Monday, August 8, 2011

My Favorite Rat: God Bless The Rat

I have to write a poem about a rat who will rat out those who tortured me and my son and tried to say I was crazy.

I just don't know how to write it or how to start.

When my parents asked me how I was going to prove anything I said, "I don't know. A rat." And I added, "Someone who will be a rat and rat out those who have done these things to me and my son, whether they are here in the U.S. or overseas, GOD BLESS THE RAT."

To which they replied, "If someone hears that they will think you ARE crazy."

I said, "I don't care. GOD BLESS THE RAT."

"All it takes is one high U.S. official saying, "We were wrong, and this is what happened, and my son has to be returned to me at once."

At some other point I said, "I want to see Mary Anne McIntosh with her hands behind her back, going to jail." Then I added, "Or, WHAT. Are we to have her COURT-MARTIALED?"

My mother was angry at some point, defending, I guess, the Avilas and others, when I was in tears about how I want something in writing showing who is behind refusing me communication with my son. My mother started to say, "Your RIGHTs were terminated. You don't have any right to talk to him. IF someone decides to let you talk to him, it will be THEIR mercy."

I said, "THEIR MERCY?! IT is MY MERCY. This case is a FRAUD. "

My mother said, "No, it is their mercy, they have the authority and YOUR rights are terminated."

To which I replied, "It is GOD'S MERCY they are not DEAD. It is GOD'S MERCY THEY are not DEAD." It is GOD'S MERCY.

I heard all kinds of things, like I'm not the only one who has lost something or that there are other women who have children or are teachers. I said, "I am not impressed with someone who doesn't have anything to do with kids until she decides one day, "Oh! I guess I'll take a career as an elementary school teacher. I have known since I was 11 that I was to raise my son. I do not want my son after someone else has raised him. I WANT to RAISE MY SON. God knows what has been in my heart since I was 11 years old and I don't know any other women who CHOSE to babysit others' kids since age 11, and then acted as a teacher's assistant and parented other kids as a nanny for years, and read on child development, all in the effort to BE THE BEST MOTHER they could be. WHO ELSE has done this? and then they TAKE the best mother from MY ONLY SON."


I am counting on one DANGEROUS RAT.

This is one time when "rat" or the idea of a rat, doesn't sound bad but really works to a righteous advantage.

And I said, "And I hope the U.S. rating continues to drop and I don't care if it's a B rating, I hope it falls until I get my son back."

RATS like this double as WHISTLEBLOWERS but this one is a real, bona fide, Righteous Rat.

And if Samson brings the house down, GOD WILLING and SO BE IT, for a moral cause.
It's not this way now, but I also said, "When I was being followed and surveilled, and told I was delusional, when I wasn't, it wasn't anyone from the U.S. or Israel that was validating me. It was a Pakistani or middle eastern person who said, "yeah, you're being followed. And I'm not saying they're all for me or trustworthy, but no one else wanted to validate me and others knew." And I said the only reason I didn't move there would be because then I'd be a wide open target and excuse for someone in the U.S. to put a hit on me.

I am sympathetic to the Seals who were shot down, I guess. But it's really hard for me, as a U.S. citizen that's been tortured and separated from her only son while living in a country of "freedom" to be as sympathetic as I might normally be.

I hear some guy on the christian radio talking about how we should send gift baskets to their families.

WHAT ABOUT MY FAMILY. Who ever sent MY SON a "gift basket" for being tortured.

When I think about how the CORRUPT FBI has allowed corrupt persons in their agency to put aside investigations of public corruption, and maligned ME, I think, "27 SEALS is not enough."

Those SEALS consented to go to war and went willingly. My SON, an innocent child, on the other hand, has been tortured in his own country and had U.S. officials protect the abusers.

27 SEALS are not even enough to cry over.

They were men of war.

My son was an innocent baby.

And my innocent baby was ruined by knowing officials who covered for public corruption in this country and allowed his torture.

Shoot away.

When one of these "SEALS" opens his mouth to rat out the U.S. for allowing me and my son to be tortured in the "Country of Freedom", then maybe someone should quit shooting down their helicopters.

What does it take for the U.S. to figure it out. You DO NOT torture children and women or allow torture of children and women.

Your "warring men" are worth nothing.

These families of SEALS are more important than innocent babies? HOWSO.

No one tied a yellow ribbon around my son's wrist and compensated him for being tortured and torn from the only person in the world who had the decency to stand up for his life.

SHOOT DOWN as many SEALS as you want.

How many consenting warring men are equal to ONE beautiful happy brilliant baby boy who loved everyone and whose name stood for Peace and Affection?


