Saturday, May 21, 2011

CNN's "Schitzo" Article

So far, CNN has not even given us the "Osama bin ladin said to have surrendured" story yet. All the other papers have, across the world, but not CNN.

I looked at the photo of the "father and son" and this is the one where the son has the droopy eye (nice effect, as if schitzo people all have a droopy eye and if that's the case, we can include some country singers whose photos I've seen recently, and even Kate Middleton (who has a droopy eye in a photo on the cover of a major magazine).

I looked at the photo and made guesses and then I went to the article.

Making just guesses from the photo, I guessed the father was a banker or in the money market in some way. The article says he owns a vineyard in California. I don't know if he's been a banker or done something like that in the past. And I looked at the photo of the son and thought about whether he was legitimately mentally ill or not and what came to my mind was "Bipolar" not "Schitzophrenia". I think it's sad he went to Dartmouth. That's one of the #1 top research schools for the government and the military and this is a fact. Look at any list.

The kid comes out of it with a droopy eye and then he's later taking a mic to talk about an "illness" he's been "cured" of that he possibly never had to begin with.

Some of the medications that "work" for Schizophrenia are used with equal results for Bipolar disorder.

I'd like to know what his "schitzo break" was about.

I tend to think, if "bipolar" came to my mind, he might be misdiagnosed.

Checked my work. YUP. Garen Staglin is, as I correctly guessed, in the banking and money market field. Whaddya know. Guess where I found the proof? Forbes. Of course. Wait. Let me double check make sure it's not the wrong Garen Staglin.

There is a Garen K. Staglin who is in the moneymarket. Clearly. See link enclosed above. And then there is Garen Staglin the winery owner, who hobnobs with Vietnam vets (as a vet himself), the Jewish, and British-connected families.

They may be 2 separate people. However, the Garen K. Staglin is not just a banker or in the moneymarket a "little" , but seriously. He heads a financial accounts system. It's all banking and money market. (bottomline technologies)

To test myself, I wrote down my idea on a slip of paper before I checked it. I wrote:
father--Banker--Colombia? Kid--Bipolar.

Ahem. Fuck those who fucking misdiagnose people with mental illnesses who don't have mental illness. Fuck you. And fuck you for trying to mix it up for political interest and gain.

It's looking like it's the same man. The banker and the vineyard owner are one and the same.

Do me a fucking favor CNN. Don't spread ideas with the intent of laying blame on others who are not schitzophrenic and never needed the BS they and their child have had to put up with. It harms those who are TRULY mentally ill and allows for the continued persecution and abuse of activists and whistleblowers who God sometimes blesses with insight.

And their "KID", Brandon, needs a new fucking psychiatrist.

They put their money in the wrong hat--you need to find someone who specializes in Bipolar illness, not schizophrenia.

I found at least 1 link to Colombia. Garen Kent Staglin, with wine and spirits distilleries, paid $1,200 towards a bill that supported trade with Colombia. I will enclose the link. He paid Thompson to support the Bill for trade. Thompson voted Yes on H.Res 1092, Bill 5774.

All this to say, "If you wanna label someone, no matter who you are, think twice before you dare label me further."

The FBI has defamed me and I want that grave mistake corrected.

All others who defamed me, will correct or pay the penalty for refusing to correct.

And, since there is a camera as I said there is, anyone can check that camera to see whether or not I made notes about what I guessed, just from looking at a photo that was on CNN front page, without having read the article first.

Garen K. Staglin is in the banking industry and also in the winery business. He also has connections to Colombia in some regard, which may be just through business. I haven't researched his son Brandon yet, but wouldn't it be crazy to find out their family has invested tens of thousands of dollars into research for schitzophrenia, and their own son thinks he has this, when he...

might not?

I will not be one to take advantage of the "research opportunities".

I want my son back and someone needs to make that happen through an investigation into public corruption and fraud. Those who have blocked me, who work for the FBI, need to get the FUCK out of my way.

All I have to do is type in, "Dartmouth, military research" and a ton of crap comes up.

I found a link to a book written by someone who went to Dartmouth and who worked for the CIA. But there are a ton of links to the place Dartmouth has occupied with regard to mind control research, biochemical research in connection with U.S. Army grants, and technology research for the military. Anyone can look that up.

This is really sad. I looked up Brandon Staglin's article about his illness and he writes, "I had to keep my illness under my hat!"

