Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Fun with Numbers. Ahem!

I am doing a refresher on even elementary math, but reading more of the theory behind it as well, and then putting music to the terminology. So my thing is to find a children's song for every single term that comes up. Some songs include the numbers and then for something like superscript, I thought about how it can sit up higher, like a bird on a shoulder, so I found an idea for that. For example:

1. Whole numbers…A Whole New World (Aladdin).
2. Natural numbers…Naturally (Selena Gomez Disney song)
3. Ordinal numbers…Wish Song (disney’s starlight, star bright, first star)
4. Cardinal numbers…One Song (from snow white)
5. Partitive numbers…It’s A Small World (though the mountains divide)
6. Superscript…Zippity Doo Dah (mr. blue bird’s on my shoulder…)
7. Multiplicative numbers (once, twice, thrice, Micky Mouse Ice Ice Micky)
8. Specialized numbers
9. When to use digits or words
10. Fractions, decimals, and use
11. Nominal number
12. Number Theory
13. Combinatoric Theory
14. Prime numbers
15. Partition enumeration
16. Categorical numbers
17. Cardinality
Earlier today I had "fun with romantic songs from other countries". Not for children exactly. But anyway. I might post the list I got (it was just random) later.

(all found on youtube)

1. German: rivenNmoon, "fi fi la fume, equal romance"

2. Swedish: rejmr64, "Lady in Red" sung by Robert Randquist
3. Chinese: mapleworld777, Dream Pursuer, Snow Fox.
4. Afghan (I was looking for Farsi but got Afghan so used this this time): flowersaaz1, "new brother Pashto, nawe kaal March 2011."
5. Japanese: LiveYourLife, "Seto no hanayome OP, full song"
6. African&French: svvetosoleil, "Sarah"
7. Russian: Only4Russian, "Russian handwriting practice"
8. Spanish: The30YearOldVirgin, "Tarrega--recuerdos de la Alhambra
9. Italian: mohaveminutemen "A Brave New Day" and bionluca2amae, "Alicia Grugett's Giava Cer me (need to check this)
10. Mexican: ossama2000il, "Usted Es La Culpable"
11. Greek: platt73, "Zorba the Greek"
12. Hebrew: wasn't sure which one. Found Elissa in Hebrew but might put other one down bc it wasn't originally Hebrew.

I'll go back and try to find the links for these. I selected all of them at total random, except for maybe one or two, chose between a couple of choices but mainly just picked out from "romantic songs" like I typed in: french romantic songs, russian romantic songs, etc. and then chose a random page and then a random link. I think the most surprising one was the Afghani one. My favorite little clip was the one for the Greek clip where they are in the desert and look worn out and one asks the other to teach him to dance.

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