Friday, May 20, 2011

Sodomized and Raped with Date Rape Drugs

This case with the French man, has reminded me of things that happened to me in Wenatchee and I know that I was sodomized while under the influence of date rape drugs.

I also know that I have had some group continue to try to medicate me with other drugs and I had the droopy eye last night and I believe it was from some milk I was given not long ago, at the Y because I had severe stomach cramping afterwards. I told my parents about it. I then had something, possibly, at the homeless food place but I am not sure if I was so sick and dizzy from just being lasered at the Hilton or what.

I am a different hotel where a woman who works here mocked me. Rebecca Moorman. I think she's Jewish but I don't know.

I know that the Jewish knew about my being sodomized and they did nothing about it. In fact, this was something they felt worked to their advantage with what they were doing against me.

I have never, in my life, ever consented or ever wanted to consent to anal sex. Ever.

And it happened at at least 2 different residences in Wenatchee, WA and I don't rememeber anything except waking up to discover there was something wrong with my body and feeling groggy or out of it or more tired than usual.

I had thought maybe I was doing something to myself, I didn't want to believe it, but then I moved to Nashville, TN and realized, once I was staying in a women's shelter and nothing happened to me, I know it happened.

My son was being tortured to try to keep me quiet because some of them were worried that I knew or that the drugs hadn't worked as well as they hoped.

I really thought I had maybe done something to myself in my sleep, but then as soon as I was in a women's shelter, I had nothing happen. I realized, "Oh my gosh, if I was doing it to myself then why am I not having it happen while I'm in the women's shelter?"

My son's fingers were sliced with a knife on one occasion after it happened to me. Police in Wenatchee are in on it and they are a part of human trafficking of even my son. My son has been sexually abused by them and others and the State knew about it and covered it up.

Whether this was some form of CIA experimentation with drugs, or just dishonoring me to get to their "perceived enemy", or gang work, it happened to me.

And I actually wouldn't have had my memory triggered if this had never happened to the French man and Guinea woman.

I also think there is a renegade English group involved because I saw photos of coordinated stuff from England with one of the men I had to stay with.

I was repeatedly raped. It may have happened even in D.C. and I didn't know it or realize it then, but I remember I doubted when I found some odd hairs and I didn't know why they were there. I never once, though, felt any kind of obvious penetration that had been done to me anally until I was in Wenatchee, WA.

There is no possible way some U.S. officials didn't know. And this is maybe partly why they wanted to inject me with drugs and say I was mentally ill. To keep me from reporting a whole number of things.

Never, not once, did I ever consent to anything. To my knowledge, I did nothing with anyone, not even kiss them or anything else, after Chris Rozollo. And never in my life have I ever had anal sex and then somehow I was raped that way, after I had said I didn't want to do this ever. They did it to further degrade me and humiliate me and I do not doubt they sent some kind of evidence to someone they thought it would bother.

I have a very strong feeling there was some kind of documentation made.

I know for a fact that I woke up, this way, at Steve Mays house. And I also saw photos which indicated he had some involvement with British/English matters. There was another man living there though, who was Catholic with his wife. Several times I woke up with something changed or wrong with my body. And feeling groggy and out of it. This is where I was being tortured on a daily basis with technology and had people using laser from the window, and the plane flying past when someone did something to me and the dog on the hill. There were several clues of some British interest at that time.

I was living at the Assembly of God man's apartment before this and I know for a fact it happened at his apartment as well. And this is where I had a lot of problems with UK websites I was trying to go to. He was connected to Mykal Holt. He and Mykal Holt had the same photo of mutual friends on their fridge. Holt cheated with my Ex and then defamed me claiming I was psychotic and delusional after my Ex left. She is the one with Brazil and "messianic Jewish" connections. She set me up to be assaulted. She lied and claimed I was psychotic, holding a knife in the night in order to pave the way for people to do other things to me and not get caught.

I have no motive for saying this Assembly of God man did what he did. He never said he was Jewish and he never said he was Catholic. He said he was Protestant.

I was drugged. And then I was raped and when he thought I might have remembered something or was going to tell, he got access to my son and cut my son's fingers, so I could see this in a visit and then see how the State workers protected HIM and not my son.

Everyone at that Assembly of God church was Jewish. Not all, but a lot of people were and they had some man speaking there when I first went to visit, wearing a yamikah. That man got in there, into Wenatchee, and tried to ruin my credibility on the Protestant side. His former girlfriend was Canadian. They dated for over 2 years.

The Jewish were able to use a man like him, a "Protestant" to discredit me and do harm to me on their own behalf and behalf of Catholics, and take the limelight off of them.