All of these white trash RAMBOS who sign up for war for themselves and their own families, who keep their mouths shut about incredible and horrific crimes against humanity in the "Country of Freedom",

Die. In the Name of God Just Die.

The U.S. thinks the suffering of INNOCENT children is nothing. They must need to feel and know what suffering is then, for the men who they spent money training to consent to war.

England is known for Kings and Queens. The U.S. was known for "Freedom".

You take "Freedom" away or pervert is, and you have nothing. You don't have a great country. You have what used to be a great country and masquerades under an old reputation that doesn't hold up anymore.

I hope more SEALS die this week.

Any country that has allowed and deliberately facilitated what has happened to my innocent son and me, doesn't deserve protection for their "SEALS".

In a country of "freedom" you DO NOT torture and abuse children and use their mothers for psychic research and mind control without their consent. And then call them crazy and degrade them further on top of it, putting their children at further risk in the future.

You restore Freedom and Justice and maybe you deserve respect again.

You do not have my respect.

I would be an absolute idiot to feel loyal at all, to a country that has perverted the course of justice. They have allowed corrupt officials to torture me and my son and then even hoped that I would turn against them. What else do they expect from those they torture and manipulate?

I am An Abused and Battered Woman whose Husband is The United States of America. Whose Husband raped and tortured his own child. Who stole guardianship from the mother that protected her child, who wanted a Separation from her Husband and whose violent and evil battering Husband kidnapped her only son to put his name on the papers: Guardian: The United State of America.

Then the Guardian raped, abused, and continued to allow Torture of its own child, Oliver Garrett.

Some Father.

And I have been the stupid battered and abused wife who keeps taking her husband back and forgiving him with no good reason to do so. Why? because a few distant relatives and friends are in the background trying to make it better?

I forgive you. I love you. I pledge allegiance to you.

Please don't hurt me. I love you. Please, please don't hurt me. I love you.

SAY IT! the BASTARD United States yells at her, "SAY IT LIKE YOU MEAN IT."

"I love you. I haven't been unfaithful to you. I love you. Please, please don't rape me again. Please, please don't torture your son again. Please, please don't...please don't torture me again. Please don't degrade your wife again. I love you."

U.S.: "BITCH. YOU don't LOVE ME. YOU DON'T LOVE ME. And do you know what? I hate my own child. He's part of YOU and I hate YOU. But you'd better love me like you mean it. BITCH. You think you're my only wife? You are not my favorite wife. You are SCUM. You think Oliver is my only child? I have millions of children and Oliver is nothing to me. BITCH! Say you LOVE ME."

Me: "I pledge the...United States of America...Oh say can you see...I love you."

U.S.: Slaps me and beats me to the ground, puts dirt in my mouth, and takes away my car keys, and my money and says to me, "Aren't the women in Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan deprived of their liberty?"

YOU BEAT YOUR OWN SON and YOUR WIFE, and did everything to me that you claim other countries do to their women and you laugh and mock and ridicule us, and then shed tears over "SEALS".

It is GOD'S MERCY YOU are not Dead.

You mutilated and burned and tortured your OWN WIFE and CHILD.

And you applauded and said this was nothing and the end justifies the means.

You SO overestimated YOUR OWN WORTH.

You falsely jailed and accused your Wife of crimes you knew she never committed and tarnished her reputation. Why? So she would stay with YOU? To make her unattractive to other suitors?

YOU are the abusive and battering BEAST.

U.S. to other countries: "You don't want her. She's damaged goods."

U.S. to me: "You're not going ANYWHERE BITCH."

First the U.S tries to veil the secret and then when the Wife starts to take her veil down, they beat and burn her and her child to a bloody pulp and then finally dump her off with her parents, ruined, at age 36 and say "Here. You can have her now. And YOU, are going to do as we say, but yeah, she can stay with you. HAHAHAAHAHA. We keep her kid."

YOU HUSBAND, are a FILTHY, EVIL and morally DECREPIT person.

You used me, abused me, told me to love you, and pimped me out. Your own Wife, whom you care nothing of, because of your vast HAREM of WHORES and VIRGINS to choose from.

Then you tell me, to my two black eyes, and charred heart, you tell me I'm mentally ill.


Is there a rating score for the MENTAL HEALTH of America?

You get an 'F' rating, you abusive BASTARD.

You are worse than the Taliban. You are The World's #1 Biggest Hypocrite.

