Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Joslyn from Vanderbilt Divinity

This woman is on my nerves. She has followed me around and claims to be a divinity student at Vanderbilt.

When the Vanderbilt kids are moving into the women's shelter, there is something odd about that. She doesn't strike me as spiritual at all.

She's been more like someone who is interested in psychic work and studies me whenever I'm there at the shelter. She says she's Protestant, and there is just something not rinding true about her.

Like this other woman with friends in England, and brother and sister in England. She was never on my side. She wanted to hang out with me only when I had something important to do and all of her contacts were Vanderbilt here.

Vanderbilt medical. I liked her personality, but it was one time where you like someone and laugh with them but know not to get close because their motives aren't right.

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