Friday, September 23, 2011

Torture Evidence: My Mom's Fingernails

My mom's fingernails went from looking somewhat normal though I could tell she had been tortured in the past, to being now, in the last week, almost completely cloudy.

Her nails are almost solid cloudy white and the moons are gone. They take plenty of vitamins and there's no excuse for it.

She has no moons in her nails because she's being tortured and poisoned.

Not only that, in the last couple of weeks, the moons in my nails, have almost completely disappeared.

My nails also became cloudy and I've only been drinking this bottled water. However, I've had people in my place and I don't know if this batch of water is tampered with, and for a fact, I've been tortured...

However, I've been tortured before and didn't have my nails change like this.

On my Mom's nails, they're completely white and without any moons.

This is how the U.S. likes to treat their citizens.

This is why Panetta wanted to move over from CIA to Pentagon, so he could personally get at my family.

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