Sunday, October 23, 2011

eccentricity (sort of a poem but not really)

"Are you holding a pen?"
My brother asked, "Are you holding a pen?"
"No, I'm holding a pin, a safety pin and picking my teeth with it instead of a toothpick."
He said if I were richer I might be eccentric
Only CPS makes low class judgements about what is crazy and what is eccentricity
Just jealous, these other "lovers"
How boring...she, she, she
keeps such a tidy ledger
Rolling my eyes and picking my teeth with a safety pin
Does she, she, she
know how to use a bobby pin for a paperclip to attach a
personal card to a letter?
Does she know the multiple uses of pins and pens for toothpicks and
hair ornaments
her children will never be
of anything but
social clime and klu

is she, she, she worth repeating

Part II. What world leader imitated her
did she drape any fabric across her shoulders and inspire
fashion at a prepubescent age
or was she dressing herself and her dolls in the premade fashions
that came in a box
too busy accepting the ways things were
to be
inventive of anything for herself at all
not even


Who died for her?

No one has died for her. She inspires others to kill
and torture
on her behalf

(1st part written impromtu to "there is a light that never goes" by The Smiths, and 2nd part to "The Boy With The Thorn In His Side" by The Smiths)

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