Monday, February 14, 2011

Email From Obstructive Lawyer

RE: Still Waiting For Your Response‏
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Hide details cam huegenotTo
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Mon 2/14/11 10:20 AM


You have had my email address all this time. If you didn't reach me by phone, you knew how to reach me by email.

I have no idea what this means about an "appellate brief" being "due" next week. As far as I know, from what you told me, you said that if a notice of appeal was filed, an appeal could be made out in the future, indefinitely.

I have not heard of any deadline for making an opening brief, and in my case, where crime, and not just "civil" matters are concerned, I do not know that it is prudent to file something at this time.

I feel you have not been very respectful of communicating with me or even obtaining the documents I need and you seemed to indicate yourself that there was a conflict of interest on your part, which, with time, only seems to be confirming itself.

There is no way that you are prepared to file any kind of motion in one week.

Additionally, I have been in the hospital recently and I believe I am entitled to a medical abatement of some kind because of this.

I was told by someone else that you had filed a "Stay" or delayed something and I need to know if you have filed anything at all, and if so, what it is that you've filed.

Thank You,

Cameo Garrett

Subject: Fwd: Still Waiting For Your Response
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2011 21:54:10 -0500

Greetings Cameo,
I truly hope all is well with you. I have not heard from you since last year. I telephoned your last known residence, in or around last November, and the person with whom I spoke indicated that you no longer lived there. When I asked if he knew to where you had moved, he wasn't sure.

Just so you know, an appellant's opening brief is due to be filed next week. I am still researching issues. Also, before I file an opening brief, I would like to get your perspective on the issues I feel warrant review. Please contact me either by email or by telephone at 360 362 2435 as soon as possible.

I hope to hear from you soon.
Tanesha Canzater

-----Original Message-----
From: Tanesha Canzater
Sent: Sun, Oct 24, 2010 1:58 pm
Subject: Fwd: Still Waiting For Your Response

Greetings Cameo,
I forwarded to you the email below on October 7th. But I have not heard anything from you to date. I would like to share with you the documents I received from Douglas County court. That will give you the opportunity to review what we have and then determine what, if anything, in your opinion is missing. I could forward these documents to you via email, but given the sensitive nature of these documents I would rather use post mail. What is your mailing address? Please call me as soon as possible.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tanesha Canzater
Sent: Thu, Oct 7, 2010 8:38 pm
Subject: Re: Still Waiting For Your Response

Greetings Cameo,
I haven't received the court transcripts yet. I only have copies of the court file. So, I still do not have an opinion what issues we should raise for review.
However, as soon as you can, please forward to me the name of the firm that represented you and I will contact your former attorney. If you would like copies of the Douglas county court file, please give me your mailing address and I will forward them to you directly. That way, you can see what we have in relation to what you believe we may need.

-----Original Message-----
From: cam huegenot
Sent: Wed, Oct 6, 2010 8:12 pm
Subject: RE: Still Waiting For Your Response

Dear Tanesha,

I got one message that you called one time, but I figured since you have my email address, you would send me a short note. I then didn't hear from you. I haven't had anyone tell me there was a second call.

I believe my entire case file needs to be obtained, as well as the other records I listed and I will let you know which firm has copies of all the records. I know they have copies because they refused to allow me to take my file myself (the originals) and said they were keeping them for themselves.

So this entire file is with that firm.

I also have records from Canada and the U.S. which need to be obtained on an urgent basis, which I listed, and I don't believe there is much cost involved as there are not that many to obtain anyway. I don't think it would be that expensive and I know for a fact that because the State of Washington has already saved over $100,000 on my case, by refusing me representation, a motion can be made for an additional costs.

I will send over the name of the firm.

I also have an injunction pending and if something should be decided on it, not in my favor, I will appeal the matter for reconsideration and possibly with a different Judge as there may conflicts of interest.

So I am still depending upon this injunction. I am not sure why you haven't emailed me until now.


Subject: Fwd: Still Waiting For Your Response
Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2010 11:32:25 -0400

Greetings Cameo,
I have telephoned twice, but each time you were either unavailable or not around. I would like to talk to you about your case. I would also like to forward to you copies of the pleadings I have designated. What is your mailing address? What is a good time for me to telephone you?

Tanesha Canzater

-----Original Message-----
From: Tanesha Canzater
Sent: Wed, Sep 22, 2010 10:43 am
Subject: Re: Still Waiting For Your Response

Greetings Cameo,
I requested copies from Douglas County Court. I have yet to consult with your former attorney, but I intend to do so. I will send to you a copy of my request to Douglas County Court that lists the pleadings I designated in your case. What is your mailing address?

-----Original Message-----
From: cam huegenot
Sent: Sun, Sep 19, 2010 11:23 pm
Subject: RE: Still Waiting For Your Response


I know what my case is about and I have discussed it with you. I made a list of records I need and I can make a list of why.

I am going to start requesting these records on my own and have them sent to your offices.

You don't have to pay for them, but there is no reason for stalling or delay on making the requests.

I have had people say "I am not your enemy before" and almost ended up in federal jail soon after. So really, for me it comes down to what is being done.

I will make a list for you describing why these records are important and I am going to begin making the requests and I will ask them to send them to your offices.

If they require payment first, then we can wait and by that time, having my file, you can discuss with me if you want to pay for them or not.

Also, who did you make the request to, for the other court records? I need to know who you actually made the request with because there has been a problem with my file in the past, and theft associated with records as well.

I need to know if you made the request to the Douglas County Court, to the Attorney General for CPS and the State, or to a former attorney, or more than one of these.

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