Friday, January 14, 2011

DOD, techology at Y after FBI & my stolen jewelry & kate middleton

Above is a sketch of my pearl earrings and my mother's sweater from Munich, Germany (I didn't wear them together)--both which were stolen. The buttons on the sweater were grey or bronzish and sort of metallic and it was a mock button (it didn't open up) and a mock turtleneck. The grain of the sweater was grey, lavender or purple, and maybe something else very subdued marble effect, barely noticeable. It was thin and soft and pulled over the head and was slightly stretchy. The part with the buttons was slightly raised, it wasn't flush with the material. The stripe with the buttons was raised and I think the grain of the fabric was horizontal. However, there may have been a very slight vertical ribbing or maybe not but the bottom did not have a hem. It was very well-made and had just a thin seam at the bottom, no trim of any kind at the bottom and it pulled down over the waist and stretched to the top of my hips. My mother bought it in 1972. I wore it throughout high school and then it was stolen from me. I may have worn it on the East Coast as a nanny but I don't remember. The pearl earrings had gold on the sides and the rest of the earring was all pearl but shaped with indentations like a small flower.
This is not exact, but sort of close to the necklace my mother had, which I then had, and which was stolen from me. there was more of the chain inbetween the other pieces (stones and engravings).

,Someone, or more than one, has come into the Y, or used my laptop to do other technology things.

I just wrote to my mother about how things were greatly improved when I came here and only got recently worse after I went to the local FBI.

I had the bleeding happen again after I went to the FBI.

I had someone really hiking up or amping up the torture stuff and technology problems, most noticeably, after I went to the FBI and after I've said I was going to them for other things.

I just had something happen which caused a rolling kind of feeling in my heart. Not palpitations, but more of a wave like rolling technology feeling. This has happened a few times.

It's technology, not psychic work.

There is an Aramark van parked outside by me right now and some Irish guy driving it. He is out right now, but the van is still there. I also just had 2 irish guys drive by who were camped out here.

I think this is bad Irish. There are good Irish of course, but I've noticed all of a sudden, since I brought up what happened at the Irish pub in Seattle, more Irish presence.

And I know for a fact that whoever is in charge of what is being done through the Department of Defense isn't a good Protestant Christian.

Am I right?

On the other side of me are buildings with a lot of windows so anyone from these windows could be involved who is outside.

There are two women working in a cafe directly behind me and that's all that's behind me.

The other day at the Starbucks, on the same day I sketched a diagram of the layout of the cafe, and tried to bring up the energy field, this other man then came in and I noticed something else.

This man was younger and blond and looked either English or Eastern European in some way. I am not sure. He had on a long wool coat and came in late afternoon or early evening after I brought up the energy field thing and was drawing the sketch.

He seemed fine and I don't know that he had anything to do with anything. However, he was sitting at this one table where I said I felt the field and then he grabbed his laptop in his hand and moved over to the soft seats. There was a man or woman sitting behind me and a few other people in the cafe. As he got up and moved, the weirdest thing was that some kind of stream of energy bounced.

I have never noticed this before, but something he did when he moved over, while holding onto his laptop, radiated over to me and it is really hard to describe. It felt like that same current that I had walked through that was stationary, which I walked in and out of when I was moving, which was perhaps something that worked with other laptops in the room or other technology colliding, when this man stood up, immediately, as he was walking to a new seat, I felt this stream or current, bouncing as his laptop bounced while he stepped over stuff.

So I have no idea what that means.

For some reason, his own laptop was either transmitting something or interfering with something and disrupted a stream or current that I had not even noticed until he was up and moving around. I could literally feel it bounce and it matched his movements.

As his laptop was sort of bouncing up and down with him while he held it in one hand and moved over, I felt the current or field move in a perfect match.

I know that someone has technology to discover what is going on and I strongly question why the Department of Defense is not sending someone over to shadow me or to investigate.

I strongly question why the FBI is not responding about the arsenic poisoning or getting back to me when the evidence, they would know, is growing out of my nails.

I strongly question why the U.S. DOD is not sending someone over to investigate, because if what I say is true, they have a major problem on their hands with a potential enemy to the U.S and U.S. citizens, or, the only other possibility, is that one of them is directly involved and using their position and authority for gang activity.

Torturing me and my son satisfies gangs and corporate criminals, including govt. officials who committed crime and are getting away with it. It helps to have friends in high places who are willing to cover it up by making it a matter of national importance and top secret so that no one is able to protect or investigate.

The only people in high positions who would do this, would be someone at the top with friends they are protecting.

And I am positive it's not Mormons, Quakers, or good Protestants.

