Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Pentagon's Chief Strategist: My "Date"

I am releasing the name of one person who approached me in D.C. and used me and then has allowed the U.S. and others to use and torture me and my son.

He was the U.S. Pentagon's #2 or #3 man.

Just checked. He's the 2nd highest ranking military officer and his name is James E. Cartright. He is on the Department of Defense website.

He is not just middle range. He was at the very top.

And with military and the CIA knowing everything about me and my son and about the corruption, I was left to sleep outside in the dirt in Wenatchee.

You FUCKING FIX this starting tonight.

Or, if you do not, more than one person in the U.S. will have problems.

I want out of this country and I want my son.


I kept my mouth shut about a lot of things for over 2-3 years as my son and I suffered and I tried to protect U.S. "interests".


It is your turn and you are going to find a way to make it happen or answer to an international community and the public for torture and use and abuse of citizens.

I can line up a lot of connected people.

At the same time, my son has not been safe.

You are going to do something about this.
I just checked my edit and blog catalogue and this post posted itself, not just 1 time, but 3 times separately.
I was going to put on a hymn "Power in the Blood" and found something with one on a hammond piano which made me think about Fred Hammond and I am playing "No Weapon".

Guess what U.S.?

I am not your guinea pig and neither is my son.

You are going to put something together and investigate or make something look right and good, and make me an offer and we are going to leave in peace.

If you choose not to do this, you will suffer your reputations before the entire world and U.S. citizens.

Not only that, I told the FBI woman who treated me with disrespect regarding my complaint against Washington state employees, that if they should all choose to not follow through or even listen to a complaint, I will go to the media.

I will bring in the Pentagon's #2 and #3 man along with plenty of other interesting details.

You have allowed MY SON to be tortured.

You have blackmailed my family and done all kinds of horrid things and encouraged others to trap me to be without any money to make it impossible for me to collect and bring forth the evidence that is already there.

You practiced mind control techniques on me and my son, and tried to displace blame, calling me crazy and threatening to do harm to my family and my son if they bring it up. You have encouraged gangs to be a part of this to cover for you own practices and interests.
Someone just deleted a whole section that I had already written and published here.
You have used other psychics and mind control persons to use me and my son for their own interests and encouraged the exploitation of me and my son for your own purposes.

You have practically held me hostage in my own country for these reasons, and to prevent me from reporting serious corruption on other levels.

You worked together and colluded to keep me and my son at your full mercy and dispense.

And then as you took "notes" of terrible crimes against humanity, you allowed others to mock me and laugh at me. They laughed, knowing you were doing nothing. They laughed and you encouraged and profited off of the misery of my son.

You have allowed others to spend billions of dollars keeping me and my son apart from eachother and using both of us, and you have profited from it and my son and I saw nothing of it.

You have held and kept me hostage in this country, with nothing, no differently than you did the Iranian nuclear scientist who was held against his will to work for the U.S.

Meanwhile, I stupidly wondered if something really important was being done and was afraid to say anything because I was the BIGGER person. I was the one being tortured, in my own FUCKING country, and I saw my own SON being tortured, and I said nothing, because I was "A Patriot" who didn't want someone to get in trouble or anything bad to happen to the U.S.

"Maybe they are investigating something really important" I thought.

So out of fucking PUBLIC INTEREST I said nothing as you fucking ruined me and my son.



  2. No I'm not.

    I can prove which hotel we went to and what date and time.

    Fuck off asshole

  3. by the way, this is the man who told me he was a strategist for the military and who had a huge mountain of military duffel bags and backpacks in his room which he said he was keeping there for his guys.

    Or, keeping until he or someone else won a bet to get me into bed.

    And he said he was a marine and that is him.

    He is one of many that I met in D.C. and what have THEY done for my son? and what have they allowed to happen to me?

    With the 14 billion that's being saved on not buying a Marine landingcraft, some of that can go to me and my son for our compensation so I am able to at least protect my and my son's interests by living in a decent area where it is safe.

    Since when does the CIA and Pentagon know about Washington state law enforcement and govt. assholes and have all their neurologists around me, and then leave me to the wolves and to have my son taken from me?

    Good people have been blocked and barricaded from investigating crimes against humanity which some already knew about.

    The FBI should be investigating corruption of state officials and listening to me very carefully. Instead, they want to excuse themselves and medicate me and call ME crazy when they all know that I am not.

    This is going to end.

    By the way, the hotel was a few blocks away from The White House.

    And I love how the Army killed my twins by negligence. And flew a helicopter up to my apt. window when I was in Arlington, VA.