He then goes on to develop "satellite communications" technology.

This guy is a player or a pawn. He was up there, at Dartmouth, working on something people kill over, "Satellite Communications" technology and all of a sudden he has a couple of "psychotic" breakdowns, which could have been the result of ANYTHING.

I think when I wrote, "You put your money in the wrong hat", I got it right. He writes his article with the header:

"Bring Change 2 Mind"

Um, bring out your fucking bats, more like it. Because the people who are in charge of even putting HIM up as some kind of poster boy, are doing everyone a disservice.

He writes like someone forced to write. He writes like someone compelled to write, under threat of being thrown into the psych ward again. I mean, and how much MONEY are the people making off of their "schitz" research organization?

He had his "pschotic break" the summer after his freshman year at Dartmouth.

I would have said, "Poor college choice."

And then after the second "break" while working on "Satellite Communications", I would have advised: Get the hell out now.

I just looked up Dartmouth. It's in New Hampshire.

I read another article and put it in an enclosure. It quotes him sounding more mentally ill, saying some things that sound very strange but it could be his manner of speech. What I noted in this article, was that he testifies he couldn't sleep.

If he couldn't sleep, this is indicative of manic-depressive disorder, not schitzophrenia, i.e., bipolar. Secondly, this confirms what I got, when I looked at his photo and "bipolar" came to mind. Then I read his family took him to a doctor who said he had a "thought" disorder, not a "mood" disorder. I.e., someone told him and his family that he did not have bipolar disorder (which would be a mood disorder) but a "thought" disorder.

My opinion, based on confirmation of other things I guessed correctly without having any prior knowledge, is that if he had any disorder, it was bipolar.

What caused this, and the "voices", or even "pains" is anyone's guess and I would say that if you're someone working in "Satellite Communications", at DARTMOUTH, of all things, if your family has not done the research on military research and mind control experiments, it's time to take your money, and put it into another field.

Someone intentionally misdirected this family.
I found another thing. Brandon Staglin, apparently has written articles on bipolar. I will enclose the link.

However, I stand by my original idea, that he is the one with bipolar, not schitzo.

If he has bipolar, this is just what came to my mind when I saw his photo and asked the question. I am not saying there is no question, but this is my idea.

If he is bipolar, it could easily be confused with schitzo for someone coming from an immigrant italian family (more prone to talking in poetic or emotional tones, about "the soul" or whatever, than most american white men), also working in a field like satellite communications which is like John Nash stuff--he is proxy and has access to some ideas and knowledge to things most people will never come close to understanding...and then this combined with the possibility he was used for research himself, at a University well-known for doing this kind of thing...and then throw that in with ups and downs, to the point, he said, of depression to where he wanted to die but then also talking about not being able to sleep at night, and to me, you have classic bipolar symptomology with outliers.

People have to feel comfortable even talking about "a soul" before they can even make statements like "I felt my soul was melting through the floor" or whatever. A stock-and-staid anglo-saxon atheist or agnostic or pragmatist or ESTJ, (most of the population being sensors and not intuitives) is not generally the type to talk about a soul or even EXPRESS feelings at all.

If he had a "breakdown", a breakdown, even if he's walking around covering up his eye (when, by the way, maybe I would cover my eye too, if one was droopy as it is in the photo and the other one isn't), doesn't necessarily mean that is what the real problem is.

Anyone who has any vocabulary capacity for even being able to "discuss" technology, mind control, government, military technology, satellites (*satellites!!*), radars, waves, or anything like this, as well as conspiracy...

COME ON. It's out there and it exists and to claim that anyone who is aware of these kinds of things is necessarily "schitzophrenic" indicates you're going to the wrong doctor, one who has no real understanding of the real world, and what it is like in "the shadows" or you have a doctor that is covering up for other interests and there is probably a trail to the minutemen in that case. For all we know, Brandon Staglin has already been "diagnosed" by military or CIA, and his diagnosis may not be "schitzophrenic". It also seems to be a rather more common occurance when there is already a family member that is maybe not mentally ill, but has a history of being in the military.

