Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter II

I wrote to my aunt to ask how my son is and what he did today--if he went on an Easter Egg hunt and everything because I want him to.

I am so anxious and curious to know how he's doing.

At about 11:30 a.m. today I felt this happiness and sense of humor come over me, and started thinking about the most ridiculous things which made me laugh out loud to myself--it was so funny I couldn't help it but then it was almost something spiritual too. I say spiritual in the sense that it felt like the Holy Spirit just a little bit, I don't know how to describe it, but the reason I was laughing was bc I kept thinking of some of the things I've done or said or people's reactions and everything was very seinfeld-saturday-night-live-i-love-lucy-anne-of-green-gables something or other funny.

I guess nothing spectacular happened today. I put on easter stickers on my shirt, that were being passed around and just randomly chose yellow bc they were next to eachother but thought I should pick green thinking of my son. Then, I turn around and it's some guy wearing a yellow tie on the t.v. I just left it and then someone put an ice cube in my apron or it fell in there somehow and I put my hand in and hadn't even noticed it until I was standing around others and I dropped it on the floor. It had half melted in my pocket. Then at the end of my shift I pulled all my receipts out and one was sort of stuck together and I looked and a new color was on it:


Or, as my son would say, "Lello".

I don't know what dye had rubbed off onto the receipt when the cube melted but maybe it was from a coupon in my pocket. At any rate, the ink was all marked with yellow and it was a receipt for "love". Someone with the last name "Love".

I didn't really make any association with it. I just thought, Oh.

I mean, I hadn't prayed over anything and wasn't getting an answer to anything that it matched. It was just random.

I don't know what to say. I guess I could think of things to write and there is a lot to write, but at the moment, I am working all day. So I will have to write the rest later.

I had just 1 coconut chocolate candy egg today but I feel like I should eat more chocolate.

I've gained weight and lost my newly developing 6 pack since I've been seriously medicated. It took all the normal energy out of me and I haven't worked out since. Which is really and truly discouraging.

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