You told your other sons and daughters and wives and husbands to kick, burn, and torture me and my son and then claimed moral superiority over other countries. You poisoned your own Wife and refused to allow her to be evaluated for poisoning and instead, allowed others to inject her with Haldol--that horrible dissident Wife. Troublemaker. She wants to hold the U.S. accountable for kidnapping her son? Here's what we do to Wives like that--we make sure that they know who's boss.


Hey, MO, BEAT THE BITCH, do it for DADDY honey.


Isn't this hilarious? You know you're my favorites sweetie. Come on honey, do it for Daddy. Show us whatcha GOT.


Show Daddy whatcha got McIntosh. Come on honey. Daddy has money honey. Come on Hotchkiss.

Obama: "We do not tolerate countries that allow the rape and torture of Libyans."

(aside to Biden: So what country are Cameo Garrett and Oliver Garrett from again? hahaha)

YOU put U.S. men into LIBYA to fight for Libyans and allow U.S. citizens to torture others in your own country?

Here's a message to The Taliban:

"Guess what? The U.S. hasn't figured it out yet. And as long as they send Seals out to fight Afghanistan instead of fighting for innocent kids in their own country, fire away."

As long as this idiot Patrick with the U.S. Department of Justice refuses to investigate public corruption, and DOJ officials block true justice, FIRE AWAY and next time, aim for the DOJ building.

Why shouldn't I fire out my own missives?

My son and I have been tortured here and it appears my parents are expected to do a song and dance to appease the Beast.

Guess what my Husband did to me in Knoxville? He broke my hand, stripped me naked in front of a mirror with people on the other side watching, and degraded me publicly, dragging me across the floor and then I was forced to be in the same room as a "psychic-in-training". They put me in a room with windows all the way around, with this other woman who they asked to come in to demonstrate what she could do and she sat there and laid out where I was going to spill milk or do other things and had it already set up.

I was in PRISON to allow Daddy and Husband U.S. to let his other wives, to torture and use me.

Because I'm "special" or because someone in the U.S. decided I was a piece of shit to punish by allowing other wives to kick and torture me, strip me, mock me, feel better about themselves, as they BREAK my HANDS. Then they put me in a glass room with this blond woman who was a psychic in training, and allowed her to use me in view of others until I started talking about "VIOLATION OF THE GENEVA CONVENTION" for degrading treatment and let me out.

I told this woman, before she even did what she did in the glass room, when she wasn't there for any reason than to use me as her experimental toy, "You're not going to make it to the CIA
because I already know what you are." I told her she wasn't able to cover for herself well enough and that if I could see through her, so could others and she was therefore useless.

I told her this before she even tried out her "work" in the glass room. I told her this when she suddenly appeared in the mental health cage to go with me to the Knoxville Detention center. I told her I already knew what she was about. She pretended to be drunk. It was a lousy act. And I was right and she proved it to me later and then the other officials there knew I knew.

They used me and experimented on me just like the people in the Middle Tennessee Mental Health psych ward used people to experiment on me.

I LOVE you Husband. You're SO good to me.

Oh, I should be thankful for your mercy?

I want a DIVORCE.

By the way, you signed a Pre-Nup you ASSHOLE.

You promised a lot of things, upon my birth, and Certificate of U.S. Citizenship, that you did not live up to.

I want my son and YOU are paying ALIMONY you FUCKER.

You abusive, degrading, insulting, corrupt motherfucker, YOU will PAY me and MY SON ALIMONY.

My mother said to me today, "You're full of hate."

I said, "No. Those who TORTURE others are full of HATE."

Husband, Daddy, Guardian, United States of America, YOU HATE me and HATE my son and try to tell others there is something wrong with me. YOU are FULL of HATE and YOU have left the Blessing of God.

God Bless the Rat.

Supposedly, the U.S. is the only country that values the rights of the "individual".

I later found out the Nashville FBI offices were only a couple of blocks away from Logan's Roadhouse, where I worked and was used and tortured by coworkers and customers and observed by Vanderbilt University research assholes.

It was the most horrific place I've ever worked at. The only place, in fact, where I was deliberately tortured and used, by even some so-called "christians". They were the worst hypocrites I've ever known, for coworkers.

Why didn't I quit? I had no choice. I had a bill to pay or go to jail if I didn't pay it. So I didn't have a choice. It was human trafficking, period.

It was a couple blocks away from the Nashville FBI offices downtown, and a block away from Vanderbilt. I was even being observed by some British asshole. He had an English accent and came in and sat at the bar with a Vanderbilt nurse almost every single day, during my shift.

Love how the U.S. pimps his Wife out to even foreigners.

He was there, almost every night I worked, for two months until I was fired on April 29th.

