Friday, September 23, 2011

Suing Without Money

It will be the first time I've ever tried to sue with zero money. But it needs to be filed in the federal courthouse to document what the U.S. is allowing.

I'm not using everything I can use for a statute for lawsuit, because that will come later. But I am putting a motion in at the federal courthouse.

False imprisonment of my entire family.

And I can list the ways in which they've falsely imprisoned us and torture will be the other claim.

I am filing something about torture immediately, while my parents still bear evidence on their bodies and are alive and I'm leaving room for later as well. That means even if this one doesn't go through, the next one will.

I'm also making it on behalf of my son. They say you can't sue for other members of family. Watch me.

I don't care how far it goes...all I have to do is prove that it's the fault of the U.S. government for obstructing ability to work freely, travel freely, and live without torture.

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