Monday, August 8, 2011

Dream and chelation (and laser burn and blisters)

I figured out what I did wrong, aside from not knowing what was in the capsules. I confused lipoic acid with lineolic acid. They are both abbreviated as ALA but are totally different.

I woke up this morning with no droopy eye still. And figured out I might alternate between chelation with charcoal and then a little oat bran and water and after cleansing more this way, go back to the ascorbic acid and citrus.

I figured out what to do with all the citrus peel at the last minute...citrus pectin. I almost threw it out but discovered it's useful. I might try to grind it up and let it dry out. If I had known, I would have peeled the limes first but I suppose I can still use a different form.

The pectin is also good for chelation.

My dream was about a Mike but it seemed to be confused between Mikes. I probably had it because I watched Passchendaele last night. There is a Mike so that's probably why I dreamed of a Mike.

In my dream, I had met him for the first time in a long time and he was trying to reacquaint. We were on a bus (buses lately, in dreams) and he was going to his place and I was going to mine and I asked him if he was still doing some things and he got very excited at the idea of showing me some kind of research he was doing. Papers of some kind. At first he kept saying, "Yeah. Call me. Call me." but he gave me no number. I finally said "I don't have your number" and then he would blow it off and go onto another subject. Then, after I asked about his research, he was very enthused and then without my prodding, wrote down his phone number with a pencil on a torn off piece of paper. As he was going to his place, a couple of old faces from my past went by, one I don't recall and the other was a friend I had met through church, who lived in Alaska, named Lisa. Really beautiful blond. I was suprised they lived next to eachother (in my dream). Anyway, in real life she married a Carlos and they're in Oregon now.

So anyway, Mike was saying he kept some things under cover or something about cover for cover and breaking even. For some reason, in my dream I was about to warn him about my friend Lisa, because in the dream I thought she was something undercover and didn't know why she was next door to him. Why I would protect him, in my dream, from a friend in real life, I don't know, but that's how dreams are. No rhyme or reason.

He asked me to dinner and then I left, and decided I was going to my grandmother's house and thought if he really cares, he'll pick me up from here instead of my having to take a taxi. Then I was at Granny's house, making bacon or some weird very thin large slice of ham in a really weird pan. I remember what it was. I didn't see a griddle, and I put this large extremely thin slice of ham that was square shaped, over the flat burners and then thought, "No, it will catch fire, it's not a griddle" so I got out a cookie sheet and put it on this and then for some reason, I put it back and got out this hammered or puckered metal mold that was one half of a pineapple or something. And I put that on the stove, like it was a griddle again, and then lined the mold with the slice of ham and then I was going to do something with eggs but I woke up. Oh, and then I found out I was going to be picked up so I was glad I wasn't taking a taxi and wasn't going to go if I had to. So I was making breakfast and someone came in and looked as I put ham into this mold.

And that's what I remember of my dream.

I just looked up "thinly sliced ham in cake or jello mold" and found something about ham eggs in Aspic recipes. Some kind of Italian thing. I found it on the ifood channel and then they started playing a video clip featuring rum. With a pineapple next to it. but anyway. I don't know why I was lining the mold with ham. I haven't heard of such a thing before. Bridget Albert making a mohito and she says it was Ernest Hemingways drink. She goes on to introduce the Warred 8 or something and I don't have time in my day to learn about "shady cocktails" when I am learning about detoxing and chelation cocktails.

Anyway, it's not the same thing because ham and eggs in gelatin in a mold is different from lining a mold with a thin piece of ham and then adding things to it. I can't find anything right now.
I'm writing again this evening after venting on my post about my favorite rat.

I am telling you, this cleanse is working.

For the first time since I've been here in Oregon, I danced to music in my place, and kickboxed.

This is only Day 4 so I'm pumped. Today...what did I do for the cleanse today? Let me think. I didn't do any lime juice. And I decided to just throw the limes I've already used. Not grinding them. But I have more in the fridge and will try more later and peel first for the citrus pectin.

Today I mainly used charcoal, lots of water, a little bit of coffee, and about 3 servings of oat bran. Trying to flush out bulk but for some reason, not too much success yet though not to worry. Won't add more charcoal until there is less internal bulk.

I felt a big rush of energy this evening. So I danced to music and ended up kickboxing. Air kickboxing. I even worked up a sweat.

I drank a ton of water. I will have to buy more. I drank half a case today and I chewed on a lot of raw cilantro and took a few chlorella tablets.

I don't know why, but I knew I had to get rid of some kind of crap in my system before I would feel the energy to try to exercise. And it's true. I tried exercising first but it didn't work. I had to get some of this crap out of my system first. And then I felt the energy coming back and next thing I knew, I wasn't trying to, but some dance moves snuck up on me and then before I knew it I was kickboxing.

