Sunday, January 2, 2011

Torture Over New Year's Eve & Day

I was being tortured all night New Year's Eve. I was on the computer and it was very bad all night. It was while I was at the Holiday Inn. I don't know if maybe some of the people were from out of town for holidays or what. It was raining so I didn't want to go out to a different place and I had nothing to do but be online as I was trying to find out about my benefits.

The only time it changed and that the women who were harassing me changed, was after I wrote about Panetta and the CIA.

Then on New Year's Day, the entire day this happened, and while I was at the YMCA. At one point I had a space of trying to get some things done online and then this woman came around and saw me and about 5 minutes later she started it up again.

I would say my reactions yesterday were provoked by torture and the fact that no one was doing anything about it.

It wasn't until about 4 p.m. or so, I was in the cafe at YMCA and suddenly someone quit and I sensed a good energy--something very calm and soothing and full and I wondered if my son had just been rescued from something or was having a good time. I don't know.

Also, I do think my Ex tried to set me up. But I did care about him. I think he was the one who told the FBI guy where I would be when I was at the courthouse in Maryland. He was the only one asking all the questions. Maybe he felt guilty after that and changed his mind but I couldn't know for sure that someone wasn't trying to entrap me for something and if so, how this would affect my son. I tried to forget about the FBI man at the courthouse and who did that but it was in the back of my mind. I probably would have married anyway, if he'd been faithful, but our relationship and agreement was for fidelity unless he told me about it and was open about things. I didn't feel he was in Wenatchee, but I also think people were trying to ruin things.

I had a fear that if we married, someone might try to take my son from me anyway, in some other way. By trying to accuse me of one thing or the other.

As for me, I was true to my word and going to do what I said I would do, and I was trustworthy. I wasn't playing games with anyone, but I was trying to get a little more time to sort things out to be sure I made the right choice.

My son and I went back to being tortured ever since I broke up with him.

And Washington state and Wenatchee persons turned on me the very same day. So did D.C.

Every thing I have ever done, since I had my son, has been for my son. The only time I have ever put others above my son, in any sacrificial way, for the sake of a lot of other people, when I knew it might even harm me and my own son, was when I gave my public testimony about marijuana.

This was one time where I was not being naive or stupid, as I knew it would be something that Washington state would try to use against me, but I put the general interests of all the public and all of the other families ahead of myself and my very own son whom I love more than life, because I thought what I shared would help so many other people, it was the right thing to do, in the eyes of God.

I had such a decrease in migraine symptoms, after suffering horribly for over a decade, I was shocked it was banned from medical research. I knew I could talk about it from an authentic standpoint because I was and have never been into drugs so it wasn't like I was trying to promote anyone or any group, out of my own selfish interests or self-serving interests.

What I shared, I felt, could change thousands of lives for the better. That would mean other mothers and their children.

But I am not a public servant.

I am a servant to God and to my son and this is where my focus remains. Everyone has their own calling and some people may put others ahead of their own families, on a regular basis, in a noble way. I am not that noble, or at least, I do not feel that I have this calling.

I have known, from the time I was 16 years old or younger, that I was destined to be a mother and not any kind of mother. I cherished the idea of being the best, most well-rounded and excellent mother that I could be and my work with children was not only for them but for my own training as I read and absorbed ideas that would help me to acheive my goal of being this fantastic mother.

It's right there in my diaries, which have all been stolen. I had my diary from when I was 13 years old even, stolen. No one in Wenatchee law enforcement did anything about it and I had tried to safeguard my journals my entire life.

It was my main form of livlihood as well. I was a careerist with children. Washington and others influencing things, deliberately destroyed this with lies and perjury. I have not exaggerated about how great the lying was and about the cover up. I guess they illegally took my son so they "had" to make it look really good and right. They all lied, and they lied knowingly.

Last night I had a dream. I didn't remember it until now, now that I am thinking about kids. My only dream was of a man asking me how many children I wanted to have. He wasn't interested in me, in the dream, was just asking and I think there was a woman or a few others in the background. I think I was actually first talking to another woman and she asked and then there was a man who was looking at me and sort of raised his eyebrows so I had to explain myself (in the dream).

