Saturday, January 1, 2011

Overheating at YMCA

Someone is pulling this shit at the YMCA.

I moved when I was near the window. After awhile, someone else got close to were I was and it started again and actually caused my laptop to speed up and hum.

Then, assholes watched to see where I would go next and drove by to stare at where I was sitting now.

Tell me something assholes, when is the last time you had a flat tire?

You're getting one. It is on its way.

Did I hit the predicted mark?

It is still happening here. I moved to a whole new area and it took about 20 minutes and then someone started it up over here. So either it's someone across the street, upstairs, or next to me.

I would guess it's the guy next to me or someone across the street at a window across the way.

If it's not that it's just something that Chris Rozollo did when he had access to my laptop that screwed it up and allows this for some reason.

I think too, that someone wants to overdo it now, and try to imply it is NOT Panetta or punish me for their idea of my writing something they didn't like. More than anything, it's still CIA directing. To give up now would be to admit defeat and signal that it was through their influence and that they are afraid of being caught. They would rather allow others who are religious to take this up.

My son has to put up with all the same shit and the U.S. hasn't protected him. They've used him and tormented him to get to others.

I just accurately guessed that the man sitting next to me was a mental health person.

He sat down next to me and opened up a newspaper. I looked at him and "mental health professional" came to my mind.

Then, I asked him. I said, "What do you do for work?" and he repeated my question. He then said, "I work for a social services agency." I said "That's what I thought." He said, "That's what you thought?" and I said, "Mental health for social health services." He said how did I know this.

By your loafers asshole.

Your fucking shoes gave you away.

Now go blow up some other pipeline. I said nothing. Well I said "I just knew" and then I said, "Do you work for the FBI too?" and he said no. I said, "Right, and if you did you wouldn't tell." He said, "I don't." I moved where I was sitting.

And they all stared to watch where I moved next.

This is who I was thinking of when "Nazi's" came to mind.

Stop FUCKING messing with me.

I am leaving the U.S.

I said I was an Ex Patriot and that wasn't an emotional sentiment.

I don't "think" I have said this before...wait, maybe a long time ago when I was very upset. I then looked into political asylum so it wasn't just talk.

Then I was dumbed down and sedated, poisoned and tortured.

You FUCKERs think this is amusing and YOU DO NOT FUCKING GET IT.

I am not staying here. Period.

When the U.S. used MY BIRTHDAY for a FUCKING SIGNATURE on a CHILDEN"S issue, after what they did with my son...

I am finding out who the FUCKER was that held this event on this day.

You fucking CROSSED the line, how many times?

and I am still calling you my country?

Only someone with separation anxiety or unhealthy codependent behavior would continue to call this country their own country after what you've done.

After what you have done to almost my entire fucking family.

This country destroyed lives that had more brains and talent a piece than 10 FBI agents put together. And this country did this like foragers in a rain forest. You destroyed and ruined and left disasters behind you and refused to pick up after your own mess. You walked over people who had priceless values and integrity and strength and robbed them. You tried to take what wasn't yours to take and you have done this for 3 generations. You are trying to take from MY SON and ruin his life and use him as an expendable resource and put him into the 4th generation that has been exploited.

You have never compensated any of us for what you have done. You haven't even come close to sharing or revealing the magnitude of our use and abuse. You were only willing to treat us with respect when you thought we might climb some kind of rank and profit you in some way.

And I gave you another chance to prove something different, and you sent out Diane Schnagel.

Oh, wait. You did want to pay me for my eggs. Yeah. $4,000 for another guinea pig. Like that is anywhere near our worth.

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