Monday, January 10, 2011

Shooter in AZ & other

I haven't been paying attention to the news in the last few days because I have actually been discovering a few things related to my life, which takes precedence.

It sounds like something was obviously wrong with him, if he was so ill that he shook and said odd things all the time.

However, that said, why is it mentioned he railed against mind control? the government DOES practice this. It is not sci-fi.

It's not just this government either, but other governments that have University researchers, military, and intelligence professionals who literally work on developing the latest techniques, which is why I say it's completely bizarre to have an apology from Hilary to victims of torture and mind control back in the 50s . It still happens today and the only difference is that it's harder to catch and the records aren't out yet.

I have at least been able to prove some psychic ability and natural gifts that God gave me. What those who practice mind control do, is try to take this and exploit it further, by use of torture, and harassment, and anything goes.

Some people have no natural abilities and get used as guinea pigs and they just end up sounding crazy for crazy and they, unfortunately, don't even have natural psychic ability to show for it--they just look totally crazy.

If anything is top secret, it's this kind of work. Developing actual weapons for war, if new, is top secret, and believe me, think about it...ANYTHING to do with humans MUST be top secret.

Anyway, there is a lot of news today. A lot that I haven't been following and I didn't know there was a plane crash or anything.

I've been trying to get work and meeting a ton of people from Vanderbilt in the meantime.

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