Monday, August 15, 2011

Photos of Lasered Arms

Okay, so these are out of order but I'll explain how they're relevant.

When I was lasered, and the burn occured, my arm was less than 2 feet from the window here. The window had a blind drawn and the curtain to the side. The little screens were opened as they are shown here. This is the general view from the window, from the angle where I was sitting.

This next photo shows how close I was to the window and how I was sitting. That box below the windowsill is a plastic tub turned on its side and I had my laptop sitting right on top and against the wall by the window. I sat crosslegged at the edge of my bed, and had my left arm resting on my left thigh as I'm showing here. When it first happened, the marks were also on my thigh but they went away the same day. I had black cotton pants on but nothing on my arms (I was wearing a spagetti strap tank top).

In the photo below I am showing the distance from where I was sitting to the wall. So I just extended my arm to show I was able to touch the wall or window with my fingers without any problem. I was that close to the window.

Here it just shows how close my legs were to the edge of the bed, so just showing proximity again.

The next few photos show what kind of blind and curtain were at the window and what the density was and type of folds. The angle is of the curtains to the right if I am sitting on the bed. My left arm was turned up towards this right side and that's the side that was lasered. Or that got the mark from it at least. It's the only mark I had, my left arm and thigh, turned sort of to the right side of this window.

Here is a shot of my left arm, and the line is faint, but you can see the stripe sort of, where the mole (I have a lot of moles on my arm) is, and then more underneath it's another stripe of red. These are bad photos and I took some with a normal camera that might turn out better. These were taken one full day after it happened. It had faded a lot actually. About half as red and defined as it was, and there was only the instant blistering and then nothing else.

This small red mark was the only thing separate from the lines but it happened at the same time. The marks on my left thigh lined up with the curve of the line on my arm and unfortunately, they disappeared too fast, I guess because I had a layer of clothing over. They were gone within 24 hours but I showed them to my mom and dad and they saw that the marks were there. The fact that these lines matched up to the ones on my arm shows it was not random but a pattern left by a laser upon skin that was in the same range or location.

The problem with these photos is that they're blurry and fuzzy and you can't see how bad it is. However, if you notice, my arm is as red as the pink watch I'm wearing. And the day before it was bright red and right now, it's brown red. I'll take photos to show what this looks like 7 days later.

These are fuzzy and faint, but you can see the idea. At least how defined the lines are. It is 7 or more days later and I still have marks and now it's darker. I don't know why this is underlining bc I didn't want underlined. So anyway, I'm just going to upload a bunch and then put descriptions with them.

My son and I have been targets in the U.S. and I'm tired of it.

I think the hardest part is showing the angle of my arm and the stripes next to the angle of the curtain bc that's when it's really clear. Otherwise, it's hard to see what I'm talking about, but I'll try and I'll take new photos of what my arm looks like today as well.

I need to delete the photos above bc they're too fuzzy to see the outline and clear line. Below, this one shows how defined the line is. It's not some random rash. It has clear definition and it exactly matched the curvature of the window curtains. The line is curved, and white skin inbetween two blotches of red burn.

Okay, and let me tell you something. This is NOTHING compared to what I've been through. The other things have been far worse, more constant, and painful and it's happened for a long time with the U.S. denying this is happening at all, to me or my son. When you don't have evidence, torture like this is called "white torture" or "clean torture" because you don't have a photo or lab proof to show effects of what is going on.

My son and I have been tortured.

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