Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Logan's Roadhouse: Catholic, NY & Cuba Connection--Polo Counterfeit

The workplaces where I have been tortured are:

1. Jersey Mike's in Nashville, TN with a Catholic man as manager.
2. Logan's Roadhouse in Nashville, TN.

Because I have never experienced any military torture until I worked at these places, and because these places deliberately sought me out to work at their stores and trashed me while I did, I am going to write about some of their connections.

These were not real jobs. These were jobs I was given when someone panicked that I might get a real job and offered me something with them instead, to beat me to the punch. While at Logan's Roadhouse, employees and friends of the employees tortured me there and harassed me and degraded me in such a way that I have never in my life experienced, ever.

Logan's was owned by Bruckman, Rosser, Sherril & Co until 8/30/10. So this was a recent change of hands. Just 9 months ago.

Logan's was acquired by Kelso & Company and is advised by the NYC law firm of Debevoise & Plimpton LLP.

If you look up Debevoise & Plimpton, this is a described, on wiki as of April 4, 2011 (which is their latest update) as an international law firm.

Note to Pakistanis with prisoners at Guantanamo--You can cross this law firm off of your list of "supporters".

It states they had lawyers who helped prisoners in Cuba at Guantanamo but knowing what they did to me, and how they were trying to get information on me, I know for a fact that this law firm is one that is not a valid supporter for prisoners. If anything, it's clear to me now that this is a firm that would have government ties and get close to prisoners in order to extract information to pass on to someone else. They would use their "attorney privilege" to their own advantage, and pass on information to others. They are not going to help people from Pakistan and they are connected to other interests.

Furthermore, they are based in NY and are likely to be Kate Middleton supporters which might explain why I was snagged to be used, humiliated, and tortured and provide access to those who torture and harass.

When a lawyer working on a board re. detainees criticised law firms that "helped terrorists" guess who got on him and asked him to resign? The Pentagon. Why? Because the Pentagon found firms like this to be valuable for gaining information.

Take a look at the webpage for this firm. There is a man leaping, or jumping by an Eiffle tower while a man and woman embrace. It makes me think about a situation I had to go through, which benefited everyone but me and my son. This law firm is guilty of SUPPORTING TERRORISM in the United States, not of "defending terrorists". Not only that, I wrote on their clipboard, "Set me as a seal" and what does the U.S. do? These people, if they thought someone from Osama's group was supporting me, sent out 25 "SEALS" to blow a hole into the head of a man, and his heart. Everything to them, is a sick inside joke.

This was an international project, to torture me and use me. This firm that represents Logan's Roadhouse, is international representative for:

New York (first and foremost)
Washington D.C.
Hong Kong

That's the law firm that is in place to protect Logan's Roadhouse. The company that acquired Logan's is based in New York. Kelso & Company. Wait...need to research more...Yes, it's true. There is our Polo Counterfeit.

Joseph Schuchert is the man who owns Logan's Roadhouse. He also owns a ranch that he calls "Polo Ranch" and just guess where he went to school?

Catholic or Jewish?

St. Vincent's Prepatory. Oh my gosh...

It's Benedictine.

The "Boss" of my workplace, where I was tortured, is from a Catholic Benedictine school. I knew it. I suspected I had the job offered to me just to torture me and take up my time and then defame me, so I couldn't get ahead with a real job, and it's true.

Logan's was connected to the old Mt. Angel Abbey crap and they joined with Catholic and Jewish people, and a law firm that has Pentagon connections, to trash me.

Look at the logo for St. Vincent's. It's a "V" with 3 points and matches exactly how someone wanted to decorate the car that Kate and William drove away in.

Someone is in bed with the Catholic church is true.

I found this by typing a search for Joseph Schuchert. I found him on an article with St. Vincent Prepatory College. He is listed as directing the Kelso & Company firm, and as owning quarter horses for racing, with children in Wyoming and California. They live near "Big Horn, Wyoming". He majored in electrical engineering which is maybe why some in the UK were so thrilled to say it was going to be an "electric" wedding over and over. I guess. My workplace sponsored the torture and terrorism of me and harassed and degraded me.

Thank you Jesus that I figured this out. I should have looked at this earlier when people were harassing me all the time and I was being tortured, but I didn't.

These Catholics and Jews involved are criminals. They are criminals and murderers too, and just like I said, William has married his family into this. Not that no one in the background over there was already involved in things to do with Diana.

I got as far as figuring out where Logan's gets their direction and sensed the Holy Spirit all over again. First, I suspected it had something to do with Catholics mainly and Jews, and I looked at where I lived and who I was having to work with. My suspicions were correct.

(by the way, yes, "Beautiful", said with an English accent at about 3:18 p.m. or so. It is beautiful that I discovered this.)

Next, I wondered about the groups that were supporting the people who worked there, who were allowed to do this to me. Because it couldn't be a small thing--it had to be larger than your ordinary coincidence. And I finally looked up who they are tied into, and I couldn't have been more accurate.

I've never been tortured in the workplace before because I had never been hired by a "Benedictine-Vatican and NY-Jewish-Let's pretend to help the prisoners and give info to the Pentagon" company before.

Between the law firm and Kelso...Umm, leaves little to the imagination, doesn't it?

