about me. Law enforcement treated me like shit. They told me I was known throughout WA and Oregon by all of them. I wondered why when I had done nothing wrong, ever.

I remember election day in Oregon. A short man with a smile, who sort of looked maybe Italian, asked me who I had voted for. I said I hadn't known who to vote for.

It was about this time that I had things happening with technology (not violence but fax and printers being super-charged and fried, and other similiar kinds of harassment). All this happened after I made my FBI complaint against Bujanda and Garza. The law firms for the Archdiocese, esp. Bullivant Houser Bailey, really, really, harassed me.

But I had no violence occur against me until later and I guess someone thought they could pass me off as crazy then.

It was easier to say, because someone had already defamed me as being a drug addict and alcoholic when I wasn't. I went on welfare for the first time, which wasn't smart. I didn't know what else to do though, because I'd had to drop out of college when Judge Warren put out a false suspension on my car and I was afraid to commute between states anymore. I tried to help Granny and dropped the lawsuits.

I do remember I was getting very sick a lot. Dizzy and bronchitis over and over. The bronchitis thing was kind of weird and I would get it when I was in Oregon and Washington.

I had told people who were basically profiling every detail about my life, that nothing kept me down. Not emotional distress, not harassment, probably nothing, I said, except for physical harm or injury or illness.

I sort of wondered about biological stuff, viruses and things, when I was still commuting from Oregon. But I didn't have anything major happen until I was in Washington and it was after Michael Hayden took his position with the CIA and after I was asking the FBI for FOIA records to find out what was wrong.

I couldn't figure out why this was a big deal. I became so upset after almost a year and then being falsely arrested (the night before I was going to talk to a reporter about the FBI) I emailed every FBI office in the whole country, hoping someone would be responsive and help. Instead, after being ignored intentionally (which is something the Catholic church lawyers knew would upset me as they stringed me along to find out how to try my patience), the FBI Headquarters in Washington D.C. told me not to email anyone except them. They told me all of my communications had to go to D.C.

So I sent my requests for FOIA there. I was told nothing existed.

I knew this could not be true. I had made contact with them myself so I knew they had to have something. But they said they had nothing about my name or person or any contact from me or anything.

(...pausing...Tell me something. Has my account changed, or have the facts I report ever changed, dependant upon whatever shitty kind of medication is tried on me? Let me answer my own question. NO. MY FACTS HAVE NEVER FUCKING CHANGED. The only thing that has changed is that my life has been ruined because of what has been allowed and my enemies have laughed and mocked me. Criminals have gotten away with crime. This is what has happened. I really loved how The Post Pub people changed faced whether they thought I was medicated or not--that was great.)

The next thing that happened was I took work with a woman from Argentina whose husband was in the military. I was pregnant and at their house for a BBQ when my back started hurting so bad that I had to go to ER and they said I was in preterm labor.

I was trying to get FOIA records still, trying to clear my name from being defamed, and I had been falsely arrested and in jail in Wenatchee for the first time in my life, sent there by Judge Warren, whose wife was director in town for Catholic Charities. This was the same Judge who made sure my car was towed while I was in Oregon, and a big reason why I had to quit commuting. He'd had communications with John Kaempf, a lawyer for the Archdiocese and he was on a Board of Directors for Catholic Charities there. I had Dr. Parnell first claim I was a drug addict and try to claim I didn't have migraines. I suffered a lot and told the hospitals I would sue for defamation. This put me on everyone's bad list in the whole town practically. It started out bad with a couple of mean and defamatory statements with Catholics here and there and then it was just everyone thinking there was something wrong with me. The Protestants only saw me swearing or having reactions to the distress so they didn't my good side. They were told I was a druggie and having others tell them to read the Willamette Week article about me. People believed that article. It was their first impression of me.

Once I was in the State's hands, they tried to take my son from me. In more than one way.

I had what looked like gang violence, which first started in Oregon, pick up in Washington. I was the only one on the block who was being targeted.

Things escalated from there.

I don't feel like writing about the rest of it here. We were tortured. I was tortured along with my son, who then could not speak any longer, who tried to speak in the same way and everything was garbled.

I didn't suspect the U.S. I thought it was weird lawyers, or maybe fanatics with a church, or possibly a Russian group if they thought I had said the wrong thing about the guy who got poisoned soup in UK, or some Irish who thought I was going to get help from Ulsters or something (I wasn't but I was trying to figure out why I was having so many problems which seemed to be stemming from a zealous group). I had been writing one man in Malaysia who was Irish but sort of from UK about my son who was remarkably ahead of all milestones. Way ahead, and I was shocked. He was pointing out and recognizing numbers before 9 months of age and spending an hour trying to make a zipper zip up on my sweater when he was just a few months old (he spent over 1 full hour focusing and concentrating on this task, which is not normal for that age and is more developed). I thought maybe someone got jealous about my son and went after us to harm him and harm me. I had said I was going to raise my son to be a great leader and full of principle. He was so smart I knew or thought, I have been given a big responsibility. I hoped my son would grow up to fight corruption and do good. I said he could do whatever he wanted and be his own person but I thought he was going to do something great. I also said, in this conversation to my friend (ignorantly) that after what I'd been through my son would defend me and the worst thing I could imagine would be if he became Catholic after all I'd been through with so many of them). I told her (Christa Schneider) that the only way I thought I would have a nervous breakdown would be if someone ever took my son from me and then I was sure that I would be admitted to a mental hospital). I wondered about Dr. Butler, because the vandalisms occured after I was leaving his clinic and had a strong argument or disagreement with him.

My son and I went from having peace in our home to twitching at night (both of us) and throwing up spontaneously but not having a 24 hour flu. It was bizarre. It permanently affected my son's speech. When I moved to E. Wenatchee, it got 10 times worse that fall. Fall of 2007.

I went to Washington D.C. and they already knew. It was more like, "She looks like this?! after all we've done?" They had to have known.

But now I think about how I was being medicated at The Post Pub and wonder if the people I met who were psychologists, if they were not checking me out for reasons I had originally thought. It is possible they just had someone medicating me to try to prove something for someone and they kept it a secret. Like I said, I wasn't having my period. And as soon as I started having my period again, all the people who were so nice just turned on me. It was so bizarre and so night-and-day that I got suspicious. I thought, "Why were they treating me like I'm a normal person and now they're doing all kinds of really weird things and being mean?"

I wasn't going from normal to nuts. They were. Believe me. I thought it was so weird I figured there had to be a motive and this was the first time I ever started to wonder if they were treating me differently because maybe I'd been medicated and when I wasn't, they wanted me to write about things that sounded nuts so I sounded nuts. Like "See? She's off her meds and look at what she's talking about now."

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