You see, it's easier to pimp a woman out, and traffick her to others, if you first convince people she's a slut anyway, and kind of a petty criminal, and nuts. Oh, and we have nothing to lose, because she's not a "genious", her I.Q. is only 130 or so. It's not like we're doing damage to a brain.


I don't know about you, but I think my personality is coming back....maybe? is THIS what they were trying to repress?

Mr. England looked guilty half the time. He knew exactly what was going on. Expatriot? hardly. He was the only one there with a British accent. It was England, not Australia.

I worked with the most cowardly and abusive set of coworkers I've ever known. They were ALL pieces of shit.

Then I moved over here to a small town and someone thought I was going to be a guinea pig at work again. I said, "No, I'm not doing this for minimum wage." I quit after 2 days. I haven't even gone back to return the menu because I plan to mail it. I don't want to set foot in there again. It's not the actual work--I have no problem working for minimum wage at crappy work. I DO have a problem being used as an object for research for the benefit of someone else. If I have a choice, why would I make it look like I consent to abusive treatment by staying?

I worked for abusive people when I was forced into it, by human trafficking and what amounts to slavery.

I believe I said at one time, that yeah, I'd like to help psychic research and that sort of thing. Um...that was before I realized that it's not really "consent" when you've been used for this kind of things and mind control before you even knew it. And I also know it's no longer consent if you try to quit and they don't let you and try to force you and your son into it anyway.

I don't have any problem with normal work. I do have a problem with being used and not paid for the ways in which I'm being used, or being allowed to consent to the kind of use.

I'm not compromising any longer. I did the wrong thing by giving any territory to the State of Washington at all. It backfired. I was told to cooperate, which I did, and then I tried to compromise even, and it was wrong. I should have stood my ground and called them criminals all the way through.

My Dad said something today about "emancipation"--what was I going to do until my son was emancipated and I thought he was just using terminology but then I thought about it. The State of Washington and Husband Fed won't let my son go until he is legally able to emancipate himself. And why would he by that point? He'll already be brainwashed not to. I said to my parents, "Isn't that what they've done?! They have severed my communication with my own son to break the bond." My mom kept saying, "They terminated your rights, which means you don't have a right..." and I said, "NO, they terminated my right to guardianship, NOT to ever communicating with my son." But they have all cooperated with one another to keep my own son from talking to his mother.

Why? So he can be further integrated into a family that does whatever the corrupt State tells them to do. I said, "Right. Oliver is already being brainwashed. By the time he's old enough to even try to even be emancipated, he won't want to be because they have cut off all ties and communication. He'll go off to the stupid 2 year missions program that ALL of their kids (and their exchange student, for god's sake) went to. This is NOT how I would raise MY SON." My mother said , "Oh, you'd raise him to hate like you do?" and I said, "I would raise him to be FREE."

How funny that the U.S. is The Biggest Bona Fide FREAK I've ever known. Oh, I'm sorry, they just employ the biggest freaks they can find for one Grand Freak Show. Criminal freaks.

Let's think? When did this start?

How about the time I went to the Social Security offices in Wenatchee, WA to have the social security number assigned to my son REMOVED.

That's when Husband-Big Daddy U.S. said "No,no,no (we won't go to rehab)". Probably someone said, "Alert Big DaddyO, Alert Big DaddyO, mother in Wenatchee trying to terminate social security number for child."

Why? Because I already had plans to leave the Mother Fucking Ship and they knew it.

After being harassed and hounded by police and law enforcement and having people refuse medical treatment and refusing to investigate continuous crime and being told by officers, to "Leave Washington" after I'd just left Oregon, I realized that being forced to assign my son with a SS # was against my and my son's civil rights. He didn't need a number until he was of working age and I didn't want him tracked with a number. So after being traumatized in childbirth and watching as this horrific midwife pressed against my son's skull for over an hour, knowingly altering and damaging him, and then forcing his birth by vaccuum, I thought, "Yeah, this is enough. I've been raped enough times Husband and you keep telling me to move on to be raped anew. I'm reeeal lucky to have the U.S. for a Great Protector."

I was already talking about leaving this country when I was pregnant. I said it over the phone to the Fed's daughter. She wanted to know WHERE I would go. I lied and said maybe Canada and I never wanted to go to Canada. That just ended up being a poor-man's emergency escape. Which turned out to be a real hoot, finding out they have corrupt officials there too.

So umm, yeah, the U.S. and FBI already knew I wasn't going to stay in the U.S. and when they found out I was trying to have my son's forced Social Security number removed, they freaked out and refused. And allowed others to try to keep me here as their prized pig.

Some people hated me and were jealous of me, and others, well, they just knew that I was a prize pig. Show Pig. Still good for breeding even.

