Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Illegal Use of Technology & Harassment in Nashville

Old Cameo from 2010:

Would say, "I had better not report what is going on, because they are saying they're going to give me a job or help me, so I'd better just keep my mouth shut about the other stuff."

New Cameo from 2011:

Says, "You are pieces of shit if you think it is okay to lure me to your place of business, not to really offer me anything at all, and instead do something for yourselves. Anyone who does this or who is doing something illegal on the side is not your friend and it is highly unlikely that they will be giving you any work, so report away."

So here goes.

I was told I would get work through a temp agency and that there were a lot of great jobs. So with this in mind, I owuld normally hope this is true and I wouldn't do anything to screw up an opportunity, esp. when I've been blacklisted as it is.

Which is what I've done. I've allowed others to literally use me for nothing more than bets and predictions about where I will go and what I will do. They have zero intention of giving me work. They are having more fun, following me around as if I am a lab rat in a maze. And they think that while they do this, and engage others, that it is okay to use military and medical technology in conjunction with their predictions, because harming someone is always nice when you want to direct someone or have them go in the direction any normal person would go, if they were being harmed.

I have no clue if these people are trying to tell others that they just have psychic people or if they are even letting others "in" on what they are actually doing, to facilitate their goals of having me go here and then there.

This is supposed to be amusing, and amazing, and research material for a lot of inhumane assholes.
Here was how the stage was set for the latest game. And if there are a few innocent people caught up with the assholes, I believe it because I believe even if there is one with good intentions, others would try to create problems.

I was at the YMCA a few days ago.

This woman came into the steam room with 2 other women, right after I had been in a sauna with this other woman.

Okay, so first I will bring up the sauna.

This woman was in the sauna when I went in and told me her story about how she had been a single mother with nothing and went up the ladder in business. I had a feeling she worked for government and then found out she did. She said she worked for the state. She pointed out these leaf earrings and said someone left them behind. They looked like earrings that Theo had tried to give me once, in Wenatchee.

So then I took the earrings with me after she left, to take to the lost and found when I was done in the lockerroom. I went to the steam room next because the sauna wasn't hot. When I was in, then these women came in and started talking about not having work. Then one spoke up and told me to go to the Robert Half agency at Regions on 15th and she had plenty of work for me. Her name is Emily.

So I thought she sounded sincere and I decided to get dressed and go there today.

I first had breakfast at the shelter, where I had only the milk (in a carton) and one pancake. I took a chance. I was bleeding the next time I used the restroom. I was offered coffee at the Robert Half agency, but I took it and then didn't drink any of it. So I know it wasn't from this agency and I wondered if someone had wanted me to think the bleeding was from the coffee. But I chose not to have any coffee.

So I was able to positively exclude the idea that it had anything to do with the coffee. What was odd was that some of the employees there, though, went to the bathroom when I was there and they started talking about food poisoning.

So backing up--All of my food was normal last night. I bought everything packaged. Took nothing from anyone. The only thing that was not packaged was water from a faucet at the Y, which I figured was okay. Then the next morning, I had only the pancake and milk. I used the restroom and everything was fine. Two hours later, after I'd been offered coffee and took it but didn't drink any, I was bleeding rectally and vaginally. With no bleeding before this incident. Something had caused my body to bleed.

But of course I'm not being poisoned and of course the FBI is doing their job.

Yeah, that Washington D.C. forensics team is just all over my case.

So then I thought, "Thank you God that I did not take that coffee because I would have assumed it was their coffee (Robert Half International's) and not have been able to narrow it down."

And I don't like to falsely accuse people, no matter what it's about.

When I was offered coffee, I said yes but could I go with her to the kitchen to watch it being poured?

Oh, by the way, since I started blogging about this, the overheating is happening. I am at the Starbucks off of West End right next to Rumba.

So I went to the kitchen with her and there were 2 canisters already full of coffee. A whole room of people on computers in the backroom. So I waited to see which one she took coffee from and if she drank it first. I wasn't going to drink it unless I saw her drinking it.

(By the way, someone just quit the overheating for some reason, about 5 or more minutes after I posted my location)

She didn't drink any of it so I took mine but I didn't drink even a sip and I tossed it out when I left to get something to eat before doing the computer testing.

This is the Robert Half International temporary agency off of Deaderick and 4th in downtown Nashville.

The person who was first there was named "Jenny" and she showed me how to register online and fill out the application. So I did this. I noticed a few things online being changed...like I would choose answers but then a few of them were changed to something else and I had to go back and correct them again. It was the same thing that happened last year when I tried repeatedly to fill out my college FAFSA online.

