Thursday, November 3, 2011

Motel 6

I forgot to add to my list, about police harassment, police that were around when I stayed for a couple of days at a Motel 6.

And that was in Maryland I believe.

I only mention it because I already stated all the different places I was pulled over for no reason, harassed, assaulted, blocked, whatever, and on my post (I'll go back and find which one) I listed all the states where some kind of police harassment and/or hate crime occured, after I was in litigation (before, actually) with the cases I had filed in Oregon.

But there was one incident, where my fiance dumped me at a Motel 6 to "think about things". I don't know why he picked a Motel 6, out of all the places. It was before we went to the courthouse.

And there were officers, 2 different cars, in the parking lot and driving all around and laughing and harassing me, and I went to a bar next door because that's all there was--nothing else, and nothing else to do, so I had several drinks and then it was police play-day and I noticed they seem to be good guys. It was the only time they harassed me over there.

There was this time when it was 2 officers in D.C. and one was nice and one was rude, with the Italian one (I think) being nicer and the Irish one (I think) being rude.

And then there was this other time, when they had no reason to be there and were there and driving all around. This man from the bar had wanted to talk or hang out so then I asked him over to chat but did nothing. I mean, no kissing, no touching at all, nothing romantic at all, and he got up and practiced a "golf swing". He was sitting down and then he kept doing this golf swing and I thought, "This is really weird" because he made such a big deal about it, and then I had a feeling he knew those officers that were in patrol cars outside in the parking lot.

The way they acted and everything, and there was no reason for them to drive over in the first place and just circle around. They didn't even get out of their vehicles, just drove all around the port, laughing and when this other guy looked out I thought, "I think he knows them."

I told my fiance about it, probably not in that much detail. But I told him this guy came over and we talked but nothing happened (totally true)and I was completely smashed (drunk) when he wanted to hang out with me. But nothing happened except for all the police driving around laughing.

So I thought that was weird and it wasn't like they pulled me over unnecessarily or did anything wrong, but it was sort of like the same thing:

"Unless you are a member of the Roman Catholic church or girlfriend or wife of one, you are going to be harassed, endangered, and tortured."

To me, the weirdest part of all, was that he made this weird symbolism out of making golfing swings and moves. Why??? it was the middle of the night. I'd been there for a couple of days with no one to talk to and nothing within walking distance except for this one bar. I think I invited a few people but only he went.

And why act so triumphant while swinging this imaginary golf club?

I never understood what the golf thing was supposed to be about.

I knew about some people in Portland, Oregon that golfed, but I wasn't a golfer myself, I could count on my hands which persons I knew golfed at all, or whom I had heard golfed. I didn't think about it again until I read about Patty Otterbach and Barb Greenman and read their husbands and family own golfing businesses and are super-into golf. But no one else I know--no significance with it.


  1. Golf is a perfect analogy for your life. On the golf course of life, you are swinging wildly with your analytical clubs and missing the ball entirely. You need to go to the psychiatric range to work on your swing. Maybe then you will hit the ball. In the meantime the spectators to your golf game are tortured by your inability to see the ball.

  2. Your comment isn't even funny but I'm posting it. It's rude as well, but since you're not just raving and are at least making an attempt for something like humor, I give you credit for that.

    Thanks for the pointlessness.

    At least I got a police officer to send me a response to something I've been asking for, after I made the post. I'm asking for the name of the officer who pulled me over off of I-5 on a "suspended license" when my license wasn't suspended, right after I reported FBI misconduct.

    So far, not one officer out of the entire State of Oregon police was willing to give me his name.

    Why do you think that is?

    And then I asked the local dept. and the Chief wouldn't give me his name either.

    Meanwhile, since you made your post here, I've done some research and found yet another member of Knights of Colombus has taken a senior position within the Department of Justice, and also discovered who has the ability to block investigations about FBI, even from OIG.

    Have you ever heard of the PCIE or CIGIE? It's an oversight committee that includes a member from the FBI to tell the OIG if they want to cut off and block any investigation into improper actions.

    Usually, one would cite classified or privileged interests, but as I've learned, you cannot classify hate crime to cover it up.

    Oh...and while you're reading....

  3. many people ya think we got, obstructing justice, who are members of the Roman Catholic church, when my family has been victimized by hate crime. Even if they won't admit it, bc well, my hand's hands were broken again today and his eyes were almost shot out he'd been tortured so badly...even if they won't admit it, I will. I know it's hate crime.

    And I'm looking at who has been sitting behind the OIG logo and refusing to respond, and it's been Cynthia A. Schedar, who is Catholic, and whose father passed away as a member of the RC church and Knights of Colombus (which, I've found, is pretty much a cover for organizing acts of terror). Yeah, and he was big into the military and lived in Roswell, NM. Real big into the military. The other guy on the main team for OIG is a Jesuit member of the RC. ..Charles K. Edwards. Acting Inspector General at the moment and formerly with the Dept. of Homeland Security.

