Monday, October 3, 2011

Burning Oliver Garrett, Age 5 & OIT (Oregon Institute of Technology)

. This evening has just been depressing. Basically, I think we're all worried about my son, Oliver Garrett, age 5 and what hate crimes have been done to him with the cover of government.

And it's a little discouraging when I try to take a college up on their offer to honor a wrongly placed ad, that they placed and hoped I would see, for a technology school, and then to be trying to respond to their email and being burned while I write.

Who responded? I got an "out of office" reply from "Bettina Burns" while they apparently have their connections who know I am sitting here being burned by technology while I write.

I said to my parents, "Who does this? It's like these people are sick in the head."

And then I think about what I witness my parents going through and feeling and how they feel they have to lie and deny it and then what happens to me and my brother..and as I get this message from "Bettina Burns" from the Oregon Institute of Technology, I think, "Well, this is one college that will not be benefiting from my FAFSA money or brains."

I'm going to copy what my communications with them was, simply because it's bad enough that they mock normal people, and think it's funny to play around. I am not kidding. It's games to them, with others' lives. They don't care if anyone is being tortured in the U.S. and they know it's happening and laugh about it. It's happened to my 5 yr. old son and I imagine these are the kind of people who delight in this as well.
I'll post the first email and then the one from "Bettina Burns" afterwards:
cam huegenot

cam huegenot

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cam huegenot (
Mon 10/03/11 6:24 PM
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Dear Barb, The only real issue is whether or not you would admit me as a freshman without requiring all transcripts. I do not have a degree. I am not able to use any of my other credits towards your program so I would not be applying it at all. The only time transcripts are required, is if they are being used to combine for a degree, or to confirm how much FAFSA money is still available in the pot up to the limits for undergrad work. I don't know of any freshman or person who is taking classes from a school from start to finish, that is required to use transcripts--the issue is the money. So basically, I have a certain amount of money in the pot for FAFSA, and I am free to do whatever I want to do with that money--go to a ton of colleges, or just one, or transfer, as long as the money is being used for the purposes of education. I checked with several teachers and sources online as well as the same institution that provides accredidation for colleges, and as you have stated, it's up to the college. So for me, I can't imagine why you would even need my transcripts when I'm starting over as a freshman. The only classes I have already taken, from your program, are the writing class and speech class. I need everything else. So that's 2 classes I would have "out of the way" if I applied my transcripts. I don't care to do that. I would rather start over and take all of your classes and finish the program. And, according to financial aid regulations, this is acceptable and there is plenty of money for your college because I'm a dean's list student and have, in the past, made 3.6. GPA which you can confirm by looking at the financial aid awards I've received in the past. So for me, it's my choice to start over and I have never heard of any college asking someone starting over as a freshman to be required to apply a transcript of any kind. Especially when, as I said, I need all of your courses. As for catching up, that's not a problem for me. I'm not your average student and have been considering not just double-majoring but triple-majoring. I am a high acheiver and the last time I was in college this is what I did: 1. I independently filed and sustained two major lawsuits against the largest corporations in Oregon state on less than a $5,000 budget in over two years. I did it with no help from anyone and filed and wrote all motions and briefs, made legal arguments in hearings in federal and state courthouses, responsed to briefs, and did all of my own legal research. 2. While I maintained 2 massive lawsuits alone, on a shoestring budget, I took 20 credit hours of course, including classes in graduate work when I was only in sophomore standing. I took undergrad and grad classes at sophomore level, and 20 cr. hours, 3. In addition to this, I created my own business for myself by researching books, and buying, marketing, and selling books through an online company. I did all my own customer service, shipping and receiving, and made sure everything went out with a personal handwritten note and a smiley face to say thanks for doing business with me. My customer service ratings were the highest ratings you can get and I filed and organized these materials to save for my records. 4. While I filed 2 lawsuits, created and ran my own business PT, and took 20 credit hours of undergrad and grad classes while acheiving a 3.6 GPA, I also suffered with a broken knee and blistering cartilage for over 7 months after I was the victim of a hit-and-run collision where I was run into by an oncoming car. I needed a surgery immediately and had to wait 7 months, during which time I lost sleep and suffered with severe pain. 5. While I suffered in pain from a broken femur with the bone dying and cartilage blistering, and upheld 2 major lawsuits against the largest corporations in the State of Oregon on my own for 2 years without any failure and using less than $5,000, and while I created and ran my own business and managed to hand-write thank you notes to people I shipped to in Washington D.C. and around the country, and while I succeeded in all of my classes, I still found time to go out on Friday nights, socialize with perfect strangers from around the world, and dance. I hardly think catching up with your classes would be a problem for me. I don't know very many people who know, as I do and did know, how to eat oatmeal with one hand while washing my hair with the other hand in the shower and having a planner where I organized and scheduled every minute. I choose to take advantage of your offer to honor your mistakenly placed ad, and I see no reason why I cannot succeed at your college and with your classes, because I know what I have done in the past and what I can do now. Oh, I forgot. While I did all the above, I even found time to write original poetry and songs and sang them at open mics at Cafe Lena in Portland, Oregon in the middle of the week and went to church on Sundays. Let me know if you can work something out with me. Thanks, Cameo L. Garrett
From: Barb.DeKalb@oit.eduTo: cameocares@live.comCC:;;;; Gwendolyn.Raubolt@oit.eduDate: Mon, 3 Oct 2011 17:00:42 -0700Subject: Your request to the President
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Good afternoon Cam,