Almost all of the people on the board of directors for Kelso are Catholic and Jewish. It is predominantly Catholic and a few Jewish people. I guess it makes sense, since the Vatican-Benedictine man Schuchert is the one who owns and runs and directs it.

This, this Benedictine firm, connected to an international law firm that is based in NY and connected to Guantanamo "defense" pretty much seals the deal right there. They hired me to fire me, from the start and to use and extract information about me. They tortured me and I am not lying or exaggerating. Their EMPLOYEES and some of their customers that they asked to come in, tortured me.

This has only happened at ONE other workplace and it was run by a Catholic--The 1 week I had at Jersey Mikes.

Almost all of Kelso's contacts and business ventures have to do with the energy and science industries. They have little to do with restaurants. They deal with major energy, science, and technology companies.

When I first look up a news blip or wiki, there is a misleading statement about how they deal mainly with restaurants and social and media outlets. However, if you go to their main webpage, it's all energy and technology and some chemistry as well.

If I was poisoned and medicated, it may well have been at a few different places but it also happened where I worked.

And they had the tools and the criminals there to do it. I think I had something at a hotel once and also at a McDonalds, and then at work as well, or from someone at work.

Today there has not been a lot of torture but I was downstairs and sitting next to this older man with white hair and he had to be about 70 and felt this torture effect and then, to my suprise, as soon as he got up and this other man sat down who was black, younger, and whatever, it quit. It was like that older man had something with him because I didn't get up that time. He did, because his time was expired on the computer, and it instantly quit. When the other sat down it didn't return.

I have a whole list of names of the people I had to work with there. Someone who does better intel than me, should get this list. There is a Back of the House list (the kitchen employees) and a Front of the House (servers and hosts).

I am afraid for my son because he has been tortured by atheist and Catholic-run groups and the entire CPS case is run by Catholics and a few Jewish. They've covered up everything and intimidated my family.

The other day a comment was made about some Pope restoring someone's "vision". I looked at what the Kelso & Company group does, the one run by a man at the top who is linked to Benedictines and the Vatican, and looked at what fields they were from. For some reason, almost all of them had experience in the "vision" field and listed companies with titles about vision and visual this and that. You can see for yourself, on the website, on the list to the far left.

Meanwhile, interesting how they blow out Osama's eye, isn't it? This is a religious war to Catholics and some Jews.

And they have tortured me, my son, and my family, and worked with other groups to defame me so they can continue to exact horrendous forms of revenge.

I want my son OUT of Wenatchee and Washington state. He is not, and has NOT been safe.

I can't stand Hillary either. She has obstructed every process with Department of State persons and hated me ever since I criticised her and vouched for Obama instead. She's not exactly an upstanding Protestant protagonist when she and her husband lied to the American people. One half got impeached, and the other half got a job in one of the most important international organizations in the world.

I just looked up Bill Clinton.

I noticed some new news. Bill, the impeachable half, got a special award from Ireland in March 15, 2011, for being part of the Northern Ireland Peace Process. I didn't know he was involved with Ireland until now. I know that when I was in D.C. I had people asking me about Diana all the time, and about Monika Lewinsky. "Do you know Monika?" on and on. I always wondered why but maybe it was because I started supporting Obama over Hillary and cited the dishonesty of perjury as one of my main reasons for not "trusting" them.

Next thing I know, their Methodist-Messianic-Jewish friend Mykal Holt with Brazilian ties is smearing me to the courts and defaming me. I had a lot of visits from Department of State people when I was in Wenatchee too. So no, I am not pro-Protestant just because someone claims to be Protestant. A criminal and torturer is a criminal and torturer, period.

Now that I take another look, Hillary is one who supported all of these CPS-related laws so she is probably connected to State and federal matters with regard to CPS. According to wiki, she passed a bill for adoptions and for foster care. The people handling foster care are CPS workers and AGs. If the Georgian Senator and her husband died while exposing CPS, could they have also known something about ties at the top? The Clintons may have even been part...seriously, if you look at their track record on scandals...I don't even recognize half of them. Whitewatergate, Travelgate, FBI files controversy...

Oh I did find the goodies.

The person responsible for making it easy to traffick children and commit fraud and money laundering was Hillary Clinton. I looked at the law for "Foster Care Independence" and it's just about giving medical care to kids, a good thing I think, even if I don't know how the bill is structured. So I moved on to the second one, about adoptions, and that bill was signed in 1997 and I believe this is the bill, or one of the bills, that provides neat paybacks and incentives to CPS to adopt kids out. Someone who creates a bill like this has to have a lot of knowledge about CPS first. They would have to know the structure of CPS backwards and forwards before proposing any kind of bill like that.

I always wondered too, why people would come up to me, in D.C. and then back in Wenatchee, and suggest going to Hillary Clinton. I always wondered why anyone would suggest I do that.

But she is part of the problem with CPS, that's why, and I just found out. And she has connections to the Department of State and other countries, the CIA, and the FBI, and I was someone who spoke out against her and her husband. They would have a motive to defame me and try to invalidate me then, along with a few others.

Yes, this is lucky that I found this.

The Georgia Senator murder, for some reason, brought to mind the Clintons once or twice. Maybe it is because she, Nancy Schaeffer, knew something. She said CPS was corrupt and was engaged in money laundering and trafficking and talked about incentives to adopt, and the very things that I didn't know, until now, the Clintons were supportive of.

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