There is more to be discovered about his history and background because there is something wrong with him. He picked up a chicken dinner from the deli at Albertsons in Wenatchee and after I ate, I passed out. I was so sleepy it didn't make sense and I felt sick to my stomach. At different times at that deli, someone tampered with my food, but more maliciously, like putting hot cayenne pepper in an apple salad.

These are "Protestants", but there is something very wrong with them. They are either not really Protestants or they were working for someone else, to ruin me. They were instrumental in getting Protestant communities in Wenatchee against me when otherwise I might have had credibility and been believed. They lied and decieved others.

This man from the Assembly of God church, who was linked to the Jewish woman (I don't think she's "messianic Jewish at all--I think she's flat-out Jewish), sexually assaulted me and then the next day cut my son's fingers or had someone cut them and couldn't look me in the eye. He then kicked me out. His behavior, looking back, is in line with a sexual predator and he either did what he did for intelligence or some other intelligence.

State workers saw the cuts on my son's fingers and covered it up.

I saw his expression towards me one night, the one night we went out dancing and he thought I wasn't paying attention because I had a few drinks. However, I noticed that at one point, I turned and saw him staring at me with sheer hatred. He didn't like me at all and that's when I thought he had wanted me to get drunk and look like an idiot while at Mykal Holt's pub so they could videorecord it. Then the woman he was with was equally strange, and she said her name was "Carrie". She was nice until the end of the night and then looked like she just wanted something bad to happen to me and I never saw her again. She was there with her husband or friend. She had dark shoulder-length hair.

This man who leads "Royal Rangers" should not be leading Royal Rangers at the Assemblies. He sexually assaulted me and someone harmed my son to keep me quiet about it.

He had my internet connected to someone else's internet and told me not to talk to Alvaro Pardo anymore. He and Mykal Holt didn't want me to have any connection to Pardo or someone who was connected to Pardo.

I have thought about it, and there is absolutely no possible way for me to have done what happened to me, to myself, in my sleep. I was stretched out anally, and there were feces around. I am being graphic because I am telling the truth and I would never dishonor myself by sharing this unless it was true.

I can't think of why they would do this to me unless the CIA was involved or some other intelligence was involved and wanted to discredit me to Protestants who might otherwise be supportive of me.

Then, after staying there and never reporting anything because I was confused about what happened, and not wanting to believe it was true, I then moved to Steve Mays house, and I was sexually assaulted and tortured there at the same time and after just a month or so, I was told "It's too late."

Something was "too late"

as I was being sexually assaulted, defamed, medicated and drugged, and my son was being tortured.

I am not lying and I am not making any of this up.

I have photos of my son from his Birthdays, and they look like Aushswitch photos, of a child that is being forced to do things for others. His first photos he is not even happy and looks terrifed by someone who was taking the photo. He looks horrible. The next Birthday, he is in other forced postures and clearly has learned to do what he is told to do. My Dad has a slice on his neck, a cut from a knife, and my parents deny it but someone else wanted me to see it.

There are people involved in this that others would hardly believe can be involved.

I am not going with the Koch firm.

There are too many problems and I have a lot of dirt on others.

I am also not going to ever live in Wenatchee, after what they did to me and my son and I have repeatedly stated my son is NOT safe outside of my care.

I believe I may have been forced to perform oral sex as well, because of the way my mouth was one day but what was far more noticeable to me, was the anal stuff because it's impossible that I did it to myself.

And since I've been in the Women's shelter, it has never happened even once.

I wrote about this, after I moved here, and then where I had a torture-free month, someone started drugging me and torturing me again. There has been a concentrated motive to smear me because if there is an investigation, it points to crimes done to both me and my son.

And "Protestants" have been used by other groups, to try to skew the beliefs of other Protestants and have them think it is not just a problem with specific parties or religious groups.

My son has been assaulted, sexually assaulted, poisoned, tortured, and degraded and I have as well, in the United States of America.

Some people know this has happened.

Most recently, people who were harassing me before the Wedding & Funeral have totally backed off and changed as if they think I do not remember how they treated me before.

I say "repeatedly" but I wouldn't totally know how often. I know of 1 time for sure, at the end of my stay with the Assemblies of God guy (who, prior to this was one of the better persons to stay with), and then at Steve Mays house, I believe it happened at least 1 time, but it was more like, something had changed but there was no feces or any other indication.

No, I do not have hemmoroids or have odd problems in my sleep. I honestly wondered, because it was so weird, and I didn't remember anything, but that is not my fault. I didn't remember anything because I was drugged. I really did think, "Maybe I'm doing this to myself? but how could I even do that to myself and why would I, even if I was partly asleep or whatever? It is not like something I would do, even under the influence of something.

