Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Need Help Now. Computer Person

I need help immediately. Someone or some group is trying to obstruct justice and continues to hide my webcam. Then when it appears, they do a system dump. There is nothing wrong with it and it wasn't happening until tonight because some groups know they don't want evidence because they know it happened.

Someone keeps hiding and deleting my webcam and then it will pop up and right before I click on it, either disappear or my laptop does a full system shut-down.

If it doesn't reappear and stay there, I will call police.

Like they would photograph my arm. No, I'll borrow someone else's laptop webcam so I hope someone quits interfering because there is someone else who just might be breathing your neck at this moment. Do you think it is impossible to discover who would be doing this? Whoever is doing this is also likely to be tied to the crime of using this technology to begin with.

By the way, the camera shows as "installed" on my laptop. But despite being "installed" and present in the file if you go to advanced tab on system, someone keeps hiding it and deleting it.

Someone who knows Chris Dabney is ...

In what way, good or bad, I don't know. But they are.

Probably the same DOJ fuckers who worked in the computer section who stole my cell phones from me. Fuck you by the way.

I just looked at my arm again, and yeah, mutherfuckers, it will be there tomorrow. So good luck on your cover all day.

You FUCKED up.

If I don't borrow a webcam I'll get a real camera.

I guess it just makes it more "exciting" for the general public, to think that someone might torture and then try to obstruct a webcam because they're scared. Bunch of babies. Grown adults acting like babies. Cowards. Who are you covering up for? mommy and daddy? the ninja? Cowards. You dish it and can't even take it. Um, and uh, women who think they're video sophisticates are sometimes nothing more than criminals. Smirks are shrinks. BITCH. What happened? The guys got too excited to handle webcam duty so they turn it over to the bitches?
or do you just look like a woman to me?

I have someone not only using technology again at this moment, but putting in dummy documents with the heading of "Eula" which makes me think they are either a foreigner or someone who doesn't know how to spell eulogy. Maybe I'm wrong, but there are several dozen dummy "word" documents and all with the heading of eula and then they were all "modified" supposedly, on July 29 2011 at 11:15 and with one modified at 4:03. I didn't create any documents on that day and there is no reason for it.

There is absolutely no reason for any modification bc I haven't modified or made changes to anything on this laptop.

I guess I could always talk about how someone in the U.S. thought I was a real, bona fide spy. Why else do you think the DOJ has been worthless? Not only did they first cover for the FBI and refuse to give me FOIA, they then drooled at the idea of making ME sound like "the bad guy".

Why else would the DOJ literally steal my cell phones?

They stole my personal property on a regular basis, followed me around EVERYWHERE and then tried to tell everyone else there was something wrong with me.

Guess who my Ex tried to dump me off with? Yeah, my "Columbian" Ex. Oh, just a guy who winked and nodded with him and who stole all my notes for a code I'd made up for myself to eventually learn.

I hadn't even learned it. I wrote it up because I wanted something I could use for starting a novel and putting it online without someone snooping and knowing what it was about. So guess what. Someone GAVE this away to someone else or kept it or something--did NOT return it to me, and did NOT return a shoe that belonged to my son which I'd saved with my things.

What's really hilarious, is that if anyone tried to "code back" to me, I never knew what in the world they were doing or trying to tell me, because I never had a chance to memorize it myself, which is why I had it written down.

I went from being terrorized and having my son kidnapped from me, to being treated like I was a real spy. Which leaves open all kinds of possibilities about who was ever really trying to "help" me and my son. Help me? or attempt to entrap me and feel cool about allowing blatant torture and cruelty of my child and I--continued torture, actually, because it did begin before I ever drafted a "code".

Where's that movie "Salt". Maybe I need to see it. You people never ask do you? you just assume. I would bet people died over your lousy assumptions.

Yeah, "CPS" really needed my IQ didn't they. You lousy MORONS. You wouldn't know a real spy if she bit you in the nose. You probably kissed her tonight you idiot.

CPS didn't need my I.Q. They didn't my "brain scan". And they didn't even need a psych eval except to save face for themselves.

