Tuesday, March 29, 2011

U.S. Waterboarding for Human Experimentation

The U.S. isn't/wasn't waterboarding for interrogation. They were doing it for medical research. Someone is still running all of my sentences together, regardless of what computer I'm writing from so, FYI, I am trying to make spaces and paragraphs but someone has basically decided to take over control of my blog. I tried to enter twice and made a space right after writing "...for medical research." (enter, enter). The space was there and then as soon as I publish, someone runs all of it together. After what I know about what my son and I are going through, by the worst representatives of the U.S. and "church" of any kind, and after reading more about the definition of "medical research" and after having very specific ideas that people in Cuba and other prisons are being used as medical research experiments, it clicked with the waterboarding. The U.S. isn't doing it to extract legitimate and honest answers. They were doing it to find out what the panic response was to drowning in order to figure out how to help their own military in the case of a downed ship, or, for all we know, to study and research the response in general, to.. It's like the experiment with submersing people, human research subjects, in freezing cold water to see how long they can withstand the temperatures. And then prepare their own military for freezing temperatures in other locations. My guess would be that it is the Navy that's particularly interested. The Navy, Navy Seals, military in general maybe, and CIA. How many of the men over there are subjected to other stressors or experiments? Are the "doctors" there to be helpful or to help with the research on human subjects? Furthermore, holding these detainees without charging them prevents them from sharing what is happening with an American attorney. That's my idea.

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