So maybe she asked and I think she had kids or said she wanted 3 and I said I definitely wanted 2 and 3 would be fine and I could even go up to 4. The man looked at me and looked sort of dismayed or one eyebrow raised and I said, "I know I'm older, but if it's possible." I said I was also happy with my one son, but if it were up to me that's what I would want.

That was all that I dreamed.

I slept well last night. Really well, and I was tired enough though, to skip church for once today. I need to relax. Torture is no small and light thing. (If I have to "out" the entire Pentagon and CIA to defend myself against false claims of mental illness, I will).

When I was still pregnant with my son, I got an intuitive impression that something was going to happen to separate him from me. This didn't mean I wasn't going to get him back or that this was the will of God. But I was "told" something was going to happen.

Which probably means some group had been premeditating a way to do this very thing.

I was still pregnant when I painted, one day, at the Art Store in Wenatchee, a watercolor of a baby in a woven basket like Moses and the basket was in a river by reeds. I had been told I was having a girl according to the ultrasounds and I believed 100% I was having a girl. But for some reason, the one painting I painted during my entire pregnancy, was of a baby Moses and I was thinking of my own baby, but not knowing why I was painting this.

I had walked in one day and there was a group painting. I was invited to sit and join them and I sat at one of the long tables and painted a watercolor of a baby in a basket like Moses while I was fully pregnant and showing and reflecting on my own child.

I put it up above a molding (old fashioned molding or railing around the room) with the pregnancy stick that had told me I was positive for pregnancy. I kept this pregnancy stick and one of my sons shoes, leaving the other one in the car with the CPS workers who stole my son from me in Canada at the Wal-mart parking lot. Or maybe it was left in a bag in Blaine. I thought the car, but at some point, the 2 shoes were separated. Those items were there the entire time I lived on Methow. I didn't know why I had painted this exactly and I'm still not sure why I did.

But I was only a few months pregnant and I began to pray to God, asking him to help me put everything into my child that I could in the time I had with the child, because I knew there was going to be a separation. I poured myself and every minute into my son as a result which resulted in a bond that was incredibly strong and was intended by God.

I am going to have my son returned to me and the Haman's hanged in a court of law. This means, that when someone in the U.S. keeps trying to block others in the justice system, and ME, from having my day and my investigation of corruption of government officials, they are fighting a losing battle.

If the FBI refuses to investigate RICO with state workers and put the law of the land above their political and religious preferences, they will be held accountable and embarrassed by an international tribunal. The few remaining good people in these offices will probably have to rally against others who have a lot of power, in order to even GET to my report and take off with it. If this is possible.

The people who stuck together to lie about me have a lot to lose.

If what I say is true, just imagine what lengths any of them would go to to keep this going on the same trajectory.

I have no money. Besides a couple of $5 bills I have nothing.

I am sure there is a group that figures no one can go that far with less than $20.

This is the latest development: to discover Washington state employees lied to me about sending me important notices, to try to find a legal excuse to stop my benefits and trap me to have nothing. Knowing I have fines to pay.

Nashville FBI's Duty Agent lied to me as well, telling me they were fixing this and they didn't. Someone allowed severe torture of me in the last couple of days and then someone told Nashville and TN FBI offices not to respond to my emails anymore. They had me go to their offices and gave me an email address and told me to go back the next week to give the rest of my reports. But they did nothing.

If they promised to do something, through Diane, and deliberately don't do this and then quit responding, does this sound like the FBI really wants me to report RICO?

They intentionally didn't do what they said they would do, knowing that this would discourage anyone from making further reports.

I think what they don't want, is to have my reports in writing.

Diane, at the FBI offices told me not to write anything down about my complaint and we'd just talk.

Sure. So she could write up the visit any way she wanted to and there would be little from me to counter or contradict what she wrote.

The problem is, some people do want me to put it in writing, because they would rather get this themself and try to figure out how much I had on their friends and employees. Right? If I just mail something, anyone could get it and I would never see whose hands it went to.