Good Protestants would not torture if they are since christians. I've never heard of Mormons torturing others after they were historically tarred and feathered themselves. I can't say that I know the entire philosophy of Mormonism as regards torture, but knowing at least my good friends who have been Mormon, I have never heard of a Mormon Mafia. If I'm wrong, then I stand to be corrected and I'm willing to be corrected. I am not saying they're perfect, but I don't think they have a history or tradition of torturing others. Quakers would not torture anyone and you can see how many Quakers the CIA, DOD, and FBI have employed in recent years. I guess it's because the Amish and Quakers make the best team players for torture right?

Someone or some group from another country might do this, if they felt they could or that I was an easy target or someone they wanted out of the way for some reason. And then it's not like I haven't made enemies in the U.S.

The people who would do this, aside from any internationals who have something at stake, would be Jewish, who have used torture to intimidate and deflect enemies, despite their own history of torture;

bad Catholic who have used torture historically as they felt necessary in mafias (but probably newer mafias and not old ones as the old style didn't target women and children because they were actually men and had balls and their women weren't vicious she-wolves);

atheists or agnostics who don't believe in anything but themselves and who are not atheist or agnostic because they are generally good people anyway but instead, because they feel guilty going to church and already know they're corrupt;

The Nazis have usually been atheist, agnostic, or or in German Holocaust era, they were led by Hitler who was Catholic. Most of the people transfering over to the CIA were recruited from this group and got pardon for war crimes in exchange for working for the CIA, so this is why the CIA puts people at the top who have no problem with this kind of history.

Their ancestors did it and they were raised by these people, from the time they were kids, to be without feelings or emotions that would get in the way of torture.

Super zealous religious fanatics can be counted on for doing torture in the name of religion. This, and people who feel desperate for some reason and need to do this kind of work because they got blackmailed and if they don't go alone they know someone else has something on them. Anyone who is desperate in any way, will do this, as a means or resort to keep control or have higher hand in matters that they actually feel out of control over.

They have to have people whose feelings are not an issue. They have to use robots.

I posted "out of control over" and someone turned off my computer. I couldn't restart it for a long time even though I tried to. I unplugged everything and took out the battery and it still wouldn't start up.

And someone has made my lines singlespace instead of doublespace now so it's all running together.

The other thing is that the last few times I've been at the Y on the readmill someone was messing with things, like the treadmill equipment. One day the Christian music wouldn't turn on, on any of them and the t.v. wouldn't shut off unless this one director did something. Another day, yesterday, the machine turned itself OFF, without my touching any buttons.

I was running and it was adding up my miles and minutes and then several technology related things happened.

I am thinking the early morning crew is the main normal one. When it's past regular working hours, other people come in who either need the "work" of torture and flexible jobs for this, or who have no work and do this, or something. It's like the early morning people are just here because they're up early, getting the worm, go-getters, and have generally normal jobs where they have to go to work and do normal things. They are not people who have flexibility for causing problems for people. This is in general. And the lunchtime people, who just come in bc they're on lunch break. The normal hours people are not sitting around doing this shit.

So I was running yesterday and I had someone using something that was triggering muscles in the back of my head and causing a pulsing and sharp pain. Then someone did something that targeted my pelvic region and it was direct. It was just at one specific point and it wasn't voodoo even if someone may have attempted something like this, at the same time, to try to smokescreen and take blame for technology, it was technology. There were a few guys with camo dress on and I felt this was sort of to displace blame to military if it was not actually military.

This director of the Y just came by. I have never thought he liked me, from Day One. I don't know what the deal is, but from the very start, I felt the dislike.

Then, after this, while I was on the machine running, someone did something to just shut off the machine. It quit in the middle of my running. I was running along, with everything adding up on the screen and then it just quit. This wouldn't happen unless someone powered it off just like someone occasionally powers off my laptop.

Then, I noticed when I hit start to turn it back on, after it quit and slowed down to nothing, it wouldn't restart to the program I wanted. It chose a program without my pressing the buttons and started me out on something that I didn't want to be on.

And some of the people driving by right now, with these sick delighted looks on their faces, are seriously messed up.

It is not funny and this is serious. I am not the only one that has been tortured, I know for a fact that my son has been tortured. And people have been blackmailed to cover it up.

