Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Petunia Dreams? Pakistan

I did a lot of research on some things last night. I watched the first part of Legally Blond and was basically not able to even keep watching it. Before some in the U.S. allowed my son and I to be tortured I could see myself doing the same thing. This time, it only depressed me because what was done to me was done to forever change my brain and my potential. Not to mention, waste my time, and harm my son, who is just a child.

So instead, I looked up detoxification and cleansing programs for getting rid of the crap that's been in my system. So I just read naturopathic and homeopathic books on things for ascorbic flushes, blood purification programs, and other detox programs. I made a grocery list of what I need...

"500 lemons???!!! reallly??"

I was debating between limes and lemons and did some math calculations and started wondering where I can buy boxes of lemons or limes and I wanted LIMES more than lemons but I was thinking, "Okay, 1 m. lemon is equal to approx. 50 mg. Vitamin C and 1 1/2 limes is worth approx. 30 mg C, and I want limes, but to do what I want to do...this might be...1000 limes?"

"1,000 Lime Nights", written by Cameo Garrett.

I had only about 4 oz. of freshly squeezed lime juice from pure limes and then 2 mandarin oranges and thought about all that squeezing. Can I really squeeze that many limes in only 3 days?

They say to use supplements but why take 1,000 of Ester-C tablets if I can take in that many mg.s through fresh fruit? It says Ester-C reduces the acid, but I think it's fine.

Then I was reading about the different properties of limes vs lemons. I put 500 lemons on my list and about 500 limes, but we'll see.

I also put guar gum tablets, enema bags (hmm, never tried it but there is always something new to try--HOORAY!), sesame seed, etc etc, chlorella...

And then I was researching guarana. I don't care to have less fat except for the fact that Haldol resides in cholesterol, brain, and fat. I want to burn out all that CRAP. So it says a little CLA (lineolic acid oil) combined with guarana may burn and promote excretion of fat cells.

I looked up the chemical compositions of some things at "Drug Bank" and wrote down the entire thing about Haldol, then looked at cocaine, and then I searched elsewhere for composition of guarana. I also looked up guar gum and some other things, like cholophyll and chlorella.

Then, I think I dreamed about Pakistan because I was reading that guar gum (I think it was this) is produced by Pakistan and India.

So this morning I woke up after having a full-on dream that I went to Pakistan. After having this long dream I woke up and rubbed my eyes and then looked behind me where I had put a bunch of petunias at my headboard after the lily faded. "It was THE PETUNIAS" I thought (no, just kidding).

In the dream I was walking towards something or about to go and then I thought, "No, I'm not going to Pakistan right now" and all these people were disappointed I didn't go. I found out later, that some had hoped, for some reason, that I would go to Pakistan. Then, I found out from some family and others they wanted me to go so I packed a bag and I was getting on the bus to go. I packed it fast, and very light. I ended up with a medium size purse that looked like a banana shaped mini duffel bag with a zipper at the top. I had everything I was taking to Pakistan in it. Then I decided, maybe I should use my other bag, my Targus laptop bag, bc it's sturdier. I got on the bus and it was parked down the road, away from my house. She, the bus driver, said we were going and I started talking to her about how maybe I should have taken a different bag and then she went back. The one I had with me was light, and I had my laptop, but I thought I might need a sturdier one and for fashion reasons, I didn't like the other one. So we went back and I grabbed the bag and next thing I knew I was in Pakistan. There were British men around. One in particular. He was shorter, blond hair, average looking face, light blue oxford shirt, and khakis or something and he was watching me in the periphery. We were under a tent at an open marketplace. It was a big tent, like they have for large bazaars or business. So I was trying to go to a specific location in Pakistan and was making my way to it but kept meeting different people. Then I was sitting down and eating with a lot of people who were at different tables. I kept sitting with the same people but decided to vary and when I got up to move, I was conscious of what I was wearing: jeans tucked into knee high boots and a cotton knit long sleeved shirt. I was conscious of men looking at me and noticing me for being attractive (in my dream). I sat down at a table where I almost sat once before and this one blond woman who wasn't really thin and who was watching me was there. She wasn't the blond I usually see. Someone different. And at some point she spoke in a British accent but I don't know if she was British. Before she spoke, another African woman stood up and she was a model and I asked if she was still modeling. She said yes, and I could see how tiny her waist was. She was tall and thin and small boned and had poofy curly short hair. Fro style. Then she sat down again and I took a bite and realized there was pepperoni on it and the blond woman was watching me and I kept trying to take the pepperoni out of my mouth but it didn't come out unti the 3rd try because I was missing and pulling other things out (sounds gross) but it was discreet. Then I joked, making fun of myself, or poking light, that I had become so absorbed in our conversation I didn't pay attention to what I was eating. And then I saw these 2 women look at eeachother and I could read their minds and they were sort of getting into a catty, higher-than-thou mode, and thinking I was an airhead who didn't pay attention to anything, so I continued, in a natural voice, "Oh yeah, one time I forgot what I was doing and I was climbing, on this cliff of a mountain, and I thought to myself, "I want a lemonhead!" and so I popped one into my mouth and totally forgot what I was doing and I had to be rescued 5 days later. Helicopters and everything. All because I wanted a lemonhead."

I said it casually, and then after letting it sink it and sit for awhile, I then added, "Well that's not the truth, but it was fun to say anyway." I guess I had wanted to feed their appetites and then disappoint them at the same time.

So they made other polite conversation. Then, I woke up.
I woke up thinking about what I had read the night before and why I'd had a dream like this. And then I thought about some other things I might write about later.

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