Monday, January 10, 2011

Torture in America & Sauna Cure

One thing I have figured out, is that some group has been torturing me and has been getting away with it.

I did my own experiment today.

I went online when someone was overheating or charging it, and when I felt the internal burning feeling. My eye droops right after this happens.

Then I go to the sauna, and my insides and the internal, cool down noticeably even thought the outside is warming up and I feel my eye going back to normal.

I looked in the mirror, and after sauna, it goes back to normal.

So I wondered, timing.

If I do nothing--if I don't sauna, my eye stays like that for hours.

If I go to sauna, how long does it take to correct what is so wrong?

So I watched the clock and jumped out at different times to look.

I looked in the mirror and droopy eye was there. I went to the sauna and within 3-4 minutes (timed) I noticed my eye going back to normal and something changing in my head and the cooling inside my body.

THREE TO FOUR minutes makes a difference. It wasn't totally gone, but so improved, shocking.

I went back in and got out in 6 minutes and it was basically back to normal.

Which means this is technology.

I am gaining evidence of torture so others can feel they play a better "game" at the expense of others, including me and my son.

I am also noticing that I am slowly getting more credibility about all of these things too.

It is one thing to have psychic abilities. It is another thing to use torture of humans to attempt to enhance ones abilities or to destroy, ruin, or redirect them in any way. It is against all laws.

This is the crazy thing...

God has GIVEN me discovery in some ways, to assist others in nailing the assholes. This means, I do not have all of the information, but with what I have, others can help me put the rest together and I believe it is a mandate of God to do so. I am giving you this information so that you have a few facts that you need, to get honorable scientistific types together to nail those who disregard human rights and would rather feed this game all the way through the media and then claim they have "gifted" people working for them.

No, that's not a "gift". That is demonic. Anyone who chooses to do this to humans, who takes money or gives money, for the purpose of doing this kind of thing, has an issue with demons and immorality and a lack of respect for humans, period.

A true gift does not employ technology or torture to try to control others or lend an impression of their being predictable or controlled or as if someone else has some kind of supernatural ability.

It is immoral and it is illegal and no matter how much money these people have, these are the people who should be run out of the country, not me.

Normal harassment is one thing. Today has been the day someone told anyone and everyone who slightly resembled Kate Middleton, to go to the Y or pass me while I was walking. so what. THAT I can handle, and no matter how extreme, it's not illegal.

The other stuff, is illegal.

And like I said, I am gaining evidence.

I have more to write about this, but if I had another thought come to my mind today:


There is more than this.

But I am writing about all of those who I lived with who were using me for psychic stuff and mind control and who had no problem with torture aspects of it either.

I want my son back and if the FBI chooses not to investigate for any reason, there is something very wrong with this country.

I also noticed the white lines on my toenails and fingernails are growing out, with my nail, which is what arsenic or rat poison will do. It grows out with the nail.

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