Thursday, March 3, 2011

This Morning

I've had a good day so far today.

I went to the gym and didn't work out (hopefully I'll get back into it) and cleaned out my computer bag and organized. Then I mailed gifts to my mom and dad and another small one to my son which I had forgotten to include.

Yesterday the verse I got was "bear one another's burdens" and today it was "blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled."

I checked email and then tried looking up Angus Buchan and ended up on a UK site instead of wiki, but it's about him. There are probably various sources. It was "".

Oh, and before this, I finally made it to the museum here but only to use the restroom. I'll have to look around one of these days.

Played old hymns and then ended up on "be thou my vision" after looking up Angus. The video was posted by rbrandonvideo. I noticed the first part of the video which says "be thou my vision, for today, forever." I don't know why I noticed the stamp at the post office today, which I used for mailing in a rebate, but it says "forever" on it.

I am looking at the wiki for Angus Buchan, a healer and educator (farmer by trade and teacher too)..he supposedly was used to raise someone from the dead and then gained notice for this healing ministry as well as his teaching others how to plant crops.

My mom was telling me about a book called "Faith Like Potatoes".

I was on the healingtheland site for Angus Buchan and then went from the old hymns to the song "be thou my vision" and at the end, there is the fist of someone old holding a small and fragile flower. The UK site says "the farmer is back" and has links to different things he's doing.

Now I just went to their official site which is "Shalom Ministries". They have little sayings for the day and today it is protection from Isaiah 59:19. The Shalom part says "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4.

Looking up more and then chose, at random, a Maranatha singers medly which started out saying just "medley" and then when clicked, is all mountains and scenery of mountains and starts with a gray and black screen that says "crown him with many crowns". It's from poster "oldpathpreachingtv" and listed as "maranatha medley".

I'm looking at Shalom Ministries and I guess Be Thou My Vision corresponds as the main intro ("about us" link) talks about how God gave them a clear vision. I don't see anything about resurrection but my mother was saying they were living in South Africa and became christians and then someone died. The people said to them, "No, don't call an ambulance, you said you believe in God--pray for them." So he did and the person actually came back to life and the whole village converted to christianity. And then he had a vision where God said to plant a crop. The whole land was dry and nothing there. But he did it anyway, and they had an abundant crop and were able to feed everyone. So he began planting and had an educational ministry as well and when the UK had mad cow disease or hand and foot or whatever, he spoke and there's a lot of information about it. So I think my mother is going to read the book and then send it to me. I should get a library card and check it out one of these days. He has a children's home too. And then I looked up the fellowship. I'll have to read more soon.

I don't have a lot of time to read, trying to organize right now, but want to do more.

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