Also, after I wrote this, some Irish guy was laughing about it and feeling good. He goes to the gym and he and this one other guy were there from the start and I could tell they didn't like me.

The Assemblies guy knew Ryan, who was the Irish marine that lived next door. I didn't wake up with anything weird there, at his apartment, but I think I started to have a few technology problems at the end and I know he stole items from my bag to cover for mafia stuff done by Catholic hispanics. For example, I had a bracelet that was printed out by a Catholic at the counter, at the Wenatchee Valley Clinic one day and it had some totally abnormal things typed up on to it, and I saved it. After I saved it, in my bag, this guy Ryan went through my bag and stole it and I never left my bag anywhere else.

At the Assemblies of God guys apartment, immediately next door, everything seemed fine. No torture, no problems, aside from my computer being monitored. I didn't have any problems at all, but then a couple of times I maybe ate something and didn't feel good, and I was having problems with british websites there and I felt somehow that his webcam was sometimes playing footage of me. I just had a feeling that it was either intentionally on or someone else was illegally accessing it. And then, after having no problems really, I woke up one day to find what seemed to be evidence of a sexual assault. Which was so weird to me. I usually wore jeans, zipped up, when I slept, and I think I maybe did this after I wondered if something was happening to me when I slept but I had no proof or evidence--just a feeling maybe. So then it happened on one night when I did not wear tight zipped up jeans and it was something more loose fitting, but I don't remember what.

At the Mays place, I sometimes felt like they had piped in sleeping gas. I mean, so many bizarre things happened there, and that was on top of torture. And then the same things happened, where I would wake up and think something wasn't right, or different, but I didn't remember anything. But only maybe one time did I notice something was different about my actual body, that indicated some kind of force was made.

And one time, I woke up and saw a figure of a man in my room and I saw his sweatshirt and the pattern on it and then I fell asleep again. It was maybe like I was coming out of a haze and then passed out again. I don't know if he was just getting into my room, or returning something to me or what. It was a black red and white graffitti style hooded sweatshirt. Like, a pattern all over it. But I don't know what it was from. One time someone did something good and returned a shirt to me that had been stolen. I know that the police were protective of this man, Mays. He's the one who sold and gave all my things away, to them and others.

I DID think, "I am being sexually assaulted" when I was in Wenatchee but I also doubted myself because I couldn't remember anything. I also thought about drugs because I was doped up on stuff at different times, and sometimes woke up really out of it, but I couldn't believe it.

My idea was maybe, I possibly did it to myself in my sleep, but that didn't make any sense. Then, I got out of there and it was crystal clear: No, I was never doing anything to myself. It wasn't happening anymore, now that I was living in a women's shelter. I woke up every morning, wondering if something would be different about my body and no, nothing ever changed.

I realized, I was being drugged and assaulted, on top of being tortured and defamed and my son tortured and everything else. But then I forgot about how I realized this, because people were asked to go after me over here.

And they did.

And either the FBI is covering up and dirty, if they are refusing to investigate, or they thought my son and I were disposables, or if they have not covered for public officials who are friends to them and their church, they are covering up for CIA or military experiments.

There is no excuse for what the FBI, at large, has done to me, and I believe some at the top have been deceived and convinced, by dirty employees, to not listen to me. Then I went sent to work in an environment where I was used again. I wasn't sexually assaulted and it was impossible to do at the women's shelter, but in other ways, I was being used and tortured still.

I witnessed some of the most horrific things happen to my son and I have always known my aunt and uncle didn't do it. There have been others who did this to my son and the State covered it up. I can make a list of the names of workers who saw evidence of harm on my son and how they covered it up.

Now Pandora just put up an HPV ad in the middle of my music. Pandora is a station out of Oakland, CA. They put in an ad stating it can "happen to a boy". This is the kind of ad harassment I got with google and with youtube all the time until they felt they didn't need to waste their time harassing me anymore because they were getting what they wanted.

I saw evidence of Steve Mays' work on websites affiliated with England. I was tortured there and then I saw, later, different wikipedia sites using his minivan and things I was going through with HIM, on their own site. This, combined with some odd things that happened with British around that time, or other Europeans, convinced me someone was being paid. Someone was sending over money to get me "out of the way".

I really cannot fathom how much money was poured into ruining me and my son. It was an astronomical amount. Every conceivable crime that could be committed was committed and I had once thought, "Maybe a million or, oh my gosh, several million?" No, I am convinced, in my heart of hearts, it was much much more. It was upwards of a billion or billions. I know this now, but I could have never imagined then. Some wanted to ruin me for free. They were happy to help. Others, got paid. And the total was an astronomical amount.

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