I should have done more praying during these last few days but I hope God understands. I did more napping and reading about minerals and vitamins and hoped my system was working on flushing stuff out while I conserved energy and napped.

Then I got some weird burns and blisters on one arm today. No kidding. It's not from the lime juice either. I quit the lime juice yesterday and had charcoal to soak it up. Today I started feeling a weird itch and then I looked and it was teeny tiny blisters. I mean, not gross blisters, but little blisters that actually popped and were filled with water. ?! They appeared within minutes and it was totally weird. Then I got this weird rash and a couple of tiny burn-like marks. One side of my body only. I read this sometimes happens with chelation if you have some serious crap in your system. Evidently, I do. And a couple of "moles" peeled off. ?! Whew! Better than alpha-hydroxy? I don't know. A couple of moles just decided they didn't want to be moles anymore and peeled off. No, not skin cancer. I read about this too, and it sometimes can happen with chelation.

Really weird but I feel much better already.

I had a little tingling in my feet again a couple times but that's about it. The only thing I've really had to eat is oat bran today. Oat bran with honey and then a bowl tonight with olive oil (extra virgin) added.

I am holding off on taking in more charcoal until some of the old stuff is flushed out.

I took about 20 mg today, divided into doses and last night before bed, about 15 mg.

I am mainly wondering what happened with my one arm blistering. That's the weirdest thing to me. I've had freckle type moles disappear before and it's no big deal. Redheads have so many anyway, some of us, and they can do this and it means nothing. When I was a teen, I had a big freckle on my nose and I sunburned and the whole thing peeled off and hasn't returned to this day.

But I'm wondering what was in my body that decided to surface that would cause tiny blisters. I would say, only about a quarter space worth. Just a small space. I wasn't sure if it was something environmental exactly, outside, that could cause this, or just the chelation process. What's weird is that the rash part is sort of in perfect stripes, like someone laid strips of cloth over my skin. Kind of like curved perfectly outlined stripes, as if know how if you're painting and you use that tape to make a line and keep the paint out? That's how perfect these lines are.

What made me wonder was that I was sitting to the side of a skylight when it happened.

So, I wasn't paranoid of course, but it happened so fast, and there was kind of a burning sensation around that time, through my whole body, that I just wondered what it was from. So I figured most likely, it's from chelation but I did sort of look up at the skylight.

The skylight was above me and has sort of a plastic-"like" cover to it but nothing is curved in perfect lines. The only thing that is, maybe, that I was anywhere near, was the curtains at the window.

I was sitting right up against and facing the window, because the wi-fi is best there and across from me, about, oh, two feet? three feet? away exactly is the curtain that ties at the bottom and makes a curved line. It's in folds so some parts of the curtain are thicker than other parts.

There has been a blind, plastic blind, covering the entire window and then a little curtain that curves, and hangs over it.

Two stripes on my forearm with one section looking more burned than the other parts. And no blisters now. First it was this itch and I didn't know why so I scratched and I realized, as soon as I scratched, that I had tiny pustules under my fingernails which popped. Then they appeared again, in seconds. Now, it's all flat. On the inner underside of my forearm which I had turned up. And the part of my leg that was marked was the part of my thigh where my forearm was resting as I sat cross-legged, with my elbow landing mid-thigh. My marks on my thigh were at mid-thigh but they've now disappeared.

It happened this afternoon, before noon. At about 11 o'clock or so. I went into the house and showed my parents and actually, I will probably know almost the exact time, because at first I thought it was from something with chelation, and I sent an email to my mom.

So I could find out about what exact time.

It's just great being "nuts" ain't it?

Anyone want to be me for a day?

I actually fully believed, 100%, it was from chelation until right about now, when I checked my thigh again and then re-examined my arm.

I feel like someone wants to say, "It's time to pack up and run honey."

Right. And go where.

How about this? Is my description good enough for Uncle Sam?

Which file is this going into? My "crazy" file, the gangster file, the DOD file, the DOJ file, or how about the AG file? maybe it's going to the CIA file. Or maybe the Pentagon file. Who knows, it's anyone's guess.

Well, for your information, I have very valid claims and if my outburst and venting in my later posts sounds extreme, about cutting me some slack?

I mean, where is this crap going? This happened to my SON in East Wenatchee. I found laser burns on my son. Which peeled off.

Now, I think the freckle peel is normal, but these stripes really do not look normal.

What am I? Jesus?

By his "stripes"...? My forearm has marks that look like a bulls-eye.

My own mother and father saw this. It's not like they're going to rat out the wussies. They looked and said, "It's from the lime juice" and I said, "No, I didn't have any lime juice at all today. All I took was charcoal and oat bran. I think it's from the chelation."

No. I am staring at this curtain now, that is the same shadow shape as the marks on my forearm and I'm thinking, "Ah, this is why it only happened on one side. Because my other arm isn't by the window." My face and other arm are not close enough to the window. They were more to the side.

