Sunday, May 1, 2011

Diana's Colombian Contact: Lucia Moochalot

After writing this much, I stumbled upon some photos of Diana.

How DARE the U.S. leave me and my son wide open.

HOW DARE YOU. Fuck Mykal Holt, U.S. Ambassador to Brazil for Jews & Catholics United.

I was looking up something about "Ramirez" in connection with Princess Diana.

All that I sense right now, is strong and positive energy. THIS sense of power is the Holy Spirit and you people fucked up. Big Time. You have been on the side of murderers and torturers and there is no doubt the de Limas have been involved in my own destruction.

Instead of finding something about Ramirez, I typed a search for "Diana's best friends".

Lucia wasn't one of them. She was a fraud.

Every bone from this skeleton you have tried to tuck away is going to be dusted out for a grand showing, to shame you.

In my search, I came across this photo of Diana on Christmas Day, seated in a chair next to Lucia with the colors of Colombia prominent. Lucia wore black with red and yellow and Diana sits next to her with primary blue and the black and white I saw so often with Colombians.

In every single photo I found of Diana with Lucia, I read something by those photos. Lucia is always standing or sitting next to Diana with her hand at the top of Di's shoulders or above her as if posing for a photo with a trophy. Diana didn't trust her with everything either, even if Lucia felt she was a trusted confidante. She may have shared many things but even Diana didn't fully trust her. In every photo--I can see how Di may have felt she was sort of a mother-figure in a sense, but I can see more than that. I see Lucia as Lucia Moochalot, with a hand on her trophy.

I do not even know how to describe this amazing energy right now. This is the real thing. This is a confirmation of something that fills every pore of my being. I don't even know what to write but only want to stay and bask and allow this to fill me.

I think I will have to take a break but all I can say is that this is unexpected and this is a connection to something very important. Amazing.

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