Tuesday, May 17, 2011

LACK of RESPONSE from Torture Victim Advocacy Groups

I am getting discouraged, because while this is the first time I've made a very concerted effort to get help, I did try to contact some organizations in the past and maybe only a couple ever got back to me.

Now, I am having conversations with people on the phone, and emailing, and making all the effort possible, and I did some of this on Sunday and maybe first started looking last Friday. I have spent the last 2 business days, Monday and Tuesday, making call after call and sending email after email and everyone seems to be stunned in the lights, or something.

I haven't had many incidences of torture today but it still happened. Some things still occured and when I am trying to get urgent and immediate assistance I don't know what the hold-up is.

I had a couple of groups that were Catholic-founded get back to me and tell me they couldn't help. And then of course, there are a few where I can see they really do not focus on anything aside from foreigners at all.

But there are a lot of organizations out there that work with torture victims, no matter where they are from, and I am NOT content to sit here and do NOTHING.

Which is exactly what is happening.

I don't have work. I got fired from a place where they tortured me and used me for information all the way up until they gleefully fired me on Kate and William's Wedding Day. I am finding out the FBI offices were basically right next door the whole time, which I didn't know before. I am told there's an office in West End, which is in the same location.

I DON'T want to stay at this women's shelter and I DO NOT want to stay where I am and DO NOTHING.


I fail to see why 95% of these torture victim advocacy groups cannot respond to an email or phone call marked urgent, within 48 hours.

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