Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mothers Day Me

If I am the Holy Grail, as joked about in a previous Mother's Day post 2 years ago, I am being beat to a bloody pulp over it.

They want the eggs but they don't want the goose.


I have no sense of humor but in the middle of very serious torture, I was going to write something funny.

I was going to go through all the embassy releases on wiki and write about them with my own twist of who is in with who. The Saturday Night Live by Cameo version of wikileaks on diplomatic affairs. Who is in bed with whom. The like. It was very funny, and then I held back thinking, "This is a very serious time and you are still being tortured and you're going to crack jokes about diplomatic affairs?" I might, some other time.

I could, because it's there within me, but now I am more careful to mix a sense of humor in with extremely serious topics that have allowed criminals to go free.

I cannot believe what has happened to me. I cannot. Last night before I went to sleep and before I fell asleep I prayed, "God please, please give me a dream, even if dreams are not a good estimate and even though I know I should get confirmation from you and not from signs alone...let me see if I am ever getting out of this horrible horrible mess."

I wanted to know if I was always going to be persecuted and tortured and poor or if there was anything remotely different in store for me.

And I did have a dream and it wasn't spectacular at all. But I was suprised that I was given a dream at all, that exactly answered my question.

That's all I can say.

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