Saturday, April 30, 2011

Verse Today--The Rock

Last night there was a sermon about how God and no one else, can claim designation as "our rock".

I pulled a verse from the Y basket this morning and it was "Sing to the Lord! For our Lord is Our Rock." from psalms.

And last night, I sang to almost all of the songs. They were all from scriptures of the Bible.

I feel like it's okay, I think, given the good energy I am still sensing, to write about a couple more things but I might have to think about it for a minute too.

There is more to "out" about people who were torturing me at work and a few other things as well.

But on the note of God as my Rock, which coincided with a theme about how we wake up and realize the fairytale idea is not what we thought, and how God alone is Rock, I thought I would add this, which I felt was not something to share before but is okay to share now.

In the middle of all this, and realizing last night that the U.S. knew about all of these things, and allowed torture of me and my son, I thought about how much God loves me even despite the intelligence and justice community, being run by people with their own prerogatives and agendas, failed us. Not just failed us, but contributed to criminal activities against us and against others. It is not the American people, at large, or all of those in the system, but those who got ahead, did some incredible and outrageous things. I know part of the reason why now, and it shocks me to the core. However, I also thank God that my eyes are being opened.

When I said something about people backing the Middleton marriage having committed crimes, murder, and other things, I had a powerful positive feeling each and every time and on this bus when I said it, it was right after talking to a man who was wearing a shirt that said on the back "Enemy of the State". I thought, there is more than one person who has been declared an enemy of the State and then persecuted. I also noticed, when I said, "...and I think people have even been murdered.." this man sitting in front of me hit the seat in such an exclamation of "you hit the nail on the head" that it was louder than any "here, here!" in any court.

I believe God will protect me and continue to give me discovery and people to help me and my son. God alone is my Rock and I am a "princess" to God. Not because any human made me one, but because God says so, and so are the others who trust and believe in, and serve God. Which is why I will share something I didn't share before because I think I and everyone else around me can take it this other way, that it is about what God thinks, not others.

I asked God, while shopping for toys for my son, to show me something that was very symbolic or would be different or pleasing to God. I didn't know what it might be but I prayed, "God, I am getting Oliver some things he has asked for but please show me what to get and help it to be symbolic even if I don't understand the meaning exactly." So I ended up in the candy section with all kinds of different trinkets, different characters and things. I was led to this section where there were push-up lolipops with Disney princesses on it and I walked away because I thought it would be weird. I had been looking for a girl figure too, because there were so many male hero or action figures and so I thought, with all the masculine stuff, maybe something about a woman. But I was then by the princess lolipops and thought no but then decided to ask God a question and said, "God, it doesn't matter what the answer is, but who is the princess?" That's how I asked it: "Who is the princess" and if it was a dark haired woman, that was fine, or a blond that was fine and if it was red haired, was fine" and I was sort of wondering if he thought I was. It sounds weird, but then I honestly didn't try to place my own hand and didn't look or think about it further and after having thought about getting a figure of a Little Mermaid for my son to represent me having lost her voice by torture and violence, I then just put my hand into a box that had the cover closed most of the way so you couldn't see what was inside. There was an open box below it but I didn't look hard at it, but it was an identical box with the same thing and I put my hand into the box above it with the lid closed and decided whatever I pulled out, I would trust God answered me. And I pulled out The Little Mermaid. So I decided to put it in the box of toys for my son, to symbolize my attempted destruction in the style of the little mermaid and how God believes I am a princess. "The Princess" according to the answer to my question. And it is God's favor that counts and when God speaks something to you like that, you had better believe it and receive it.

However, for obvious reasons, and for the idea that I would be casting pearls before swine or someone would freak out thinking I was trying to say I was "the princess" over someone else who was about to be married. So I said nothing and kept it in my heart and thought, "I don't know what it means exactly except to know that God really believes in me and wanted to show me what HE thinks about me even as I am degraded, tortured, deprived of my child, and suffer."

And God is my King. I love him.

And for some reason, even though I am despicable (and I am not holy-moly fanatic either), he loves me back even more and He is my rock and will fight for me. I stand before the living throne of a God who bows to no one and I will prostrate myself before my God and not be ashamed to acknowledge His name.

Whatever harm man does to me and meant for me, God has meant for my good and will turn into good.

I wanted to play a song to honor God and the one that came to mind all this morning was
"Come Let Us Return Unto The Lord" by Kevin Prosch or someone. I picked out a version at random and the video is sponsored by, it says after it plays, "The Worship Backing Band" and it about how even though if we are torn, God will heal. This is my band and the one I want to call my own. The one that is backed by worship, not violence.

It is by a youtube poster named "musicacademy" who put this up on April 16, 2009, and at the end the credits are from 1993, "7th Time" music.

Come let us return unto the Lord
Come let us return unto the Lord
Come let us return unto the Lord
Come let us return unto the Lord

For He has torn us
But He will heal us
For He has wounded us
But He will bandage us

And He will come

He will come to us, like rain, spring rain
He will come to us, like rain, spring rain

Come let us return unto the Lord
Come let us return unto the Lord
Come let us return unto the Lord
Come let us return unto the Lord

For He has torn us,
But He will heal us,
For He has wounded us,
But He will bandage us

If we ask, He will come
And send His rain on everyone
If we ask, You will come
And send your rain on everyone

Mercy like rain
Mercy like rain

We send the rain
Send the rain
Send the rain

For every child needs rain, spring rain
For every child needs rain, spring rain

Mercy like the rain.

"His Banner Over Me Is Love" by Kevin Prosch (youtube poster "angelmrpaul") on April 27, 2010.

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