There were a whole bunch of Russian Jews who sat around me in D.C., too, who didn't like me. They were always around and Joshua Gatov, the person who raped me, who may have had some kind of law enforcement or govt. connection, was Russian Jewish. This is why I mean, there are all kinds of Russians so it's hard to sort out what some might believe or think about me, that kind of thing. I mean, shared culture and pride, but so many different opinions. I sit in a Russian Baptist church and never expected something to happen to me and was so completely confused because I couldn't figure out why in the world anyone there would do anything to me or allow it to happen. I have no idea where some (not all) were coming from. And even there, I would never dare say or even THINK what I think (bewaring the mind readers), not all of the people in the Russian Baptist church were on the same page. So obviously, I'm confused. Some seem like the best defenders and then others, not. I don't know why. Liason with U.S. military interests, that are against me for some reason? liason with european interests that wanted me to sound nuts so I wasn't a threat to some royal agenda (seriously), or self-interest in frying me for their own mind control research?

I also know that when I first reported FBI workers Bujanda and Garza, all these slick dark haired men started driving past my house and glaring at me from the federal courthouse. I remember the slick hairs because these guys didn't look like regular Mexican men. They were taller, had nape length oiled or pomade dark hair and were wearing the best of the best suits. They looked like a row of Armanis. I still remember them and I remember the one hiding out at the top looking over the balcony at me when I stood in line in security as some of these guys were going in for a case. I remember those same men driving by, going up the wooded road that leads from downtown Portland to terwilliger blvd. I remember seeing the same rich men, taking note of me. I do not think they are behind some of this other stuff...I don't think. I just remember they were watching me for awhile.

I have actual facts of what happened and no one in the FBI has been willing to take my facts.

When you refuse to do your job, it starts looking like a cover up or like you are involved.

I typed in a search for DOD General Counsel and the icon is just spinning.

I need a fucking lawyer.

Oh yeah, and thank you for not torturing me for the last 30 minutes since I wrote about fucking Joshua Gatov. Who drove the white sedan that I later thought, 10 years later, looked like a fucking white fiat. It was styled in the same way. I don't know what model of car it was, but it was a smaller sort of sporty and older white sedan that he said was not his.

I went to the restroom and when I came out and was standing by the condiment center, I had the pulsing in the back of my head. there was just one Italian looking guy sitting there behind me. I don't know who else might have been around. It might have been someone else because I haven't figured it out yet.

My problems with people lying about me at all, and having any motive for covering ANYTHING up, started with Mt. Angel Abbey.

Which is maybe why the predominantly Catholic FBI and CIA refuse to do anything.

I never, in my whole life, ever had anyone say anything bad about me, until this mess turned into a mess. The only other things at that time were the following, which I've already stated:

1. I reported Rabbi Rose and Lorraine Rose (not really reported but just asked about what to do) for not giving me tax forms for social security. I asked what I was supposed to do and I did mention their names to someone in Portland, Oregon but I didn't ever make a report. I just said what happened. I then somehow ended up at a Jewish tax consultants office, and was asking him what I should do because I didn't know how to honestly report my proper taxes.

2. I did telephone the IRS and report the Thebaults for not paying my taxes, after I had heard they fired Maritza, their housekeeper, when she was pregnant. I am sure someone was not pleased with this. It never went anywhere and I didn't file anything. I just called and asked what I should do in that case.

What is really fascinating is how Alvaro Pardo kept digging, digging, for info about my tax situation. Did you pay your taxes? what happened with the money you made from selling books? taxes, taxes, taxes. It started feeling like a tax fraud set up, on ME. All he ever asked me about was my taxes.

I told him over and over, I had no problem with my taxes. I don't know who put it in his mind to ask about taxes this and taxes that, but I didn't have a taxes issue. I had a book business that I didn't file taxes on because I broke even. Where's the fuckin' tax problem? there isn't one.

The only "tax problem" I've ever had is with other people not paying their share of tax on my income and then I was left wondering what to do.

But all things considered, is this enough to torture someone over? I don't think so.

It had nothing to do with fucking taxes.

Defamation of my character began when I started asking if I had a case against the Archdiocese or Mt. Angel Abbey. THIS was when, all of a sudden, I had people trying to say I was mentally ill, and a slut and all kinds of horrible things. This is also when I noticed I was being followed everywhere and while some said I was nuts and it was delusional, the P.I.s I talked to said no, you are not delusional because WE have worked for these guys and they will pull P.I. stuff on their own monks and priests who take off, so no, you are not crazy to think you're being followed.

Then came all the gang shit and vandalism of my vehicle all the time and the initial stealing of my property.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, I had people stealing from me.

By the way, I never mentioned this, which is really going to sound crazy, but it's true, guess who I saw wearing a SKIRT that was exactly like one my mother used to have, which was STOLEN from me years ago?

Kate Middleton.

I fucking kid you not.

This is one of the craziest things I've discovered. Things that make ya go "Hmmm". Or scooby-doo style, "HUH?"

I could call my own mother to the witness stand to confirm I am not lying.