Guess what I found out while researching use of children in experiments and psychic-mind control research?
There was an experiment done in the U.S. to intentionally alter the skull formation of children by pressing on the newborns skull or using some kind of instrument, and the objective was that if you altered this one part, it made the kid a better mind control receptacle. It altered the personality formation. I looked into it and it was the same specific spot that the midwife had pressed on forcefully for hours before my son was ever born. The exact same spot. I guess it's just a coincidence. Because, yeah, the U.S. was really excited to let Canada have their Prize Pig's Piglet.

My son's skull and head injury wasn't consistent with being pressed by a small pelvis. The spot that was indented, was where the corrupt Midwife's fingers were.


That woman is a criminal and her husband is a Washington State trooper. Right after what she did, she tried to have me slandered and my son adopted out to someone else.

I'll be the first Rat. Oliver's mommy is a proud Rat. Who will be a Rat with me?

There is no possible way for my son's head to have that injury, even from narrow pelvis. He wasn't able to be born naturally because of my pelvis and I had to break my tailbone and a vacuum used first. But his head injury, that spot where he was injured, was from STACEY Stubblefield's fingers.

Corrupt, vile, criminal woman.

She then proceeded, while a nurse was whispering to me to get a lawyer, Stacey proceeded to try to write me up as being an alcoholic and drug user when I did neither and all of her prenatal tests proved this.

Corrupt. Corrupt. Corrupt. LIAR. Even the nurse who was present knew it was totally abnormal. I was told first day, Get a Law Firm. And this was from a nurse who said this to me in secrecy and hushed tones and I've never said who she was either.

I never thought about it, until I read this study that was done in the U.S. and I'll have to find it again and publish the link. Then I thought about it. Yeah, it made total sense. Because his head injury was not even a place where my pelvis would harm him. And it was the size of where fingers would press. She did it on purpose. And she refused to get an OBGYN when I was screaming for one and she turned off my drip for epidural. Everything that she did didn't speak to negligence but intentional and knowing harm. And her buddy hubby and his friends were only too happy to chip in to defame me.

My son's current Doctor is a total crapper. The State assigned him to a Dr. that goes along with research and experimentation of children. She has deliberately covered for The State and CPs and for those who have used my son. She has reported to others outside of Wenatchee and she is tandem with the Central Washington hospital group, which is the same group that would have been sued if I hadn't had my son removed from me to make it impossible for me to sue.

The U.S. isn't going to sue itself. They made the "State" of "Washington" "Guardian" after the State Trooper's wife damaged my son's skull. Nice. Kinda sloppy, but with a little work, it took, didn't it?

Who loves Oliver? His mother loves Oliver. Cameo Garrett loves her son and almost died for him and was tortured for him.

We were tortured together, and the U.S. let little brother get away with it because I guess big brother was in on it.

I had a State trooper stop me when I was trying to go to medical lake to visit my cousin, and try to cite me with negligent driving when I was with my son. He was just waiting for me. I had dropped off a notice to Central Washington Hospital before I left. It was a notice of intent to sue. A few hours later, I was stopped by an officer while I was trying to file the matter in Spokane court.

Officer Stubblefield...friends with? Hmmm...I wonder.

Let's just say, don't count on the police to look out for my son over there. They look out for #1, themselves. There were too many interconnected people there, with too much to lose. They didn't ccare about my son. They cared about keeping my son out of my guardianship so I couldn't sue a number of involved persons and organizations, on behalf of myself and my son.

Stacey Stubblefield went on to open her own little practice. She actually profitted. Instead of losing her house, she made money. And then flaunted herself in front of me after my Ex left. She is a criminal. And I suspect her husband is far, far, worse. Malcolm Butler, who was the OBGYN on duty, did his best to be the first to defame me and kick both me and my son out of the Columbia Community Clinic. He would have been party to the lawsuit so he wrote me up falsely and didn't want to do diagnostics of what was wrong after my childbirth. Instead, he wrote narcotic prescriptions and turned around and called me "drug seeking" . His Daddy is a big man at University of Washington hospital, which is where i later had an X-ray done and the radiologist reported my fractured pelvis was a likely result of traumatic childbirth. This record was later "edited" by someone who took out the likely cause part.

Huh! I wonder if Stubblefield or Butler have any ties to the Seattle FBI offices.

