Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Joel and My Fast

Last night in chapel I thought, "I need to fast. What should I fast?" and then I thought, "Probably my swearing." I asked what it was that maybe I had done wrong that day and the only thing that came to mind was unwholesome speech, maybe more than necessary.

So I said to myself I would try to swear less. Then on the readerboard was the name of the church, "Joelton" or something, for a song or whatever. I thought about the book of Joel. Then I opened up my Bible and got Job and read the passage I had turned to. Next, I opened it up again and the second time was landing right on Joel, about fasting. Chapter 2. It says to declare a fast.

Then I went upstairs and someone had written a scripture on the board about not allowing unwholesome speech and to say things which are edifying.

Anyway, I saw on this video for "My Deliverer is Coming" the words Jo Le.

It's hidden almost, in the left corner, on the photo of the man on a horse with a sword. So this reminded me to write about this.

And then yes, the other day, the whole sermon was about believing with your heart and professing with one's mouth.

Guess what scripture verse I pulled from the YMCA scripture basket?

After getting scriptures that were so precise to what someone had said only hours before, in chapel or whatever, I decided THIS time to dig deep into the basket so I wasn't just pulling a verse from the top.

I couldn't believe it.

I had gone to almost the bottom of the basket and I pulled out a verse about "With the heart we profess believe and with the mouth we make our confession known" or something like that, from Romans.

I couldn't believe it. So I went back and asked the guy if I could look at something. I started opening up the verses that were remaining in the basket. I figured maybe half were all the same verse.

But no. They were all different and I had just happened to continually pick out the ones that fit exactly what a sermon message had just been about.

I'm getting that odd headache again and there is no reason for it so I'm going to quit now and move. I also had the heart thing happen this morning while on the laptop but not super bad. But someone is still doing this.

I hope they are caught and that my son and I will be freed to live in peace.

I guess I could write about another thing. After seeing the verses about edifying words and thinking about a fast on swearing (not totally maybe but big reduction)...

I then, well, even before I went upstairs, had it in my mind not to be 1st in line but let others go ahead of me. So I did downstairs, and then I did upstairs, for some things, and then I took my Bible to the tub with me and I happened to turn to the passage on not taking the best seat but take a back seat so that others can have the chance to give you a better place.

So this was another scripture that just immediately fit with what was in my mind.

I think this is what is called "confirmation"--when maybe God is trying to show you something and then you have it confirmed by scripture, at just the right time.

I don't think it has anything to do with "psychic" stuff or voodoo or predictions, because no one predicted I would do this and then turn to this passage while I was in the tub.

This is why I *think* my idea about Anna Chapman the other day, might have been from God and not a projection from someone else. Sort of like seeing Obama's femur--there was no way anyone could have psychicly given me that info.

So I also want to say trying to "enhance" this or experiment by using technology to find out the effects, is really working against God. And there is no point or good excuse for it either. God gives gifts and they shouldn't be manipulated by experimentation from humans. I also think God can give these gifts to those who ask and that maybe sometimes it runs in the family but sometimes it's given later. It can be taken away too.

I had one other thing come to mind but I sort of felt maybe this one was a "projection" and might not be from God or true. I don't know.

On the same night I had the idea about Anna Chapman (from Russia), I had the idea "Christopher is in remission". Like, Christopher Hitchens.

I don't know that this is true at all, but then last night some speaker came to talk about his wife's cancer and how she was in stage 4 breast cancer and she went into remission.

I tried to look up news about him but couldn't find anything.

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