Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Don Dickerman: Nightclub Owner Turned Exorcist (more connections from Mom)

The other day I was talking to my mom and staring at the coffee table in a hotel that was right in front of me. She said, out of the blue, "I really need to dust this coffee table". I said, "I'm standing right in front of a coffee table and was just thinking about it."

Then today, I finally looked up the name of this man whose book my mother is reading. I finally typed in his name: Don Dickerman and found that the co-author is a Frank Hammond and I had just then clicked on a song by Fred Hammond. This is the second time I've come across Frank Hammond while listening to Fred Hammond.

Anyway, my Mom didn't name the book but I looked it up and it's called:

Serpents in the Sanctuary: Breaking Bondage in Believers.

I guess it's about deliverance from bad spirits and praying against it. I also saw a little bit of a bio on the guy and I was thinking he was just some radical preacher but he used to own nightclubs. At least that's what I'm reading. He had a bunch of clubs in NY and then he became a Christian and worked literally with supernatural forces and then had a ministry with inmates too.

Hmmm. Am I confusing two different men with the same name? I don't know.

I have no idea. I think it's 2 different guys now but it was on one page as the same man.

I found his website. He also has a book about keeping pigs out, and some other ones...all on the same topic. I posted the link above. Also, something about demon names that have been recorded in history--over 30,000 names demons have been called by or wanted to be called by.

I just looked things up and found on the "testimony" page, 10 former criminals that became Christians and had a conversion.

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