Saturday, January 1, 2011

Something Is Wrong...with Tennessee FBI...D.C. ? or WA or TN trying to arrest me?

I think some group is so worried about being reported themselves (govt. workers) that they are trying to find any excuse to arrest ME for something.

I just came to this conclusion today. I've had people saying things to me like "hands behind your back" and making this motion and I thought it had to do with my pendant of a boy with his hands behind his back.

But no, I think these CORRUPT and foul government workers are actually trying to turn it around so THEY are not reported and try to find any way possible to arrest ME!

I haven't done anything. At all. But it kept coming up.

This guy, "David", with the Y-caps for kids, they wanted me to be fingerprinted in Tennessee, which I had no problem with because I have nothing to hide, but there was an FBI woman sitting right there to witness the whole thing. They never had any plan to hire me. They just wanted me to be fingerprinted. I did it, just in case I might get work but I wondered.

I went to the bathroom and something spoke up to me, from God, about her. I said, "God give me something" and I got "FBI". So I thought, "Okay, trust God maybe" and I went to her and said "I'm new here and trying to find the FBI offices."

She said, "I don't know where that is." But everything about her shifted. She was trained not to look to the left and instead she looked down slightly and stared hard, right at me. She was too perky though, while watching my fingerprints being done and scanned into a computerized system.

I knew something was up and I asked and then I walked out and saw shock on so many faces, I knew I'd hit on something. I just knew it. She was undercover FBI.

She was there to be sure it was really me having my prints taken and when I asked about confidentiality or if I could take them back she got interested.

It came very clearly.

First of all, let me clarify something. I have never gotten anything about any criminal. So if anyone is worried that I can "see all" it's not true. When I ask for things, sometimes it's really just to get something like the woman on her bike, or hobbies, or that kind of thing. For some reason, I pick up on law enforcement and undercover and maybe intuit spies even but never know for sure. I don't know why. Psychics--we usually give eachother away somehow. One is thinking about the other and the other looks at that exact moment and we smile and turn away. Sometimes it happens like that. I mean psychic in the christian gifting sense of the word too.

Anyway, I thought, well good, everyone will know I had nothing to do with the case in Wenatchee for Mackenzie or whatever, even if I was vocal about it. I don't have anything to do with anything illegal, so I have never worried.

But things keep coming up.

And now Nashville and Knoxville seem to be trying to find a way to block me from going anywhere and it just makes me wonder what's going on. Why lie to me and refuse to respond to something very important unless they want to keep me here for some reason?

And why is someone (won't say who) saying "Leave while you can"?

I didn't pick up on any of it because when your conscience is clear, you don't worry or wonder.

Then I thought, maybe someone thought I would violate a court order that was in Washington and I was going to go back there as a jailbird, but I know I have not violated any orders.

The FBI knows, and I TOLD them, that I had to pay a court fine though, of $50 by the 15th of this month or I would go to jail. I told this to the FBI too.

I relied upon my benefits monies, my cash on the 1st, for paying that fine of $50.

If I don't pay it, I go to jail, and I was told I had to start paying $25 every month afterwards but my lawyer is now trying to say it's $50 every month afterwards.

Maybe someone in Knoxville didn't know this, but I think I sent an email about it.

Diane Harsha knew about it and she was promising to take care of it and then did nothing.

1. No food to protect my safety. I am subject to being poisoned.
2. No money for travel. I am trapped.
3. No money. I can't pay my $50 and do not pass "Go" and go directly to jail.

So I thought, this is one thing where some people lied deliberately, including WA state case worker, about emailing me on notices that are important. If I didn't have work or benefit money, I would end up in jail.

Not only that, I thought about the fingerprints. I thought besides the Mackenzie thing, why would anyone be interested?

I sort of wonder if the FBI or other agencies maybe pick and choose whether to screw someone over just for the sake of screwing them over period. If I had not broken up with him (which was because I did love him and wouldn't tolerate cheating) there would maybe be no big deal. But if I chose not to marry him which would have helped them as well, it was grounds for trying to go after me. But I don't know. I usually felt it was sincere. I didn't know though.

I think there were some people who were trying very hard, to find ANY possible way to put me in jail.

Over and over, people tried to set me up to go to jail. And who would want this, except maybe those who are now afraid of a UN claim, a RICO report to the FBI, or a civil and criminal lawsuit against the State of Washington and some of its employees, for what they did with my son? I guess another reason, if we throw in royalty, was to make sure I wasn't a threat in any way. Throw her in and turn the key. It is not crazy to think this because some were worried. i was also being asked a lot about royal stuff at that time so it's possible.

First of all, government factions were allowing and encouraging torture of me and my son.

Then some of these factions were protected by those who had positions of power. Secondly, there were people who covered up medical malpractice damages to me and my son. They never wanted me to obtain the evidence and share it with anyone because this would be big damages and prove taking my son was wrong to begin with. Insurance companies would have been interested in this as well. Then, the State and AGs and some Canadian persons SO screwed up on jurisdiction issues, and it was all Catholics almost and then on the East Coast, the same thing until I met some Jewish people who were more interested in Diana and royalty stuff. They may have been interested in why I knew a few Pakistani people too.

At any rate, someone wanted me in jail so I could never report what had happened in Wenatchee and thereafter.

Then I ended up back in Wenatchee, and all they did was grind me into the ground to make me powerless and ineffectual.

I guess it was okay with the Catholics if they thought I was marrying a Catholic man. Maybe that was why some of them backed off. But the minute my son was not going to be incorporated into a marriage, they started calling me psychotic all over again. The State had a hand in it because they cut out every single benefit, honest word, and advantage that was given to me if I married him.