Turns out, funny, that my social worker at the time, Tina Thornton, well, her husband is also a police officer. Whaddya know. All of a sudden, I'm telling her that I'm looking for a lawyer and I had no idea that my counselor at the time, Brett Mcdonald, is her best friend. And Thornton's husband is a police officer just like Stubblefield's. I'm pretty sure that was the connection. There was some connection and I think that was it. So I find out Thornton decides to take a bribe and go to work for CPS and she makes a false report about me first. That I might not be a good mother bc maybe I'm "drug seeking". Which was really interesting because at that time I had finally asked Dr. Butler for a CT of my pelvis because 3 months after childbirth, I was still in pain. He agreed, as a nurse was also there and overheard, and ordered a CT. The radiology report recorded that there was 'abnormal fluid" in and around my pelvis that needed follow-up. No follow-up was ordered. Instead, i was kicked out of the clinic. I went to the ER at the University of Washington and they found a "fractured pelvis" and "broken tailbone" which is consistent with the abnormal fluid on the CT.

Even "christians" and "Jews" can be criminals. The crime was maybe not the original damage but the cover-up. Donna Titleman, was Tina Thornton's supervisor. Thornton had just perjured herself in a Fair Hearing which I had requested because all of a sudden, my social worker tried to end my benefits to put me in a position of having zero ability to get income which would pay my rent and provide for my son. It was over my refusal to provide them with a SS# for my son.

They wanted an excuse to quit my benefits and say my son wasn't being provided for. I had a legal right to refuse to give them a SS# for my son. I was in the process of disputing his number and challenged his number because I had been pressured and forced to sign papers giving him a number when I didn't want to sign the paper. They threatened to take my son away if I didn't and I had a legal right to refuse giving him a number. It is not legally required until a citizen is of working age. Since I had been forced to take one for him, according to U.S. law, I had the right to request his number be expunged and removed.

The federal government did not do this. They tried to sneak around my request.

I provided the State of Washington with evidence that proved I asked for his number to be revoked. By law, the State cannot require a parent to obtain a number for their child. However, the State tried to quit my benefits and I'm sure the federal govt., with the FBI, wanted to tag me as an "anarchist".

I had already made a report of FBI misconduct, and now I was challenging a Social Security number for my son. "Anarchist" I'm sure. I've never seen the record, but maybe they prefered to call me 'schitzophrenic. Instead of holding Donna Titleman accountable for perjury and Thornton accountable for conflict of interest for failing to disclose to me that her best friend was my counselor, they all felt is best to have me written up, by the Judge, as "possibly paranoid and schitzophrenic." Then they quit reimbursing me for medical trips for my son, as they had contracted to do.

I wasn't paranoid and there was no evidence of paranoia. I simply tried to exercise my constitutional right to not be forced and coerced to take a number for my son.

It was none of their business.

But, you see, they wanted to make it their business because if I was paranoid, that worked to the advantage of their friends, whom they knew I was trying to sue. And since there was no evidence of paranoia, and when my own counselor denied I had shown any sign of paranoia or schitzophrenia at any time, guess who was pressuring her to turn over records to him and say I was?

Dr. Malcolm Butler and the Columbia Community Health Clinic.

The same Dr. who knew he was about to be sued, who must have known I had already obtained an X-ray from U of WA hospital that showed a fractured pelvis, in contrast to his allegations that I had no pain, had a "normal childbirth", and was "drug seeking".

This is also the same clinic where my son was given a double dose of a vaccination and then they refused to give me the records of what he was given and I tried to report it to the CDC and VAERS. My son had a horrible reaction and I had huge obstacles trying to report this.

So Brett McDonald called me up and said, "I have to tell you something--Dr. Butler is asking me to turn over your counseling records." I said, "What?! He can't! It's privileged. He kicked me and my son out of his clinic without even giving us the legal 30 days notice to find other care. He knows I'm suing, and now they want my records?" Brett said, "They're technically part of the counseling center. They think you are paranoid or schitzophrenic but I told them I disagree and that at no time have I ever seen any behavior or speech from you that would indicate this is true."

I said, "I don't want them to have the records. It's a conflict of interest and they know it."

At this time, there was no harm to my son or I. I didn't sound nuts, because no one had yet gone to the extremes of doing something to try to make me sound nuts. Not yet, or not to my knowledge.

What HAD happened, was that after I was kicked out of the clinic, my vehicle was constantly vandalized on Methow St. and neighbors all witnessed I was being targeted and stalked. Someone was repeatedly bashing in my windows and slashing my tires.

You see, it was at this time, that I was kicked out of the clinic, that I had to drive to Seattle for medical appointments. Touchy, touchy, now. I told my social worker Butler had kicked my son and I both out of his clinic and didn't give us the required 30 day notice to find other care. I told her I didn't have another place in town where I could get medical care for my son without conflict of interest so could I contract to go out of town? ALL of the Wenatchee clinics and hospitals backed Butler like Good Ole Boys and they refused both me and my son medical care. They even wrote letters refusing us.

