Friday, June 3, 2011

My AAA--Vandalized (ran out in less than 1 month)

I have reported excessive tire slashings and vandalisms, but not every case was documented. Mostly, it wasn't documented, because I was calling police (back in Oregon first, and then Washington) and trying to report it and they'd just say "Okay, thanks for letting us know" and never came out to look or give me a report number. I got a few numbers but not for most of it.

So I was checking with AAA because my parents got it for me for a birthday gift and it expired in less than 1 month because my car was vandalized so much. I had 4 tows in less than a month, because of tire slashings mainly, from November 21, 2002-December 15, 2002. My birthday was October 22, so I'm not sure why it started in November.

I think it might have been 2001 though, because I think I got it the year before, but I'd have to double check. It's confirmed it only lasted less than a month though. I had papers printed out for it, in Wenatchee from AAA, but put them in a box and don't have it with me so I called someone up to check since I didn't remember.

I had "Basic service" and it allowed for 4 tows/year. Instead of lasting a typical year, mine lasted 1 month.


My tires were repeatedly slashed and one time the mechanic said someone tampered with the engine and unscrewed the radiator lid. I said, "Could it have come off on its own?" and he said, "No, you have to manually take this one off, and that's not possible." Then he looked at me and asked who had been around my car. It was like the tubes were off and the lid was off.

I had so many problems, and the level was so extreme, I can hardly remember which car for which year, but if I wasn't being run into with an intentional hit-and-run, and having my car totalled, someone was slashing tires, or screwing with the antifreeze system.

Yeah, I had my car towed 4 times in 3 weeks.

It happened non-stop.

These kinds of things happened long before my son and I were tortured. It was an escalation.

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