Thursday, February 3, 2011

pumpkin seed oil & lipids

I started thinking about arthritis and pumpkin seed oil came to mind.

I'm not finding anything related yet, but it's supposed to be very good for prostate problems, cholesterol (for me!) and hardening of arteries (is this connected to arthritis at all?) and gastrointestinal as well as anxiety remedies.

It might even contribute to certain problems...I will look this up later. Today I'm going to focus on the grant research.

Learning how to write a grant is pretty much something I can do and need to do.

I did look something else up when lipids came to mind. I wondered what effect or role they play in arthritis. There is a connection, at least with rheumatoid arthritis.

In fact, the research states lipids need to be monitored in those who have this kind of arthritis.

Arrghh! I am a pirate! I just found out, :), that pumpkin seed oil improves lipid profiles.

The next idea to mind was pomegranate and there is also a connection in improvement in arthritis by using pomegranate. Lots of research about how it is anti-inflammatory.

Wnating a brilliant idea though....Or maybe I already had one (I don't know).

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