Guess what I didn't need? Your lousy and ridiculous ASSUMPTIONS.

You don't ask. You just assume.

I'm supposed to think any of you were ever "helping" me or my son. You were helping yourselves. And most likely, hoping you could entrap me. And then what? What did you do? Film me while you abused me and then sent it off to some group, thinking they actually cared? Maybe someone was just simply shocked that any horrid thing was done to me and my son at all, when we NEVER did ANYTHING wrong.

Really hilarious. No, I never talked about the code to anyone, because it was not important, and it was for writing a NOVEL you FUCKING MORONS.

I still, to this day, have not written a novel because why? because someone stole my code and I'm not going to make up a whole new language and I'd rather use a manual typewriter where I know what I write is secure.

It doesn't even matter. My son and I were being tortured before anyone saw anything that looked like a code. And that was just over fear of getting caught in a lawsuit and in trying to obstruct justice and cover up crime.

Guess how my adversary started to get an edge on me in the Portland lawsuits that I filed against them? Police. Yeah, law enforcement, through...repeat after me...

The Patriot Act.

Real Patriotic.

One minute I was ahead of the game and the next minute, they knew all of my moves ahead of time. There is no possible way, not even with the Fed's daughter Schneider spilling beans. It was a bug and most likely, it was put there for some other assinine excuse, and then used to give their buddies an advantage in a lawsuit.

See how The Patriot Act works?

It's just like a law firm's own P.I. One you don't have to even pay for. Just a fly on the wall. Who's going to tell? The guys that used The Patriot Act as an excuse to invade my privacy to begin with?


No, there was some serious crap going down before I even moved to Washington state and then they wanted to make it worse. And did. With plenty of help.

What did Bujanda say? Well chief (in the FBI), I think somethin' funny's goin' on because Ms. Garrett had a list of prisons and jails on her kitchen counter.

Is that what got the bug in? Or was it in before then? because I think it was in before then. But then what, I don't get my FOIA because someone thinks I should be investigated? for having a list of prisons on my counter? or what? You obviously didn't do a very good job, because you could have figured out I had a college class called "Juvenile Justice" where I went to a Juvenile Detention facility and worked. Yeah.

It was no problem getting Federal clearance for me, on anything...until...what?

Until I was defamed by the FBI and then left wide open to be tortured along with my son? With zero protection? Why does "The Crying Game" come to mind.

My own FBI. I was just a normal citizen with a loud mouth and that's it. I was never a criminal. I was made out to sound criminal and crazy both and then tortured too.

And what do you expect of me now? nothing. You tortured me and tortured my son in the cruelest ways possible. Then you dumped me off at age 36, after everything and expect me to do what?

Rebuild my life?

You've had me in your own personal little hell for 10 years and some of you still can't bear the idea of me trying to break out. It's fine if I'm going nowhere maybe. But you want me to stay "crazy" and defamed as crazy, and still want to use me too. You don't want to admit to making any mistakes. And then you want to point a finger at me and say it was my fault, or try to throw it back to me when it was YOU and it was YOUR fault.

You lasered my SON. And if the FBI wasn't involved, why have they (not all, but most) acted like shit. Yes, I do believe there are some good people in there. Who. I feel worried for them actually and actually, I am quite sure they feel worried for themselves on a daily basis. They see what you do to citizens and what gets hidden under the rug and feel real confident that you have their back, I'm sure.

You torture me and my son and then want to point a finger at ME when I yell back. Who was there for me today when I was lasered? and who is there for me right now, when I need my webcam?

You lousy bastards must have a lot to lose.

And no, I'm not a threat to the morale. YOU are and have been, because you're the guilty party. You're the one who isn't doing their job and who the public depends upon. I was never a threat of any kind, to anyone except those who shouldn't have work or employment with the government to begin with.

Start looking there. If you want to catch a killer, why don't you spend a little more time down at the DOJ instead of the correctional facilities, small towns, or casinos. The DOJ.

Why don't you start looking at your bed partner a little harder.

I'm going to bed. This laser burn will still be here tomorrow. I've been watching it and it's not going anywhere.


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