But what is really confusing is that this was a very unique skirt and it was stolen from me like a decade ago. I am not kidding. It wasn't like a typical black skirt. Or plain skirt. It had a unique pattern and cut and she was WEARING IT.

I swear to God. And since I am writing about some of the weird things I've noticed, this is definitely one of them.

It is like I have lived in some kind of a greenhouse of obliviousness and all of a sudden woke up one day to panic and wonder what kind of fucking twilight zone I'm living in.

When I first noticed something, I was literally scared for my life. And then following that, after random assasination attempts that happened previously in my life which I survived, I was being poisoned. Real fun times.

Then, the shock wore off, at age 35 or so and I realized, as I was sleeping outside in the dirt, this is "the world"? what the hell is going on and who is running the world anyway?

I have to go back to that skirt.

It was about a month ago. I have seen hardly any clips of Kate. I have no clue how I ended up on this one clip and it was really random. I think I was trying to find out when they had their first break up, for some reason. I was just wondering about some kind of timeline but I don't know why. Otherwise, I had read (have read) maybe only 2 articles about her and seen only a handful of photos. Never focused on her at all.

So I ended up on a photo, and she was wearing this skirt and my jaw about dropped. It was my skirt. No, what's even better, is that it was MY MOM'S fucking skirt, that I borrowed from her vintage collection and wore all the time in high school. There were a couple of articles of clothing that I borrowed from my mother, from things she had saved from her trip to Munich, Germany, from her teens or 20s, and a few things that had belonged to my grandmother (Granny). I was photographed wearing this one skirt which eventually was stolen and disappeared to never be seen again, until I saw the exact same skirt on Kate in this photo.

And what's even weirder, is that she was wearing this when I was oblivious to the whole royal family and Diana and everyone. I never had an interest until before my son and I were tortured in earnest, sometime when my lawsuits were already filed and later. It wasn't until at least 2006 (I think) that I ever even looked Diana up (which then led to me looking up other people). I didn't know a THING about their lives, and couldn't have cared less. I didn't follow any of the news and didn't even have a t.v. for most of the time (if I did, I rarely watched). I didn't buy or look at celebrity magazines either. My subscriptions to magazines have been: Victoria, Gourmet, Bon Appetit, The Atlantic Monthly, and maybe one run of Cosmopolitan or a jr. fashion magazine, also, Parents and another child development magazine.

(by the way, someone decided to torture me again and is starting the same shit up--the stuff that affects my heart)

So I never had any interest in the royals and was clueless about everything.

So I am telling you, when I saw this photo with Kate Middleton wearing the exact replica of this unique skirt that I had loved, which had been my mother's and then was stolen from me, I was shocked and confused. No one else had that pattern because it wasn't even a modern pattern. It was something my mom had in her teens or 20s.

I remember that when I wore it, I had a lot of compliments on it. I wore it with a specific turtleneck and flats. It was a straight skirt but slightly A-line and mid-thigh. It had a very specific pattern with identical geometric shapes on it and when I saw this photo of Kate in that skirt I said to myself, "Oh my gosh, that's my mom's skirt."

The skirt I had not seen for a decade.

On Kate Middleton.

Who lives in England.

What the hell.

Honestly, it would not be a big deal, if it was some common attire. But it wasn't common. It was a vintage skirt that I had worn, which had belonged to my mother.

Let me think about when it was stolen.

I will have to think about it.

That skirt was the very first piece of clothing I remember someone stole from me. I remember because it was the first time anything went missing that I loved, and after I had so many people eyeing it.

The other thing that was stolen close to the same time, was a vintage necklace with pieces of jade green beads, and I think carnelian? a reddish color bead and it was on a long necklace that fell to about midchest and had sort of bronze colored metal work predominantly and then intersected with small jade green beads and then a reddish rust sort of bead. In the chain were a few ovals with a flower engraving in the middle. Like a simple daisy pattern if I remember correctly. It was only 3 colors. The bronze sort of color, the jade green beads that were perfectly round, and the carnellian (?) color bead.

This was the first piece of jewelry that I loved that was stolen from me. It had been my mother's and was from the 70s.

I also had a bracelet that was eastern indian in design and had a filigree on a mess kind of design that covered the back of the hand and it was gold and had a small chain from the mess plate on the back of the hand to the middle finger where there was a ring attached. It clasped around the wrist.

The other piece of jewelry that was stolen from me was an arm bracelet of a serpent. It went around the forearm in a coil and was some kind of metal and had tiny little jewel eyes, very tiny and I think very small emeralds (or emerald color stone) or rubies. I would have to ask my mother about that one. I can't remember if the eyes were red or green but it had a small tongue that stuck out.