Next I was poisoned, threatened, assaulted, tortured again, and my son began being tortured. The reappearance of military and some who I suspected were connected to CIA or other mind control work also appeared and my son started showing up to visits with odd behavior and words and evidence of being hypnotized.

I also found bizarre marks on his body that could not have been caused by anything except for technology and I could tell when my son was being targeted because of his speech. On one occasion part of his genitals were dark blue as if they had lost circulation. It wasn't dye. And it wasn't from anything other than cynosis which also happened to me after I had experienced some of the more horrible technology stuff. I also felt I had been hypnotized at some point even though I never consented to anything like this. As for the cynosis, it was gone by the next visit but it was not normal. My son was being encouraged and coached by state workers to do and say weird stuff, and it looked like programming to me.

The thing is, the state workers who had access to my son were ALL in on it. And then they colluded to make it sound like I was crazy and couldn't be reporting accurately. When I tried to report, then I started being cited for false arrest again. At the same time, some international interest and Di stuff.

I was falsely arrested each time it looked like I might get work or something good was going to happen.

No one wanted me to have any money because then I could keep my things secured and safe. And I would have a place to house my son.

They never had anything on me and zero evidence, but through creative lying, they constructed a "double" that was supposed to be me and wasn't me at all.

There were people who were dirty there. A lot of them. And even some of the nice looking church going people would lie through their teeth to give their friend or family an advantage.

It was really the sickest thing I have ever witnessed in my entire life.

I did not even think it was possible for anything to be so corrupt and never could I have imagined so much fuss was over me.

I go over to Tennessee and what happens? I continued to be medicated and poisoned and have had people trying to run me into the ground, who intentionally hoped to find a way to put me in jail.

I think the biggest concern is the RICO case against the state and CPS. No one wants the FBI to look into it because all the elements are there.

As for Diana or royalty or interest from royalty, people snuffed that out effectively, by trying to dig up the worst or most humiliating dirt to disgrace me or make me look trashy, kept me out of work and housing, stole my things, and made me look like a raving lunatic with all the torture. The only evidence I could show was a mark from a laser on my cheek, my fingernails (which turned out looking sort of normal even though they had changed for me), and my swollen legs.

It was all Catholics and Jews. All of it, except for then some Protestants got nasty over medical malpractice stuff and fears that others tried to stir up. I think too, some were not really christian at all and just went to church because I was shocked by the games and the kind of lying some of them were willing to do. Then again, some were under pressure to lie or have no job at all, in a hard economy.

I don't think these people ever want me to be vindicated. Not on the East Coast, in some parts either. Many there wondered if I was Russian for some reason. And then this carried back to Wenatchee and it was sort of strange. It got weird with government because I had problems with telecommunications which would leave me in tears or provoke me so badly I had outbursts. Then there was being followed all the time and harassed. And then I tried to get my unemployment and I was blocked even though I tried so hard for a year and a half.

And all the people I lived with once I was pushed out of housing had something to do with psychic work and the military. My son was exposed to the same people and worse.

I knew the U.S. could get involved, but the wrong ones were involved and working against me. And then when I finally get away, once again, to TN, I have the State of Washington still trying to figure out ways to ruin me and buddies in govt. positions who do not want anyone to believe my accounts of very real and very severe torture.

I am not kidding. I am talking about modern day torture. I am also very cogent on the subject of what happened which amounts to RICO, with the state workers and other govt. officials. I was poisoned! and I was doped, medicated, and actually, poisoned more than once and even attacked by people who looked like gang members but I didn't know why they were after me and using certain things. I figured later that it was just doing work on behalf of others who didn't want to get their hands dirty.

I know that my son has been vulnerable and families get intimidated and pressured into allowing things, with blackmail. The U.S. knows how to blackmail people.

I came to TN to start making some reports and right off, I kept running into people who wanted to take my reports and get the ball rolling against me as "crazy" or "paranoid" or "trite and petty" or not right in some way.

I literally cannot even believe the kinds of things that have happened to me. I cannot imagine what has happened to my own son. I saw a lot of things and so did the state, and they covered it up. Almost all were Catholic and most had military ties as well.

What the U.S. workers did, those involved, was illegal. They illegally kidnapped my son from me and there were many motives. I'm able to prove all the elements.

So why isn't Nashville FBI interested?

They said they were interested. But they set the stage for me to feel distraught or to provoke me over even one part of my report.

So was it someone in D.C. (those who are responsible for supervisory matters and paying the state monies for CPS and other programs) who blocked my access to monies?

I can't go into further detail right now because I'm trying to make a good faith report to someone in the FBI who is serious.

I will tell you one thing. Read what I wrote about the CIA and those who have been involved from my last posts (even I wrote in an outburst). It's true and I'll include the names.

And these people have all rallied around eachother to protect eachother and have tried to push me and my son out.

I do not think it is any surprise that there is still high interest in me, to keep anything from turning into a real investigation and validating me. Let me say this. Anyone who has people trying to whisper in their ear to have ME investigated and arrested, is going down the totally wrong track.

These people in the FBI or law enforcement or other agencies, if they are good, should turn and begin to question WHY I have been smeared, focused on, and attacked and find a way around those in charge who subvert and pervert the course of justice. Turn to look at those who are saying all these things about me or where it started and let me know if you find a pattern.

I do.

There may be some who have different reasons to keep me down, but those who are centered around the case with my son and in defaming me have motives for doing so. They created a whole new persona for me on paper and in court records and police records.

That person is not me.

What is buried under this is a good mother, an excellent mother and employee and volunteer-oriented person who has been tortured along with her son and made to sound crazy as a cover for the motives. And, I guess, I am the CIA or Pentagon's favorite circus freak. Lets see how far we can push the envelope of retaliation, cover-up, and revenge, and make it out to be in the public and scientific communities best interests as well.

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