Aside from things kind of changing on me, nothing happened at first. Then a different receptionist sat there, and I don't remember her name. She wore a pink shirt under a black blazer and I think she was wearing a wig. It didn't really look like her own hair.

Oh, but I guess I should back up again.

This morning, at the shelter, someone had set out this Dr. Pepper and one blue and black glove of a young child, and something else and I thought it was sort of odd. Every now and then someone is putting out this weird stuff to be symbolic and I guess the purpose is to try to claim the course of the day tied in with some prediction or something. Totally nuts.

Then, everything thaat someone has wanted to bring up around me has been "doctor" this and "doctor" that, like a joke, but first, I got poisoned and bled this morning which was really great. No, I'm not going to the doctor.

I'm not going to the doctor until someone from Washington D.C. stops fucking around and gets serious about helping me and my son.

There are people from Washington D.C. here, but in my opinion, they're fucking around.

So anyway, I went to this temp place and I wouldn't have written anything if someone hadn't first used technology to torture. Not only that, it was specifically triggering different parts of my head. I could feel a pulse and sharp pain in specific parts of my head and this is not normal for me.

First the computer data was getting screwed up. Then I was sitting there and the back of my head started getting very sharp pulsing pains and it wasn't headache. It was fucking assholes.

If someone is facing the back of my head, it was the left side near the base of the skull first. About midway down the head, to the left side. A very specific part and this is not even a part of my head that hurts with migraine or any kind of headache. It was totally different.

I let it happen a few times and then finally looked behind me and this receptionist was standing up looking at me and sat down quickly but I don't know if it was smokescreen for something else. However, this black woman with the pink shirt was the only one facing me. Behind her, however, was a very large window with a lot of buildings behind it. Still, how would she know how to stage surprise at the same time that this was happening to me?

After someone literally did this to me, to the back of my head on the left side, then I told her I wanted to move to a different computer and she wanted to know why. She was almost fishing for me to give details and I just said, "I just had a few problems with this one and I was distracted by what was in my peripheral vision (implying her)". So then I asked to go to a different computer on the opposite wall and for some reason, they didn't want me using any of the computers on the opposite wall.

She specifically told me to go to this other one and sat me down there, where nothing happened to the left side back of my head, but instead, some fuckers did something that triggered the right side. It was right side and more on the top of the head, not in the back at all. It was something that could have been done from a birds eye. I started getting blurry vision. At some point my vision was blurring and something else was happening to me.

These FUCKERS are not getting away with this anymore.


Your time has come. Which means I am immediately reporting what is going on and I am not deluded into believing I am getting work when you are having too much fucking fun messing around with innocent lives, including my life and my son's life.

I asked where the Robert Half International agency was headquartered and I asked because when I went in, there was a huge poster of Rome, Italy on the left side and then Chicago, IL on the right side.

This was after running into some other woman downstairs who had on a Catholic medallion and she seemed nice and then I was upstairs and wondered where the company originated, even though I know there are probably people hired from all kinds of backgrounds.

But I went back to Emily because she's the one who first suggested I go there.

I could tell, half the time I was there, there were people trying to predict or guess what I was even putting down on the application.

I was told there were a lot of jobs and I saw all these postings for work, and being told I was given work, should be tempting enough to keep me from talking.

It's worked in the past, hasn't it?

Any kind of false idea or incentive to get me to keep my mouth shut when you're doing nothing but shitty things to me.

Why would I take a job from a company that does this to me on the first day I am there anyway? Who knows who I would be "temping" for...Oak Ridge? CIA squats? or some kind of International Asshole?

Oh sure, I can hardly wait fuckers.

I should have stood up for myself in this same way, on the first day I went to public defender's offices in Wenatchee and was being fried. It was totally different, but it was still a warning sign. But what was I to do? I was at the mercy of the system right? and the only way I could get help might be to take it as a warning sign and then accept whatever they might give me in exchange for my silence.

Look at how it has turned out for me.

The fuckers get away with fucking with me for years.


I swear by God that you will not be laughing when this begins to happen to your own children, because it's coming. Your children will be the lab rats.

So no, Emily, Jenny, and whatever your name is, I don't want a job through the Robert Half International agency.

My favorite part was sitting in the little back office as she interviewed me (Emily), and watching as she hesitated and stared at the pen I had in my hand which had "Free Will Baptist" on it. Free Will.

For some reason, I couldn't stop smiling to myself at that and then she said, "You don't have to do anymore of the computer testing. It's not working right now anyway."

DAMN RIGHT it's not "working"

Someone else will be echoing these same sentiments:

"It's not working."

So then I had people following me to the next place I went. I was told by the temp agency that I had so much experience I would qualify for something higher up than admin.

I "remembered" to add my job as a fucking CEO for a student services group at a community college.