Tina Thornton said in that case, I would drive to Seattle and be reimbursed by the Department of Social and Health Services, 30 cents (or so) to the mile for driving to and from medical appointments.


I was "paranoid" for what?

Let's get the record fucking straight.

I was "paranoid" for refusing a Social Security Number for my child. Which was my Constitutional right.

Wait. Oh wait, let's back up. No. In fact, and in truth, I have only been "paranoid" when it has been politically convenient for me to be slandered as such. What does this mean? When I have talked about filing lawsuits.

Which speaks to clear motive of those calling me "paranoid" or "schitzophrenic". It also speaks to motive of some to create conditions which would validate or seem to validat their lies, and therefore excuse THEM from criminal charges, corruption, and defamation of my character.

I have been "healthy", hmm, mentally "fit" and "healthy" whenever....

Voila! I am NOT threatening lawsuits! What in incredibly interesting parallel.

It would seem that only "paranoid" and "schitzophrenic" people have grounds to file lawsuits against big playuhs.

So is this the way it's gonna be America? Any woman who threatens lawsuit and jeopardizes big corporations is tortured and injected with Haldol? A woman who speaks her mind freely, and exercises her right to free speech and protest, and constitutional rights, is guilty of anarchy and therefore must be burned at the stake as a Witch?

I was accused of being "schitzophrenic" right before I sued the shit out of the Mt. Angel Abbey, the Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon, and The Willamette Week...

And I am going to be accused of being "schitzophrenic" right before I sue the shit out of CPS, The City of Wenatchee, Chelan-Douglas County, medical institutions there, and a host of other assholes.

You fucked with the wrong BITCH.

The next time I sue you mutherfuckers, you will be defending your asses in a RICO lawsuit. How are you going to get out of it? Are you going to whine and plead with the Judge, saying, "She's incompetent and mentally ill." The Judge is going to read my Motion and disagree.

If I have to take each and every one of you in by the supoeana jugular, I will.

I was "Schitzophrenic" before I filed 2 major lawsuits in Oregon and they held up for over 2 years.

I will be "schitzophrenic" right up to the filing date of my next round.

That is, I will be defamed as being schitzophrenic, right up to the next round and then when I collect what you owe me and my son, you will eat your fucking words.

THIS is exactly what the mutherfuckers have been afraid of. ME. Suing. THEM. So to make it easier on themselves, they rallied and spent millions to screw me over and I did not forget one single motherfucking thing.

This is what a fast does. It brings clarity and renews vigor. You should try it sometime. It's only been 4 days. I hope I feel even better in a month you fuckers. Okay, done venting. Back to the facts:

After Tina Thornton told me the Department of Health and Social Services were going to reimburse my mileage for medical appointments, she added, "You will be required to go to medical appointments as a condition of keeping your benefits."

Okay. Agreed. This was agreed before they tried to then kick me off of benefits and someone started slashing my tires.

I was going to Seattle for medical appointments for my son and then I had to file a hearing for Fair Hearing to keep my benefits when they wanted to use my son's SS#. I won the hearing, but at a cost, because the Judge wrote me up as "possibly paranoid".

After this, I tried to file to prove Donna Titleman had perjured herself in the hearing and I was told, "We don't acknowledge perjury in Administrative Hearings." DSHS basically told me that in "Administrative Hearings" there was no rule against perjury, so someone could just freely lie. I said, "Are you kidding me? How do you expect to even have "fair" hearings if you allow lying and there's no penalty to it?"

And they confirmed this again, through Olympia, Washington offices, that they do not care if the State perjures themselves. No law against it for "that" kind of hearing. I said, "What do you mean? Perjury is against the law" and they said, "Administrative Hearings are not civil or criminal or family law proceedings. It's different."

So the next thing that happened, was that as I was getting proof of injuries to me and my son, and calling law firms in Seattle, DSHS refused to reimburse me over $1,000 for my gas and mileage for driving to Seattle as they required me to do in order to keep my benefits. My "benefits" while I was medically disabled and trying to recover from childbirth damages, was only $400/mo. My rent took up almost all of my monthly "income". I couldn't "work" because I was still recovering from injuries, and when I tried to get on temporary phsyical disability, Wenatchee attempted to obstruct this, because they didn't want an independent evaluation of my damages and because SSI for temporary physical disability would help a lawsuit if I filed for medical malpractice on behalf of myself and my son. I requested SSI to get started and help with getting a physical for it and they blocked and deliberately told me NO.