I have received the email you sent to the President because I am the Director of Distance Education and you have indicated interest in the online Information Technology degree. There are many incorrect statements in your email regarding processes associated with admissions at OIT. Please respond to the following with as much detail as you are able.

1. Please tell me where you saw an ad for OIT with the incorrect date on it.

2. To whom did you speak on the phone regarding honoring the incorrect application deadline? When did you talk to him/her?
3. Who provided the information regarding not submitting applications from other institutions?

4. What ‘accreditation place’ did you contact and to whom did you speak about not submitting transcripts? That option would be solely the decision of the institution accepting the student, in this case OIT, and not another entity or organization. OIT follows strict guidelines set forth by the State of Oregon and national organizations which set standards for admission at colleges and universities, by which we abide. Students do not have the option of ‘beginning over’ and not providing transcripts from previous institutions. OIT would require transcripts from every institution you have attended, even if no credit had been earned.

5. High school transcripts must be official, and sent to OIT directly from the high school from which you graduated. The high school would need to check with our admissions office ( ) regarding the manner in which a high school transcript could be received and accepted as official.

6. Filing the FAFSA at this late date would be very problematic in your ability to obtain Federal Aid in a timely manner and meet your financial obligations for fall term.

Since you are not yet admitted and have several issues to tackle to become admitted, the best advice I can provide for you at this time is to work toward admission for Winter term. Though you may have a wealth of free time to address your studies, you could not, in any imaginable scheme, be able to begin courses until sometime next week, and that, at the very earliest. It would be a serious disservice to you to admit you for fall term. Below is the link to the information regarding admission to the online degree program you are interested in. Please follow carefully the instructions for completing the application and sending in the required materials. The $50 fee you sent in will apply for application, but there is an additional $50 fee for evaluating the transcripts from your other colleges.

I hope that you understand that we want you as a student, but we want you to succeed as a student. Beginning two weeks late in a term in online courses would put you or any student at a serious disadvantage and we want to avoid putting you in that situation.

I hope that you will pursue admission for winter term, and file your FAFSA now so that there is time to make sure everything is in order to receive it by the beginning of Winter term. That will also allow for proper advising before the beginning of the term, registration in a timely manner and adequate time to order and receive your books so you are able to begin Winter term as soon as courses begin.

If you have questions or wish to discuss this with me further, please contact me tomorrow anytime after 7 am at the phone number below, and I will be happy to talk with you. Thank you for your interest in OIT. I am sure that we can work together so that you may have an enjoyable and successful experience with OIT.


Barb DeKalb
Director of Distance Education
Boivin Hall 186

541-885-1142 office
541-885-1139 fax
I responded to their email to my first email about admissions there and got this in return, after sitting here being fried while in front of my laptop:

Out of Office: Your request to the President‏

6:24 PM
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Bettina Burns

Bettina Burns

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To cam huegenot
Bettina Burns (
Mon 10/03/11 6:24 PM
cam huegenot (
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I will be out of the office Monday October 3rd-Thursday October 6th. I will be checking my email and will respond to you as soon as possible. If you have any urgent questions, please call the main admissions number at (541) 885-1150 or email Have a wonderful day!
I really have many more things to do than to entertain colleges that can't even get their ads correct on the first try and who leave them up as a lure to make a joke out of others.

I would rather put my money to a college that is not part of human experimentation and torture, and if you want that in a college, take OIT off your list.


I had noticed their ad for admission deadline was wrong so they said they'd honor it but came up with other excuses instead. I talked to an African-American man named Carl. And then I tried anyway, but they don't want excellence. These people are operating out of jealousy I guess, and don't want anyone who is able to do well, or people who have proven they exceed all expectations. They'd rather force them out, laugh at them, and then torture them and feel a boost to their own ego.

I was applying to them for a degree in Information Technology, which I want in addition to another 1 or 2 degrees.

We're being tortured here, not just me but I went to a different section of the house and it's there too. And I have a strong feeling it's happening to my son. Why do this to a kid? I mean, is this HATE crimes, or is it not?

I've had people freaked out about me ever since I pulled myself together and showed everyone what I could really do, and ever since, it's been this all-out effort to sabotage my every move. I sat there in the chair for a minute and looked at my mom who was typing away quietly and not complaining and thought, "It's like we're in the tower. Like we're refugees in our own country and the government wants to kill us."

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