Friday, November 18, 2011

(photos) More Torture & Examples of Parent's Gifts

This early morning my Dad fixed my toilet and as he walked from their house to my house, with me next to him, he was literally being followed with torture from the U.S. military. Remember what I said about how one day he turned his car on and it started the other technology? Well today, I found out the military is able to narrow their radius to about the size of a 2-3 ft. radius around a person, and follow themm with it. My muscles twitched the entire time and then I was still being targeted at my own place until he left for "work" and he came back not looking good. I don't have photos of the torture bc it will be worse for them if I do take photos. I have photos of other things.

Here are a few more things my parents have done recently.

1. Predicted Constipation Reading.
(which is striking me now, the title above, as rather hilarious since I just finished writing to PCC employees stating I had sent an email but none of them has yet replied so could someone please take initiative).

Last night when my parents got home and I saw my Mom's black eyes and started crying, my Dad said something from the other room. I didn't get to see him all day and I saw him this morning and his eyes were as dark as my Moms and he's obviously been tortured. Literally. He's shaking too, but it's more like, he's being tortured. So I said to my Mom, "What did he say?" and she said, "Oh he said 'take a laxative.'" I said, "Oh." So I walked back to my place thinking, "Why would he tell me to take a laxative? that nothing my Dad would say or recommend--are they spoofing how I'm acting like Diana again? AM I acting like her? What's the deal with the laxative comment...?" So then I didn't know and I got into the house, cried more and wrote on my blog and went to bed. When I went to bed I had Adele Davis' book there by my head so instead of reading the Bible before bed, I picked it up and read ch. 5 about lowering cholesterol. I read the chapter and then randomly skipped to a different section and it was all about the digestive system and constipation. I was on the page where she talked about mineral oil as a laxative. How it's not a great idea but the ADA has been recommending it for 20 years still, and it's good for those who are sick. So then I realized, my Dad knew I was going to end up reading about laxatives.

And then I guess I will add a photo of the other thing I have which relates to laxatives in my house, and I'll put it here in a minute. It's how I have my jars lined up in my cupboard.

Anyway, I read this section and fell aseleep.

2. Timing.
Twice or more my Dad pulled up when I thought about him but I forgot to jot down what exactly I was thinking of that reminded me and how it could only relate to my Dad. Then late it was my Mom and Dad and I was making a budget-grocery list and then I had noticed, my abbrev. for spinach was spin. and I thought about my parents watching this show on fox and wrote it down just as they pulled up. But the other stuff was way more exact.

3. W.
Yesterday I watched the UK video clip, of the man riding the train with windows that have an O and an underline beneath the O. And then I thought, and the signs he was passing had x's and then I sat down on the floor to be closer to the heater a little later, as I had the space heater on the floor to warm from bottom-up and decided to pull open this cupboard and when I did, the same O from the UK clip was there but a little different and had a "W" or "M" (depedning on which way you look at it) and had westinggate next to it. And it was that same day I went from the gate from the UK baptist song to the other and then got to our American one. And I left it open and was looking at things and then I went up to the house for something yesterday and my Mom was at the door with a tag sticking out for a "W" and it was the same kind, but instead of inside a circle, it was inside a triangle. But I knew she had it sticking out there because she or my Dad knew I'd opened up the cupboard and was thinking about the symbol. I took photos and will post them. Also, our has the word "extreme" next to it and the UK poster name is "extremeworship". I thought he's probably a UK MK-Ultra kid, but maybe someone just predicted this over here, like my parents.
Here's a photo of the only "laxative" I have, "Pure C Crystals". I have rosehips and seedless rosehips to the left, my empty veganaise mayo jar with lid off bc I was thinking of what to use it for and next to it is CGF Clorella and then it's Pure C Crystals and that's how it was when my Dad said this, but I think he was talking about knowing I was going to read about it. :)
Photo of the circle with the underline and the "w", well here's the "m" and it's fuzzy so I'll show the clear one with "w" next: Here's w:

Here's symmetry:

Now we go to what my Mom was next to, right after I was looking at this (the above):
And the "w" or "vv" in the triangle is:

(and they don't usually have this sticking out, but it was after I opened the cupboard and was looking at the circle with w, I got up and went to the door and they had already anticipated what I was going to be looking at, and I saw the w or vv in the triangle--last night and then today I took the photos)
Another, and then I'll show you the Pos and Neg photo:

(here's the other thing, I didn't say a word to them about what I'd been looking at and not only did I see first the w in the triangle, how my Mom had it sticking out more like she knew, they had yellow to the left and blues to the right as I mainly ended up photographing (though I did both ways).
This is the pos and neg photo, but when I was sitting there, until this morning, there was no arrow through the negative. It just said -NEG and then someone drew an arrow through it. Literally came into my house, drew an arrow in pencil, and threw a "metal forever" lipstick to the floor that said "ginger" on it, and put 2 of my chairs by my table outside together so I moved them back apart again:
This is the arrow someone drew in, when I was out of my house:

4. WoodGlue.
My wood cutting board split the other night when I was up late. It was sort of odd, because I was listening to Beowulf and then picked this random clip of Anglo-Saxon chronicles. It started off about a William sitting under an old apple tree. And right at that moment, the board beneath my laptop broke. I thought, "That's it. Time for bed." and I had to prop it up with a bridge (the board) but decided to glue it together today. So I went to the front door to ask for glue and my Dad didn't know bc I didn't tell him and he said, "What do you need?" and I said "I need glue for the wood cuttingboard" and he started to protest and was already standing there and I said, "It's right there. You already have it right there to the left." He said, "What?" and I said, "To the left of the counter, it's in the drawer" and he opened the door immediately and had been holding the glue all along, in his left hand. Next to the glue, in the same hand, was a rectangle shape like a drawer. But I don't know what it was. (The point is that he knew I was going over to ask for glue. I set it down, it was this titebond wood glue I remember from being a kid and I ended up setting it down facing this goldfish that's in my smartwater bottle and it made me think of my son and our fish Henry and how the U.S. imagines they can break our bond.) I remember this glue because I broke our wood cutting board when I was a kid too, and used this glue or watched my Mom fix it. It's really vague. Something about a wood cutting board and maybe when I owned my own house too but I don't remember.

I guess I'll add some photos. I have only seen my Dad for 5 minutes today and haven't seen my Mom yet, so there isn't much to report on, but these are a few small examples again.

I am only breaking for getting my college stuff together (or trying) and attending to mail that has to do with my son, because I don't want us to be tortured and people should know part of the reason we're targeted and that the U.S. has a responsibility and they can quit what's being allowed. I also want my son back and this shows why the govt. kidnapped my son from me, after first allowing us to be mercilessly tortured.

I wrote about the "Fast and Furious" idea--how they've just been watching it all. I want my son back without problems, it's illegal to medicate and drug me and I have never been given court notice or process to be medicated and I do NOT want to be medicated and CONTINUE to be medicated, and I should be in college. We should all be safe. I cannot believe I've been punished for trying to protect my son and myself and reporting being tortured.

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