Friday, January 7, 2011

Medicated Again (and other)

I just got fucking medicated again.

And my eye was normal last night and then this morning, I did my make up and it was fine. I went to the gym and my eye was still fine--nothing droopy.

Two things were happening though.

First of all, I was fine in the shelter until I walked outside. All of a sudden I had a sharp pain on the right side of my head, where one would have migraine.

I had this pulsing pain off and on, very sharp, until I got to the gym. I went to the bathroom and it quit. I went to yoga and halfway through, it started up again.

It was not the whole part of my head, as would happen for migraine. But it was there. And yet it was on the opposite side of my head--not the side I get traditional migraine.

Then I went to the next class--kickboxing, and all of a sudden, no sharp pains at all. None.

I left the kickboxing room to go downstairs and then I felt that pulsing sharp pain again, so obviously, I had coffee.

I had a cup of coffee before the yoga and then a cup after kickboxing because of the periodic weird pain.

It still happened until I got into the sauna and it quit.

I have noticed that if something weird is even going on in the dressing room, technology related or not, it stops instantly when I enter the sauna or steam room.

It makes me wonder why. Migraines, true ones, do not go away with steam and water molecules in the air.

But then I was thinking it was the coffee or something. I got out of the sauna and looked at myself in the mirror after chatting with someone and my left eye was totally droopy.

It happened pretty quick. And the pulsing sharp pain quit but I don't feel it was a true migraine. I think something else is going on and it's not mental illness.

And because this is still happening, I am leaving this country. And I won't be going to a different country where they also practice human experimentation.

Also, last night, at the shelter, some women there knew that something was going on. And I was sitting in chapel and there was a very strong burning sensation and I could tell someone knew what was going on. I also know that one of the staff members has had some part in it. And I'm not going into that until I make a request for political asylum.

When I left my seat, it stopped immediately.

This was the exact same thing that was happening all day at the Sheraton hotel when I stayed overnight and wrote all night.

When I left the Sheraton, it quit. I spent the rest of the day in the YMCA and not one time did this happen. It happened non-stop at Sheraton and then at about noon, I went to the YMCA and I stayed there until 5 p.m. and got communications, work, and exercise done. The whole time there, nothing happened. I walked back to the shelter, and nothing happened.

In the shelter, nothing happened. In the chapel room, nothing. Then I sat down and after about 10 minutes, someone started doing something. For the entire hour, it lasted, until I left that seat.

Because some of the women seemed to know what was going on, I felt it was almost more gang related than military in some way, or at least inter-related.

I was also harassed by the staff, which includes the same staff person that has been involved in some shady things from the start (in my opinion and I wouldn't say what unless it was to someone else).

I had been told by the director, the day before, that I had to leave at 6:30 a.m. in the morning and not go back until 6, a half hour before you have to be in the doors or you're late and can't go in.

I had the other staff tell me yesterday, something different. I got there at 6, which left that half hour give time, and they told me to leave. I asked why and they said I had to be off of the whole block until 6:30. I said, "But that's what time we're supposed to be at the door or in the door."

A week ago, they told me I was "late" for being at the door 1 minute after 6:30.

They said, "You can't be on the property until 6:30 and that means you need to be on the other side of the street."

The property, they said, was the entire block. I said, "How is it possible for me to be off of the entire block until 6:30 and then inside the doors of an office which is halfway inside of that block or property, at exactly 6:30? It gives me maybe 1 minute to work with, which is why I think the director said 6 last night, because it allows time to cross in."

I think I have to talk to their lawyer.

I guess the director first, but then maybe their legal man. This is really getting to be ridiculous and I feel they are showing the worst possible side of the Bible belt and making true christians look bad.

This is supposedly a christian women's shelter, and "so" christian, in fact, that they require chapel every single night.

And yet I have had a couple staff there, who I think are not christian, pull stuff like this and it makes everyone else look bad and doesn't serve the mission and purpose of a christian non-profit well, nor does it make for a good "witness".

It makes a good charity idea suddenly appear pharisaicle (misppelled). It's like saying, "Go to church every night, but spit on your neighbor."

Do I am hoping there has been a misunderstanding and I have to look into it and bring this to the attention of the director and just go from there.

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