I guess I should photograph this. I should have photographed it when I still had the blisters. They formed in miliseconds. Then I scraped them off and new ones were popping up. Just really tiny ones filled with only water, no pus or anything. Like tiny little sunburn blisters that normally would develop if you've been burned by the sun, after a day or two. No, this happened instantly.

Voila! Like MAGIC. WOW. Technology is SO cool. Maybe someone feels like a real superhero today.

I didn't even think about it. But, I guess God knows all things, and probably He gave me some grace when I decided to talk about "other" things that have been just as bad.

So I just want to know who the criminals are and why the FBI likes to cover for them. That's all they've done. Belittle me, ridicule me, defame me, invite others to shoot me up with Haldol. Why? Because I might expose a great big State secret? Or just some idiots hiding under the cloak of authority and wrecking their own personal revenge?

My son's Doctor has got to go, by the way. She's a lying sniveling defector of the trust of a child.

Here's why the marks must have quickly disappeared from my thigh, which was up against my forearm--I had stretch pants on. There was nothing on my arm because I was wearing a tank top.

I had no marks on any other part of my entire body.

Just my left side of my body, on one section of my arm and thigh which were next to eachother and at an angle and close to the window.

I'm not scared by the way. I think you're criminal assholes who will eventually be ratted out and sent to jail.

The file I will put this in, will be my UN file if someone in the U.S. doesn't take care of it.

The approximate angle would be up higher, not lower.

There are houses up higher on the hill, which surrounds the houses on this property. It's a little neighborhood. And then aside from this, just a road and then the sky. There are trees all the way around. My Mom and Dad were not home.

It stripes all the way from one end of my forearm to the other end and has a perfect outline and then a second stripe beneath it, about a 1/2 inch apart.

I would say it was someone in the neighborhood who is no good. The only other possibility is something from the sky and actually, that's a little less likely. I mean, I think. I guess it's slightly more probable that it's assholes who are working for someone but they are hardcore. They'd have to have a serious political agenda.

When I came out to see my parents, I had put a fleece over my body, but when I was inside, I was just wearing a tanktop.

The marks on my thigh were red and matched the curve of the marks on my arm, like a continual line, if my elbow is on my mid-thigh.

There was a definite heating at the time, but it was going on for such a long time this morning, I tried to forget about it and just keep on. I would leave the laptop and it quit. There was also something sort of bothering the metal in my neck for a short time, in that same spot, but not when I left and went to a different area. And then after a prolonged burning sensation, I had some bleeding in my mouth, by a gum. Which has actually happened in the past as well, when someone is using some kind of technology against me.

Guess what? These assholes have done this kind of thing to my innocent child.

This is why they need to be caught, and locked up.

I'll just photograph this and post it. It's up for dispute, but I'll photograph the way the curtain is curved too.

Um, people in other countries will know, and so will military trained personnel.

Even by this description, someone probably already has an idea of what might have been used. I will also photograph the approximate distance or exact distance from my arm to the curtain at the window, so our military experts have a good idea of who is responsible or what direction this has come from.

There are some real buzzards almost anywhere I go. They get worried, and show up and try to intimidate my family. I guess they have a dozen reasons. One, is that if I start sounding normal, it's a threat to the whole gameplan. And then secondly, I think they do it to try to force my family to do what they want "or else". I mean, why else would they do this right before I am meeting up with my parents?

I've had problems with the laptop today too. It's only on certain days or rare timeframes.

Oh, and some of the medical people, well, are experimental criminals and use their own kids even. That part sounds really weird, but I'm onto something. It's really weird when doctors, nurses, or medical people start acting like mini-me Hitlers.

The only way someone would know I was next to the window is if they noticed, I pulled up the blind a few times, to see if someone was home yet when I thought I heard traffic above, near the road. So I pulled up the blind a few times. Otherwise, I keep all blinds down, for a good reason. Here's the other thing, right after it happened, it was like almost my entire forearm looked kind of almost wrinkled or something like it had been exposed to sun but then only 2 stripes appeared with blisters at the top of one end of one of the stripes. I think the pattern occured because of the drape and varying thickness of the curtain.

So, enough talk. Let me try to photograph.

Pardon me while I make my bed first in case something shows. I'm not photographine myself, just my arm and proximity.

How do I catch the bastards unless I show a little of the evidence? Some will say it's something else, but ahh...our military experts worldwide will most definitely disagree. Okay, I sort of just threw covers off the bed but left all the books, snicker's wrapper and pens and things I had on the bed. I'ts not beautiful but I'm not photographing "pretty"--I'm photographing torture.

I think the lighting in here stinks though. I'll show proximity and then try to find decent lighting. It's faded a LOT since this morning though.

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