    You know what these people have in common, besides Texas and NM? The RC church with an additional bonus membership to KofC or Jesuits.

    Which is what I was discovering and looking up in 2004 or so and then getting tortured over, along with my son, while Raul Bujanda and his kingmen prance around. Great when babies are tortured and the FBI and OIG has church buddies in on it.

  4. So while I'm on the topic of "Hate Crime" for religious reasons, and the illegal use of govt. positions as a cover for excuses of "privilege" and "classification", I think about the golf swing as maybe having something to do with a former bf I had in high school, who went out to play golf with his buddy Erik Lund all the time, or with Raul Bujanda, who told me he liked to play golf and lived next to a golf course and surely knew some of the people who later tortured us all, or maybe Mike Middleton even, because what this police affiliate was really excited about talking about, is "screw the Prince of England" and royalty.

  5. One more references, so you can look up the facts for yourself...The Inspector General reports to the Attorney General (of the entire U.S.)and the AG can block an investigation, however, the PCIE/CIGIE can also block investigation and there is FBI on the board:
    1. Inspector General Act of 1978 (ammended).( This outlines the laws and describes the oversight of the OIG and the excuses a party might make (even if it's improper and a cover).
    2. The AG at the time was Alberto Gonzales--Catholic, from the same town as Bujanda, and Air Force. His predecessor to his seat as Sect. of Texas was Antonio Garza. I had reported Bujanda and Garza. He resigned in 2007. Then it was a couple of guys, one having attended Cambridge, Paul Clement, and then Peter Keisler until Michael Mukasey from NY stayed from 2007-2009 (Jewish and friends with Charles Schumer), then it was Mark Filip for a short time, and then Holder.

    3. DOJ-OIG background. It was Glenn A. Fine and William but in the background, carrying out the main duties, was Cynthia A. Schnedar who joined the DOJ OIG in 2005, and was legal counsel to them until July 2010, then becoming Deputy Inspector until 2011 when she took her place as Acting head I.G. Cynthia A. Schnedar is one of the persons I had contact with back in 2005-2006, and upon looking up her background, it's not just a little Roman Catholic. She also has Texas connections and went to both U of Texas and U of NM and worked as a reporter between NM and Texas. Her father was U.S. military, in Roswell, NM of all places, and went to Catholic schools his whole life, married a woman from Pampa, TX (Zudie Brown), and lived in San Diego as well. He started up law practice in the 60s with Lake Frazier and Jack Cusack, and acted as President of St. Peter's Parish Council and Knights of Columbus. His name was William Schnedar. The guy next to Cynthia, in the backdrop (one of them) was/is Charles K. Edward who is not only RC Jesuit and went to Loyola, but was previously Duty Inspector for the Department of Homeland Security (which is a dept. Bujanda worked in prior to joining FBI).

    CIGIE: FBI's guys Jeffrey Zients, and Kevin L. Perkins.

    But that's, uh, nothing.

    I am not lying when I say we are victims of very serious hate crime and many of my family members are injured and/or dead because of it.

    Thanks for your comment.

  6. Finally,

    I wanted to add that this has not been just isolated to TX or hispanic Catholics or anything. There have been Irish heavily involved and it spiraled out to be inclusive of other groups with one main thing in common: religion.

    This is the only reason it's even gone on this long, because if someone hadn't been using govt. offices to illegally "classify" and privilege information, nothing would have ever gone this far, no one would have been hurt or tortured.

    I had a nice "break" of treated like normal when I was with my Catholic fiance. All of a sudden, instant exemption from torture.

    Really ODD, don't you think?

    I want the FOI/PA I've asked for before worse things happen, and I want my son returned to me without court process.

    Your people allowed torture and your people can pick up the bill for it. Your people can hand over my son, knowing torture is supposed to be ILLEGAL in this country, esp. against U.S. citizens, and that includes my entire family and extended family.

  7. Finally,

    I wanted to add that this has not been just isolated to TX or hispanic Catholics or anything. There have been Irish heavily involved and it spiraled out to be inclusive of other groups with one main thing in common: religion.

    This is the only reason it's even gone on this long, because if someone hadn't been using govt. offices to illegally "classify" and privilege information, nothing would have ever gone this far, no one would have been hurt or tortured.

    I had a nice "break" of treated like normal when I was with my Catholic fiance. All of a sudden, instant exemption from torture.

    Really ODD, don't you think?

    I want the FOI/PA I've asked for before worse things happen, and I want my son returned to me without court process.

    Your people allowed torture and your people can pick up the bill for it. Your people can hand over my son, knowing torture is supposed to be ILLEGAL in this country, esp. against U.S. citizens, and that includes my entire family and extended family.