I was supervisor for over 10-15 students and employees and I had the ultimate decision in who I hired. I hired a combination of international and U.S. born students and we had a great year. I have more brains and potential than half of these assholes out there and I've had fuckers try to steal EVERYTHING from me.

Not anymore.

I never understood what my father meant when he said, when I was a kid, "Cameo, you have more natural talent in so many different areas, than anyone else I know."

He used to say, "Do you know what talent is? It's a gift from God."

I never got it. I never thought this, or believed it, or understood it, until I was in my 30s and realized I did have more natural talent than most of the people I had even met in my lifetime. And I never knew it or reached my potential because others DID notice and wanted to take it from me.

He used to say, "You have musical talent, and athletic ability, and you're smart, and you're beautiful too." And another thing he used to say, "And you have a tender and soft heart."

This is a travesty that my son and I have been attacked by a bunch of half-brained idiots. That's the real "half" here. That jealousy and fear have motivated others to do these horrible things and try to convince others that it is somehow worthwhile.

Now, I am not very beautiful. I no longer have my beautiful singing voice either. And this is not because God took these things away. This is because jealous assholes went after me with stakes.

And you are the losers. All of you who follow these pitiful games and have NO moral backbone and ZERO independence, you are LOSERS until you fucking stand up straight and think about what you are going to do with your lives. Is this what you are going to teach your children? How to be like you? Then this world will end in war.

My son was showing signs of even higher intelligence than I have. He was far smarter than any kid I've seen or been around, and excelled past all milestones, into the genius category. And some fuckers got fucking JEALOUS.


Your children will never have half the brains or talent than any child of mine will have. And you can't stand the thought. They won't have half of the backbone or near the pure values and humanity that I teach my children. Because you never spent your time developing this skill of parenting to begin with, because unlike me, you never even really cared.

So yeah. I was a CEO. I still fucking am. I am more of a director and leader than half of you lame-ass idiots who try to keep me out of work altogether. I am also an entrepreneur and have started my OWN business and done well, which is more than a lot of you can say for yourselves who pull on Daddy's purse strings.

Who cares if you make a lot of money in a business or company, if you've never done anything for yourself for once?

I may be down, but I am not down because I can't do anything.

The problem is, I can do too much. And this might damage what others want to do or suddenly put me into a different light which you can't fucking stand to be compared to.

I started, managed, and ran my own business while I was in college, and I took 20 credits of higher level (even grad) classes at the same time. And this was while I also single-handedly filed and led 2 major lawsuits against HUGE groups and kept them standing and sound for over 2 years.

All on my own.


Not only that, I made your accuontants and budget blimps look bloated. I did more with $5,000 than your fuckers did with hundreds of thousands. Made ja look bad didn't I?

I did this, after I was CEO for student services at a college, showing I was able to make sound decisons in hiring and retaining employees, and in planning events, and keeping everything on a tight budget. I also chose to put my hands into the work and not just supervise, even though my job allowed me to only supervise and direct.

I did some fucking data entry, by CHOICE, to be part of a team so don't say I am not a fucking team player.

What happened after this? some fuckers got me down and have used that chance to keep me down for good.

I don't want your fucking admin assistant, customer service, lousy retail and receptionist jobs. I am better than that and I deserve a job that pays well, and which does NOT involve fucking torture as part of the fucking application process.


If I have to track down every single one of the last lousy asses that's involved in this, I will. You just keep me fucking unemployed and I will document every time you FUCK with me in any way or form.

And by the way D.C., I need someone who has experience in some fucking forensics. And a RICO team of lawyers and if some of you have to break off from the FBI to develop your own REAL company of real defenders, then that's what you should do.

Hurts doesn't it? The TRUTH fucking hurts.

There is a woman here, who was here when I got here, who I just get bad energy from. I guessed Israeli and she says Iranian. Her boyfriend came in and sat next to her. There is something wrong with her, in my opinion.

I took one look at her and said, "How long have you been visiting?" and she said she'd been in TN 10 years. I asked where she was from before and she said Indiana. Then I said, "You know people in D.C?" and she said yes. That's what I was getting. I wasn't getting "Indiana". I was getting Washington D.C. She could be anything, from south american to middle eastern, but I initially guessed israeli and she *said* iranian. I don't know if any of it is true. I DO know, that while I was sitting here, a few minutes ago, I had something triggering the top and right side of my head and sort of in the front and when I looked outside and was looking across I noticed they were both staring at me and found something very amusing.

I think they're fucked from now on, whoever they are.

When I sat down at the table, the one woman started talking to him about medical stuff, and asked what to prescribe someone to prevent seizures. They are in some kind of medical school, apparently. And something else on top of that. Intel of some kind. He looks like a boxer but I wouldn't assume anything. Just reminds me of one for some reason. Rocky and Lilah.

