Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Washington D.C. Fuck Ups

I went to a different hotel where a bunch of federal government workers were and where they planned to be.

A whole group of men and women and even a man with a black pea coat like Chris Dabneys, with some bitch that looked like his "girlfriend" and another guy who even resembled Alvaro.

I didn't know who they were but I knew the whole set up smelled to high heaven.

Then all of them, every single one, started making little tongue flick motions with their tongues at me, looking at me and then doing this.

I asked one guy where they were from and he said, "Washington D.C."

Then they said they were a collective FEMA group.

I said how nice and did they help out with free tickets out of the country for disaster relief purposes?

He said no and I said loud enough for their whole group to hear, "Let me know when your rules change."

They all stared at me when I said this.

Then I left from their side and this other guy was just sitting at the bar with an Army hat on and I said, "Are you with the Army?" and he said no and I said "Are you with the military?" and he said no and I said, "Well lucky for you because tonight I'm reporting shit."

I already knew they had planned this because the hotel I went to has an "S" for it and all day people were showing up, getting in my face with shirts with S on it and just crap.

D.C. fuckers use me for mind control shit and they are using my son. They are torturing my son.

I am not kidding about this.

I figured out why else the mental health guy came over to me today. After dropping my water today and running into things and then falling on my hands and knees tonight, I looked in the mirror and saw my eyes and one was drooping.

It is only from medication and I can prove it. My son has been tortured, literally, by a variety of techniques and then coached to be a mind control robot. And I know firsthand what the U.S. has done to me and what they have allowed.

The U.S. thinks this is FUN and funny and they follow me all over the place and my son has suffered so much I cannot even begin to describe it.

I also didn't answer the FBI honestly because SHE wasn't the "real FBI". SHE is a FUCK UP and controlled by fuck ups.

I DO have evidence against government workers.

I just need the right person to report it to.

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