Tuesday, April 26, 2011

U.S Department of Justice Snub

I was going to get a better cell phone but I just need to get more stamps. I need to put as much as I can into writing and have it documented and then saved in my security box.

I am trying to get tested for being medicated and also need to make some international calls. I also need to find out what's going on with the justice department.

I put in a complaint, and got a letter back today, with a false report in it.

Someone by the name of "Shammly" wrote to tell me they got my complaint about misconduct of officials in U.S. and Canada and then wrote, "The Office of Professional Responsibility only investigates Dept. of Justice employees."

I know that. I had named Attorney Generals who are involved, and they are under the OPR responsibility, along with the FBI and maybe even the CIA. I'm sure there are a lot of complaints against the CIA, to some other U.S. agency (as if that works).

So I have to resend my complaint all over again, with all the names and their positions outlined.

I also have to send out a new FOIA to the FBI.

I supposedly got assigned a new lawyer for public defense and I still have to submit paperwork to prove what Tanesha did. I highly doubt any lawyer is going to work out when I don't need a lawyer for Appeal of a fraudulent CPS case--I need the FBI to investigate kidnapping of my son and collusion with U.S. officials for public corruption.

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