I looked up the name Lilah wondering what it means.

It's persian or arabic for "night"
it's also hebrew and a variant for "delilah"

I wonder who the Sampson is.

I didn't really believe she was Iranian. I don't know why. Maybe she is, but I felt she wasn't.
As soon as I looked over at them, catching them watching me when the other stuff was happening, someone quit doing what they were doing. Why? because I am going to be fucking catching the people who are connected in any way.

It takes more than just someone initiating the torture. There are others who observe.

Let me guess. She wants to work for a research medical company. Or at a University hospital that does research. Just a fucking hunch.
I gave my 2 pieces of ID to the temp agency and said I was interested in certain work, but my last interview was for nothing. I was told to go to an interview, through a DIFFERENT temp agency, that was out in the middle of nowhere and I made it anyway, because it was something I could easily do. I should have had the job no problem and I invested $24 for a taxi plus tip, just to get over to the interview.

I interviewed with someone who had gone to Vanderbilt.

It was almost like a set up and actually, some good homeless people were trying to tip me off about that but I never know who to trust.

I went anyway, and the guy set out some flyers that looked almost identical to flyers I have seen before, somewhere else entirely, and then I was quizzed. And then told I was "a complicated case". Then I was told the job was probably not a job afterall. I went out there for nothing and on the way there, I had the feeling it was going to be nothing.

But I went to the interview anyway, doing my part, and knowing that if there was an actual job, I would be able to do it with ease and do it well.

Do I write about my employers? No.

In fact, I don't believe I've written hardly ANYTHING about any of my past employers. Is this not true? I may not have always agreed and I'm sure there have been different conflicts but I have not, to date, ever written about past employers.

The only ones I have written about are ones who seriously went beyond the call of duty to fuck me over or who call me out to pointless interviews when they have no intention of hiring me in the first place. Oh, and torture, regardless of the incentive that could be next, doesn't fly with me.

I thought about the temp place today. That it could have been legitimate but that possibly someone else was trying to screw it up for me. I don't know.
The one couple is leaving. Rocky and Lilah. And right before they left another 2 women came in who knew them. One in a fur leopard spotted vest and another in a white, grey, and black jacket with a brown tanktop. I could see the couple nodding off to the woman in the white, grey, and black jacket in the window reflection and the older woman in fur is proud of the "iranian" woman. I saw her looking over at the *iranian* woman and there was more than just a glance. It was some kind of pride, almost like a mother would have for her daughter.
All of this makes me paranoid for a good reason. Seriously.

I have people watching what I choose to eat and everything.

And I have a good reason to be worried, when I'm bleeding in the toilet.

I have no health problem.

Then I was at Starbucks and ordered a short Americano but wanted to see it poured. I went around to watch and someone had two short cups set out in a row. I saw only one cup being placed there, not two. No one else had a short drink. So this barrista takes one of them and puts it under the hot water tap and hands it to me and I said, because I didn't see the shots poured, "Did you pour the shots from here?" and she said, "It's brown, why else would it be brown."

Right. Like it's not possible for someone to have one cup set aside with something else in it and then add hot water. She asked if I wanted it to be poured again and I said yes and that time I saw shots poured. They weren't poured the first time. I was standing right there.

They asked if I wanted cream.

Right. I want cream like I want the bad pitcher of milk used instead of the good pitcher. No, I do not want cream.

I don't need any opportunity for anyone to tamper with my drink in any way.

I was just bleeding again today assholes.

Don't Fucking say I'm "paranoid" without also acknowledging I'm rational and reasonable and that I would be stupid to do anything other than check my drink out in every possible way.

Is it brown? Yeah. It's brown. So what.

And the blueberry pancakes looked like normal pancakes too. And so did the syrup and it even tasted like fucking maple syrup.

It didn't come with a little foil tipped toothpick and a flag that said, "Arsenic Blueberry Pancakes" or whatever.

I have white lines in my nails people.
I think some of these people coming in, who appear so delighted with my inelegant and crass post here, are very happy about the way things are turning out.

I've been immodest and boasted about my abilities, and I swore, and talked about things that sound crazy. I think this makes them feel pretty good actually.
In the last 10 minutes I've had someone doing something again, in the meantime.

Most of these people are Israeli and Catholic. If any are Iranian, these are bought out ones. I never had any problem with Iranians and anyone wanting to try to create a problem would try to take a few and make it look like there is an issue when there's not. Not unless some of them are just doing something for benefits or some political group of some kind. If there are Protestants, they're sort of the wishy washy ones who just need work or in the scientific community and have no soul.

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