If I were good FBI employees, I would find out who is higher-up that is calling the shots. Most likely, finding out who is blocking me is going to be someone with something to lose personally, if I make a report, or who is protecting their church or some other allegiance. They are using their own positions and authority for self serving reasons and they are obstructing justice.

My own parents have been brainwashed and have never been able to believe things happen to me as I say they do. They can't believe any of it as it's their own daughter. As for government workers, some of them know exactly what's going on. And those government workers who say I am mentally ill and who try to block me from making reports, are all corrupt.

All of them. It does not matter how many of them there are. Anyone trying to block my reports, or writing me up to sound nutty, is corrupt and likely to be tied to the real criminals. They are protecting liars who have spent millions collectively to obscure the truth.

And they also want to take my son for themselves. They do not really want even my aunt and uncle to have him. Some of them have lied just so my son stays in the family and others have wanted to take my son from me to retaliate because they know all of this is upsetting to me.

I am going to describe what I saw with my sons genitals turning blue. And then I am going to describe some other effects of torture. Then, I am going back to fill in some names of the Catholics and Jewish who are involved.

I just discovered someone tampered with my coffee again this morning at the Starbucks. The first cup was fine and I watched it but the second one she had her back to me more. I just went to the bathroom to check because I started to feel my eye changing and it is getting droopy.

So there was something wrong with the coffee. There is no other explanation. There are two police officers sitting here and that's it. Or there was something wrong with the coffee I got at the Panera that helped me to wig out yesterday and it's taking effect.

I think it was the coffee here. It's happened here before and now it my sinuses are clearing up too like I got an allergy medication.

This is exactly why the fucking FBI wants to deprive me of cash and money for food.

They have assholes who have medicated me for the last couple of years and try to use this as a "proof" that I need medication. I can't remember what that's called in philosophy but it's when you try to prove something exists that does not exist.

My eye is totally droopy now.

It was the coffee at Starbucks. A woman named Esther gave it to me and I just asked her about it. She looked over at the police officers when I asked to talk to her.

They just fucking medicated me.

First I got something at the Panera that made me wig out and then they fucking gave me the same shit that sedates me and causes my eye to droop.

These assholes at the Starbucks didn't even argue with me. I said to Esther, "Does my eye look droopy to you?" and she looked at the police like she was trying to check what she should say. She's a black woman whose name is Esther.

I am leaving this country and I am leaving ASAP. If I can leave today, I'm leaving. I will fucking hitchhike out to the nearest fucking embassy.

I am taking a photo of my eye to post online for documentation.

A woman in an SUV who just drove by mocking me had TN plates 326 YJF. Silver SUV.

Here are the names and plate numbers of the TN police who were sitting here to monitor me after I was given DOPED up coffee.

Metro TN police officers
Badge said "Wolfe". Large man. TN car number was 1359 and plate number GY-8383.
Badge said "Richards". Woman with frizzy-curly ponytail medium length. TN car number 7443 and plate number GW 9334.

I wonder if they are Catholic or just assholes.

Their names make me think of 2 assholes I've known: Richard Whittemore and Raul Bujanda (Raul means wolf).

There was one other man who looked professional and came in after the police were already here and I had a second cup of coffee. He sat and faced me and stared at me for awhile and then left.

After I said to Esther, "Do you see a droopy eye?" she looked over at Officer Wolfe as if wondering what to say. She said yes and then I turned around and said to Wolfe: "Fuck you."

He pretended not to know what I was talking about. The fucker.

He said, "Excuse me?" and I said, "You know what I'm talking about."

He turned around and left and got into his car. Which is exactly what he knew he should have done. I walked out and wrote down the info on both of their cars.

There was another guy who pulled up at this same time who was smirking but I don't know who he was or how he would be connected. His license plate looked really different. It was solid dark blue with a small icon on the left side like something shooting out lights. His plate was 490MBE.

Then after I wrote this much, 3 men came in and one talked about antihistamines. I don't think antihistamines cause droopy eyes. But as soon as my eye started drooping, my sinuses were clearing up as if this was another side effect.