They were corrupt. They deliberately blocked my attempt to even get temporary federal Social Security assistance for physical disability because they were more interested in protecting their friends and family there.

So what happened next? All of a sudden, I was expecting to be reimbursed money for gas and mileage. Why? Because I got paid $400 on the 1st, and I was spending it on gas and mileage until my rent was due, by which time I believed the State would have paid me back. Which is what they did before. Instead, they STIFFED me.

The State of Washington stiffed me over $1,000.

So guess who I decided to call?

Ms. MaryAnne McIntosh, who was a lawyer for the Attorney General offices in Wenatchee, Washington. Why did I call them? Because they are supposedly advocates for consumers in Washington.

Okay, let's get this very clear. I talked to Ms. McIntosh before there was ANY CPS report against me.

I called Wenatchee AG to report "fraud" by Wenatchee DSHS. I had zero involvement with CPS at this time. I talked and gave all the details of what was going on and then after one hour of divulging what discovery I had against the State of Washington, Ms. McIntosh said to me, "Wait. Don't tell me anymore. It's a conflict of interest."

I said, "What do you mean it's a conflict of interest? I'm a consumer reporting something that is going on that's wrong. Why didn't you stop me before I talked for an hour about this?" and she then said, "We are attorneys for the State and this is a conflict of interest for you to talk to me."

You see, it was better, when proceedings with CPS began against me, to have Tomas Cabellero take the case against me instead of Mary Anne McIntosh and when Ms. McIntosh thought it was "safe" to enter the picture, she dropped the first part of her name "Mary" and went only by "Anne" hoping I wouldn't remember who I had first talked to before they began to collude against me.

Ms. McIntosh didn't dare show her face in court until I had been gone a year trying to get help on the other side of the U.S. and returning with a fiance. She must have felt "safe" with Alvaro by my side maybe. I guess she thought I had "toned down" and might not remember certain things.

How could I forget my son whose name is inscribed on the palms of my hands? and how can I forget those who betrayed his trust.

What I didn't realize, that day that I telephoned the Wenatchee AG asking for "help" against the State of Washington employees, was that they do not truly "fight" for the consumer--they protect and defend the employees of the State of Washington. So it was in their interests to begin talking to someone in DSHS and locally in the community, about making complaints about me.

Which is why the head of Washington state AG knows The State of Washington is a filthy rag. This is why the head of the AG desperately tried to write an editorial in The Seattle Times to get voters to pass some kind of law to "protect" THEM from "liability" of wrongdoing, the day after I published a post about the Kidnapping of Oliver Garrett via AG of Washington.

So this is how it went down.

I had just spent over an HOUR on the phone with MaryAnne McIntosh, with the Wenatchee AG, telling her about all the unethical things these DSHS workers were doing. And I told her I was about to file another Fair Hearing to collect my $1,000 that they stiffed me on.

I told her, "They required me to go to these medical appointments, knowing what my fixed income is, and that I depend upon their repayment to me in order to make my rent. I had to borrow money from my grandparents to keep all of these appointments, because they hadn't paid me yet, like they did the month before, when it wasn't a problem. So now they're saying they are not going to pay at all! and someone from Spokane or something, told them not to pay me. So now I can't afford to pay rent and I'm going to be evicted and they say they're cutting off my benefits if I don't keep going to these medical appointments. I can't even afford the gas to go because they refuse to pay me as they promised and contracted to do. So I think this is fraud and maybe some kind of extortion, coercion or something."

Here I was, making my complaint, and giving all of my discovery, to the fucking Mary Anne McIntosh. Not only did I tell her about the State of Washington STIFFING me on $1,000 (which I could prove because I was able to prove how many appointments we'd been to and what the mileage was), I told her how they were obstructing me from getting temporary SSI for my childbirth damages.

(Someone reeally loves the first part of this post and then keeps trying to alter and separate the second part where I had calmed down and started to relay what the historical facts are, and what started this. I think someone doesn't like the truth looking them in the face. They maybe hope someone reads the first part and thinks I'm whacked and irrational and just skips over the rest.)

I telephoned the AG and talked to MaryAnne McIntosh when my son was about 7 or 8 months old and before someone started torturing us, I guess to make it sound plausible that I was mentally ill and to give a lot of people an excuse for not being sued.

I had talked to the Wenatchee AG, wrongfully thinking they were the "Consumer Fraud advocates" for citizens in Washington State, about 3 years before she showed her face to me. She assumed that through all the torture, I had forgotten her name.

(I will finish this tomorrow. Going backwards to add to my fast post and will resume this in the a.m.)

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