Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Things to Do (asian psychics hello)

I am onto the Asian psychics.

"Just Walk Away" by Kelly Clarkson to mind after talking with the asian woman in the sauna and the first video on youtube is in asian script and then an asian guy came out to look at me. Maybe it was because I identified the right fragrance for something.

I said, "I like that smell. Is it your lotion? Ginseng?" and she said yes and was surprised and said so, that I knew the scent.

I really do have a good nose and always have.

And someone wants me to look up Octavian's perfume house.

And I also felt that I should have gone to the morning service today but I didn't. I am going to look it up though, because there is some message for me to hear from the Anglican order of mass today.

I didn't go because I went to the sauna but only for a few minutes to warm up--wore my clothes in. I don't know which one to try to find and a Scottish one came up but then I looked at "morning prayer (anglican)" and I guess I'll find out what Rowan Williams has to say today. I hope it's not something dire.

Last night I was given this sheet for my bed that said "Friends for life" and I thought of my friend Geoff Rasmussen. Then, not to be superstitiuos at all, but I asked God, "What do you think of Geoff God?" and opened up to Ezekiel at random, thinking "Oh no. Ezekiel is dire straights mainly." But then I was surprised to find what I had landed on was this,

"He does not oppress anyone, but returns what he took in pledge for a loan."

and then it goes on to say, "He does not commit robbery but gives his food to the hungry" and I looked above and it is a tribute to a "righteous man".

I know my friend is not perfect and his wife will probably agree! but I was happy I landed on this.

Now I'm going back to "Let's Give Them Something To Talk About" by Bonnie Rait, which I was trying to play last night but it wouldn't play. Today I clicked on one that features "la femme nikita" with "michael/nikita". it's not the original french one, something different.

Oh I can't find it. The daily reading online. I cannot find it so that was probably not for me to find today and I'm not going to search all day.

I tried again and just found something simple for "anglican common prayer" or daily office and landed on one that features the "Magnificat": my soul doth magnify the lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my savior." (from Merbecke's Book of Common Prayer, 1550)

(every time I say or read "doth" or "hath", esp. "hath" I am reminded of my tongue being curled on Haldol. "Noth, I noth thrying oo oo ith." "I thomith. theeth, gith eee an antidoth. I neeth a thot.")

I looked it up. I think it's about the difference between a righteous and unrighteous person. Which made me think of my friend Geoff again since I read this last night. I also read proverbs, which is where the passage is taken from, but I read several sections.

I read from the site

I guess it's Epiphany season from what I just read and that would be for verses about God being great and glorified from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same, a pure incense. And then the other one is about awake, awake, oh jerusalem. Some New Jerusalem song was playing in the store this morning when I went in to get something to eat, which I remembered bc last night it was a New Jerusalem sermon. And then I had turned, at the end of the service to a scripture that said, "Today is the day of salvation". A couple minutes later, the woman speaking prayed out loud, "and you are SAVED!"

I'd like to think this could be translated into something good and normal for me and my son. But we'll see. That's what I imagine he wants. I have also been praying that however God wants to use me, to be faithful to this.

I sincerely hope it is NOT to be "used" as a guinea pig all my life on welfare by a kind of forced slavery. I hope there is a salvation. I know it's not "all about me" but when I'm being tortured, elminating torture is at the forefront of my mind.

I also think some of this torture, as my Iranian friend guessed, has to have something to do with satellite or long distance laser or something. As crazy as it sounds, there are ongoing experiments on this and this man was a serious academic who was being headhunted by the U.S. to work for them, and he felt some of the things I described sounded like MRI and other technology, some things which can be done with proximity and other things by distance. Which might explain why I was more generally "safe" as long as people didn't know where I was living. And when I wasn't living with bad people.

For some reason, something didn't click with me with the woman last night, but I tried to hear her anyway. I wasn't sure if she was more about something else or for a certain group than God alone but I felt I cannot judge all these things and tried to take from her message whatever was biblical. In general, everything she said was very good. It wasn't like I thought she was off-base, she was bolder than most. I wondered about maybe 1 or 2 things but it is nothing to go off of. She said some very true things.

I have to watch Obama's speech but now my internet isn't working again. Someone started up things again.

My internet thing wasn't working. I was going to listen to bless the lord oh my soul but then I found "Thy Word" by marantha singers and decided to listen to this. But it's still spiraling and not playing.

It seems to me that most of what's been happening is long distance technology. But people who are close can also be involved and have had knowledge of what's going on. They've made observations and been part of a smokescreen.

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