These men who came in, the middle one was staring at my eyes. I asked what they did and they said they went to the Church of Christ and said they were all accountants and everything. They seemed nice but I don't think the middle one was just a car dealer guy. When they asked what I was doing in TN I basically said, "Trying to get out." They said to where and I said, "Another country." They said "Which one?" and I said, "Anything except the U.S." and they said, "Good luck with that." I said "Thanks. Good luck with your alibi" as they walked out the door.

This woman Esther tried to ask me later, "Have you ever had a coffee reaction before? would you like to fill out an incidence report?" and I stared at her. "No." I said. Right. She knew exactly what was going on. I said, "A 'coffee reaction'? No. Not anywhere except for at THIS Starbucks."

I don't have any history of fucking "coffee reactions". I have a history of fucking medication reactions and a history of not only being medicated but being tortured.

Is it any coincidence that these fuckers try to medicate me and then quit torturing me at the same time to make it look like something is "working" to try to prove there is something wrong?

I have been given medications ever since my son was taken from me.

Some of this is flatly illegal and some of it has to be sanctioned somewhere with the information kept from me.

I will tell you when my problems began.

Start fucking looking at the Catholic church.

I didn't have one problem my entire life until I went to the Mt. Angel Abbey monastery. Everything bad that has happened to me since has happened since people tried to defame me from here, claiming no monk was ever interested in me and that there was something wrong with ME.

This is the first time in my life anyone used police against me, or the law, or lawyers against me, to say horrible things which were not true.

And they have been attempting to back themselves up ever since.

It quit when I was enrolled FT in college and writing lawsuits. I had more notice and people had a harder time claiming I was nuts when I was successful and in the constant public eye.

As soon as I was no longer in college, they started using people to claim I was mentally ill again.

And then they riled Protestants against me.

This is a fact.

It took several years to get anyone other than Catholics and some Jews against me. They have been fucking working at this for a decade.

Every single person who originally started stuff in Wenatchee, without one exception to the rule, was Catholic. Then, a couple of Jewish. And then they just kept it going, persistently, and finally scared enough Protestants into believing it was in their best interests to go against me because I was going to sue them over medical mistakes.

I am not kidding. This took YEARS.

And some of these fuckers are STILL messing with me and trying to obstruct justice just to try to keep and prove their point and keep those involved from being prosecuted for corruption.

They did this in D.C. They did this in WA. They tried to do this in OR. And now, they have so much shitty and tainted and corrupt paperwork against me, it was very easy to roll over into TN. So now it's happening in TN.

And I am not going to be able to get away from this unless I am in another country without Catholics or Jews. Some of the Muslims have gone along with the others too, because they are not real Muslims and are wishy washy and will just go along with the highest fucking bidder. Same thing with some of the corrupt Protestants.

On one of the days I had food at this shelter which was medicated (heavily), I found out the woman sitting across from me was a CNA. I was eating the oatmeal and said, "Does this seem sweeter than usual or something?" or "Is your sweeter than mine?" and this woman who was wearing a Masonic ring and was the CNA said quickly, "Oh, it's just the sugar."

Well, if it was sweet, of course it would be the sugar right?


I had started to fast more and hadn't told anyone and the only thing I ate that wigged me out was this fucking oatmeal.

The rest of the day I was a wreck.

I forgot every single thing--my memory was so awful I couldn't remember what was left and what was right. I was walking around in almost a sedated stupor and then I started having this horrible taste in my mouth and smelled my own breath and was like "oh my God. I have been doped."

Meanwhile, the U.S. allows the public to mock me.

The U.S. has allowed my enemies to triumph over me. They rejoice, knowing what is happening to me. All of the plans of my enemies have worked out and they mock me and feel secure knowing what is being done and what has been done. I am made a laughingstock.

THIS is what the U.S. has done for me.

Why? Because law enforcement, the legal system, and the intelligence community is run by Catholics and Jewish. And that's it. When they decided I was an enemy, they pulled all the strings they could against me.

On the U.S. Supreme Court, every single Judge now is Catholic or Jewish. There is not one Protestant.

HOW in the HELL is this representative of the U.S. population?

The public is still sort of predominantly Protestant, but everyone holding the power is either Catholic or Jewish.

