Thursday, February 17, 2011

A Few Things

I had to pick up a few things and went to a clothing closet place. I really don't have money to spend on new things at this time and if I did, I would spend on my son first.

Underwear is not something I would take used (personally), but if things are cleaned up, and sanitized, clothing and shoes are. Depending upon things.

I don't imagine myself looking very good in blue. But I found out today, or was reminded that I do. My friend Monica always told me I should wear it more but I was drawn to warmer colors, although when I held up navy blue or powder blue, I was shocked to remember it looks good. I guess of course, with red hair, but I forget.

So I needed a dress, not having even one, or a skirt and the only one my size was the cobalt blue color. I sort of thought of the kate engagement color and then just now thought monica lewinsky but who cares. I don't have to associate any color with any person. There was even a cape lying around (I passed on the black cape with the blue dress ensemble idea). I just took the dress. And then I was trying to decide on black or white shoes with it and went with white although I gravitate to black.

The thing is, it's not fitted at the waist, which isn't as flattering for me. It had more of a baby doll fit with a shirred top and a draped cowl neck and then flowing skirt. I put it on and thought, "This is a good dress for pregnancy"--it looked sort of like a prego dress. The most fun thing to find out was that my legs looked halfway okay for my short stature. I didn't look very good in the dress until I put on the tall white leather heels with a fat strap around the ankle. All of a sudden, it looked good. Or, passable. Not what I might pick out at a store, but from what was there, I made it work. To me it looked very Greek. My happy moment was to, for a split second, feel shocked to see that the colors worked for me and it looked good.

The other thing I loved was the straight grey wool skirt with plain jane black heels. The waist fit and was fitted. I was going to pair it with a simple silk top (like the fushia one I have in Wenatchee but the silk tops were slightly too big and the cream one I liked I didn't have an undershirt for). So I just got it to pair with something in the future. I really like the classic knee-length, or just below the knee wool skirt. Always have.

Then I was going to pass on the patterned indian bohemian dress but I liked the design and then tried it on and it's another "good-for-being-pregnant" dress and not as flattering but I still liked the pattern and with shoes, it's a good summer and spring dress. I got a few pairs of shoes to figure out what to work with.

Then I also took a cobalt blue cashmere sweater along with a brown-wine cashmere sweater and just a couple of other things including an "O for Oliver" white tee with black and grey O's on it.

I also grabbed a pair of converse shoes because from the side they worked with the skinny jeans I have. I would have picked out a few different shoes if I had found a pair of loose, wide legged jeans, but there weren't any so I just worked with the ones I had.

I got converse, a few flats, mary janes, and heels.

It was sort of fun and I'm glad to have a few new (to me) things to sort from. There were more things I liked but I didn't want to take more than one small shopping sack out. I somehow managed to fit in about 6 prs of shoes (including sneakers and heels) and 2 dresses, a skirt, 3 sweaters, a long thick cotton scarf, and some shirts and socks into the bag. I mean, like a small plastic grocery shopping bag. I carried some flip flops I was given at the nuthouse in my other hand, with a cotton sweater over them. I have no clue how I managed to fit all of this into a tiny bag. I wasn't even rolling things up and stuffing it hard or placing items in strategically.

I figured a few things I can add to or just give away until I have working outfits. But I had wanted a skirt for church (when I'm able to go or for other things that are professional) and I like the wool one for this and then I got a fun dress (the cobalt blue one) to maybe just wear sometime when I'm bored of being dressed down.

And I'm ready to be pregnant again, apparently, as 2 of the 3 dresses/skirts have empire waistlines.

I didn't really pick it out this way, it's what was there, and I took it.

The other dresses were too large or very matronly.

I wanted a red sweater or something with the grey skirt, or black, cream or white, but I'll find it later. I think I have other options for now.

Anyway, I think I might have to check out one other pr. of shoes later if the others aren't comfortable for work.
Oh! and I found out this guy Troy Shaw, well I was talking to my mother and I said I didn't know he was into British stuff, or I thought this and then my mother said to me, before I voiced this, that his brother Mark Shaw had started up all of these churches in Europe as a pastor. I said "Where? like England?" and she said "A lot of churches in Germany and Ukraine." And other places too. She said Troy was the music side (of the brothers) and Mark was the pastor side.

I said, "Ukraine? I don't really think of that as Europe". I do, but I always think "Eastern Europe" in my mind, or designate it like this.

At any rate, I'm wondering why I thought greek with the cobalt blue dress and white shoes so I have to look up flag for greece now.

Oh thank goodness. The flag is that same color of blue and white so I wasn't off base with my memory. Their motto, I just checked, is: Liberty or Death!

Give me liberty or give me death. This is a very serious proclamation when you think about it.

I then saw the day's features for wikipedia, which are on colombia, maya's, lighthouses, nasa, and lantern festivals. I should check in the future to see what the day's topics are bc it's kind of interesting. I need to get more things done right now though.

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