I absolutely loved these jewelry pieces. There were also some earrings that were stolen. I can't remember but I think I had earrings that matched the red and jade green necklace. But I can't remember for sure. My mom would know. Wait, it might have been that the beads were small and red and then the green pieces were slightly larger. I'll ask my mom. I wore it with a solid color, subdued olive colored long sleeved shirt that had a wide round neckline which was slightly shirred and jeans and flats.

The other earrings I wore all the time sort of had the shape of violets but were pearl. They were small posts. I wore those earrings more than any other earring and these had also been my mother's. I really loved those earrings. They were very simple and went with everything.

Aside from this, I wore a lot of plain round pearl earrings or had drop pearls for prom with a stud and then an oval drop pearl (I am photographed with them in my gold dress with these) and many strands of necklaces. But the above pieces were unique to me and they were my favorites.

I also bought, on my own, while I was in high school, a vintage pearl necklace that was like a choker and it had all these "fangs" but they were made out of pearl. It was a pearl necklace with little pearl fangs that went around and I wore it with a simple leopard print dress that was very simple in cut and design.

I had a velvet black choker that tied around my neck and had a green emerald in the center in the shape of an oval. It was a simple piece of black velvet with a tie and then the oval emerald in the middle.

I had my green tourmaline ring that was given to me on my 18th birthday by a grandmother, stolen from me sometime after I broke up with my fiance. I had it all those years until someone stole this.

I had other jewelry stolen and I'll try to describe it. I had some other unique earrings and necklaces.

One was a chain that was gold and fell mid-chest, and it had two balls (sounds weird) at the end whcih were detatchable. You could clip them on or off or take them off but they went with the chain. They were pearl and about the size of a medium jawbreaker and had a gold filigree design over the pearl. They couldn't hang at the same level so one hung lower than the other one. It was "the balls" necklace. They knocked together.

This jewelry was mainly stolen when I lived in Sherwood, Oregon and Portland, Oregon.

My unique skirt that Middleton was wearing a knock-off of, was also stolen when I lived in Oregon. I had it first. Believe me. I was wearing it in high school with people eyeing it and it had been my mothers. I wore a beige-ocre colored turtleneck with a zipper with it. The zipper went up to the top of the turtleneck in the back and it had a very thin ribbing.

I should draw what the wool sweater looked like, that was also my mother's and was stolen from me. Maybe I've done this already but I don't know. I just posted a sketch of it.
There is already a photo of Kate in the knock-off of my mom's skirt, so I don't need to sketch this.
I should actually sketch several of the items which have been stolen from me and put them online in one post. I think I will.
Because whoever the bitch is that's been wearing my shit, isn't going to be wearing my shit anymore.
One item that was stolen belonged to Granny. Someone, for some reason, stole not only the black and white swimsuit I had which had been hers, but also stole a wool dress with a wool cape and mock white fur trimmed collar. It was a sheath that was solid black. It fell to mid-calf and was fitted with a straight skirt. All 1 piece. It zipped up in the back and the back was bare to beneath the shoulder blades (mid-back). There were 2 straps on each shoulder to hold it up and it had a plain scoop or rectangular neckline. Solid black and wool. It had a cape that went with it, and I wore this to a company Christmas party in Portland, Oregon in 1997. The cape had a solid white "fur" trim collar and 3/4 sleeves and it tied in the front with strings that when pulled together, created a shirring in the bust. It tied in the front.
Why the hell someone wanted Granny's swimsuit (which I wore) is beyond me. It was a 1950s suit, solid black with a full bottom and then a small white v trim for the top of the suit. Fitted and with a zipper and sort of the pointy bust design. It may have had a little white trim at the legs. It was very modest, a heavy material and stretchy. Had a very slight sheen to it.
I think I'm just going to have to sketch some of my stuff and put it all online.
I had coats stolen too, one from my house with a whole load of other things and one coat from my car in Portland, Oregon. One coat that was stolen was a ski jacket that I wore in high school and picked out and it was white with purple and turquoise parts to it. It was a basic ski parka.
Oh, by the way, I want to say, when I said something about not wanting some woman to be wearing my clothes, when I said bitch I wasn't refering to Kate M. I mean whoever has done the stealing of MY clothing. I have no clue how she ended up with a skirt that was like my mom's, which is very weird, but I was refering to those who have done the actual stealing.
I probably need to sketch out all of my clothing.
And yes, I know someone retained my sweater. And I believe whoever has it now is psychic so that is really interesting. Because otherwise, I wouldn't have suddenly seen the buttons clearly and seen (in the mind's eye) as they stretched the fabric out.

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