MI-5 and MI-6 and England intelligence acknowleges that The Vatican City is a political and not just a charitable entity. Not so with the U.S. Who is writing the account? Those who are running the intel. So the CIA, which is run by Catholics, decided to leave The Vatican City as being written up with zero political interests.

Other countries know this isn't true.

The same Catholics and Jews who have run me into the ground for political reasons, know that what they have done has allowed others to torture me and my son. My son is the only thing a few of them feel guilty about and only sometimes. If they ever felt slightly guilty it was with the idea that maybe they could have one of their own families take my son and still trash me and keep face for their fellow members.

If I am wrong, then why am I being persecuted and why is EVERY single person on this case with my son, and who is blocking intel, CATHOLIC or Jewish?

Fucking TELL me who is pulling the fucking strings.

If there are Protestants involved, I've found they are wimpy ones who are sort of second tier, and just get persuaded or bought to go along. Because they know too, who holds the power and money.

When is the last time I had a Protestant boyfriend?


Maybe that's why I've never been married and why the others just used me for their own political reasons.

The fuckers trying to cozy up to me have all been Catholic or Jewish. Every single one of them. Maybe one token guy who I am still confused about, as to his allegiance. At any rate, you can see, it's worked out really well. The men who posed as romantic interests wanted to get close to me for political reasons, not because they were ever genuine.

For both me and my poor son.

Oliver Garrett has really been "saved".

So have I.

I was refused legal help by every single voluneer legal group in Washington state. I looked into all of them and found all of them were being run by Catholics. Every single one of them had Catholics at the helm. There are several in Washington and people kept asking me why I couldn't get legal help. I looked at who was donating to the legal groups and who was running the legal organizations. They were being run, in every single case, by mainly Catholics and a few Jewish at the top.

If you Catholics want to prove me wrong, PROVE IT.

When I had a "Fair Hearing" in Washington state, I was getting nowhere. I found out my whole case was assigned, out of order, to a Catholic Judge or arbitrator. Then I found out, up the entire chain of command there, every single supervisor, one right after the other, was Catholic. The only one who was not Catholic, was somehow at the very top. A black man who happened to be Protestant. I had to go all the way to HIS office, literally, before anything was done that just made things fair or equal. I didn't ask for favors or special treatment--I just didn't want to be discriminated against.

This is one of the reasons, after seeing how low down I had gone in Washington state, and after doing research and finding everyone in power was Catholic or Jewish, I thought, "Hell." There are also a lot of unbelievers in general who are maybe just wishy washy, I don't know. But the people in power are mainly Catholic and when you wonder what is going on, and then look at the demographics, you MUST not have your fucking head in the sand, and it is NOT bigotry to finally understand you have been screwed because others have persecuted YOU for religious reasons and alliances.

I had put all things behind me and blindly went along, disbelieving it could be true, and thought and tried to make peace with all things past. But these people did NOT leave it in the past.

They have ruined my life. They have ruined my son's life.

And they have a serious interest in not being held accountable or caught. It's not "profiling" or being bigoted when you notice something that most of your enemies have had in common and then realize a lot of it is religious affiliation.

Then, I had horrible problems with some corrupt Protestants who the Catholics and Jewish loved to use because they could use these people to displace blame and try to put the focus on them and attempt to "prove" it wasn't their group but me. When really, it was just corrupt Protestants or intimidated ones, being bought or persuaded to go along with the most likely "winner". No one wants to be on a losing side in a bad economy especially.

That said, I can make note of some who were traditionally religious and I know they cared about my son and it was maybe a little more political or "sides" or something, rather than their religion.

But overall, something is really wrong.

And I am TIRED of being accused of things I shouldn't be accused of.
Back to the cyanosis of my son and I.

When my son was with me, he never once had any part of his body which turned up blue. He showed no signs of cyanosis.

He and I were both tortured with use of technology.

But it wasn't the variety that caused cyanosis in either of us.

Since then, I have been exposed to other things and so has my son.

Some fucking sicko got to my son and wanted me to notice. My son needs protection and he needs to be sent the FUCK out of FUCKING Washington State. IMMEDIATELY.

I am going to post this again on a new post.

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