It's like the government thinks that if they discovered "something cool" about one of their soldiers, they think they have a right to track and tap the entire family. Brandon's father is a Vietnam Vet. He ended up becoming rich. In banking or monetary sorts of ventures and in other business. Do we know what kind of skills he displayed in the service? We don't and I'm sure they do. I am also sure that they know who they want to have at the top with knowledge about "satellite communications" and who they might have reservations about, for any variety of reasons. Too soft? might share secrets because they might end up having a conscience and blurting something out at some point?

You just don't know.

For all we know, he was doped up on drugs that were experimental and was walking around holding his droopy eye, "Feeling like my soul was leaking out of my body" and then he's not sleeping at night and going between manic and depressive states out of sheer stress and effects of drugs.

To make sure it "sticks", the idea that he's nuts, all they have to do, is leave him alone if he's "on" his "meds" or they *think* he is.

And yes, I do believe there is such a thing as the disease, and yes, some people have it. However, I find it strange that so often it is used to discredit others who have demonstrated some kind of ability, in some way or regard, to challenge the system.

What has resulted from being told he is "schitzophrenic"? If he WAS used for research at Dartmouth and someone is still following his progress or affects, or if there was something else of interest, I would think it would be of importance to collect as much documentation as possible, under the "guise" of his having an illness.

Oh did our drugs affect his brain NOW?

I mean, how great. Let's get the whole family working towards giving us full and complete access to this man. Let's "map" his brain and try out some fun stuff. And, well son, you are really helping your fellow American here, and we think your family is great too, for putting so much money into research...that will enable us to create even better ways to find out how we screwed up someone's brain chemistry.

It's always nice to have the victims believe there is something wrong with them so they put their money back to the same people who will use it to abuse others.

It's like going to a fortune teller. "You have a BEEEEGG, BeeeeeG problemo mEEEster."

(Jaw drops open)

1 comment:

  1. Signs and symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia may INCLUDE:
    - Auditory hallucinations, such as hearing voices
    - Delusions, such as believing a co-worker wants to poison you
    - Anxiety
    - Anger
    - Emotional distance
    - Violence
    - Argumentativeness
    - Self-important or condescending manner
    - Suicidal thoughts and behavior
    With paranoid schizophrenia, you're less likely to be affected by mood problems or problems with thinking, concentration and attention.
    Delusions. In paranoid schizophrenia, a common delusion is that you're being singled out for harm. For instance, you may believe that the government is monitoring every move you make or that a co-worker is poisoning your lunch. You may also have delusions of grandeur — the belief that you can fly, that you're famous or that you have a relationship with a famous person, for example. You hold on to these false beliefs despite evidence to the contrary. Delusions can result in aggression or violence if you believe you must act in self-defense against those who want to harm you.
    Paranoid schizophrenia doesn't get better on its own and may worsen without treatment. However, if you're like most people with paranoid schizophrenia, you may not recognize that you need help or that you even have symptoms. This is because your delusions or hallucinations seem very real to you. Family and friends or people at work or school may be the ones who initially suggest you seek help.
    If your doctor or mental health provider believes you may have paranoid schizophrenia or another mental illness, he or she typically runs a series of medical and psychological tests and exams. These can help pinpoint a diagnosis, rule out other problems that could be causing your symptoms and check for any related complications.
    These exams and tests generally include:
    - Physical exam. This may include measuring height and weight, checking vital signs, such as heart rate, blood pressure and temperature, listening to your heart and lungs, and examining your abdomen.
    - Laboratory tests. These may include a complete blood count (CBC), screening for alcohol and drugs, and a check of your thyroid function.
    - Psychological evaluation. A doctor or mental health provider will talk to you about your thoughts, feelings and behavior patterns. He or she will ask about your symptoms, including when they started, how severe they are, how they affect your daily life and whether you've had similar episodes in the past. You'll also discuss any thoughts you may have of suicide, self-harm or harming others. Your doctor may also want to talk to family or friends, if possible.
    Diagnostic criteria for paranoid schizophrenia
    To be diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, you must meet the symptom criteria spelled out in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). This manual, published by the American Psychiatric Association, is used by mental health providers to diagnose mental conditions and by insurance companies to reimburse for treatment.
    Diagnostic criteria for paranoid schizophrenia INCLUDE:
    - A preoccupation with one or more delusions
    - Frequent auditory hallucinations
    It can sometimes be difficult to diagnose paranoid schizophrenia, especially because other conditions may have similar symptoms. Be sure to stick with it, though, so that you can get appropriate treatment.
