Sunday, November 13, 2011

B.C. & U.S. Groups In Whose Presence I've Been Tortured

This a list of people I've been around when I've had someone using technology against me to torture me AND or my son:

Some things are suspected exposures that were not natural, to toxins and then I make a list of "you can't miss it" torture by use of less-than-lethal (but permanently harming) technology:

1. Suspected unnatural exposure to toxins occured in 1999 or 2000. It was after the monks were already mad at me. I believe I had a doctor then by the last name of O'Halloran. She was Irish Catholic.

Aside from losing my virginity to the speculum with a different doctor in N. Portland, I didn't have another doctor until I had her. She was assigned to me by Oregon State medical care.

The first doctor I went to, mentioned above and elsewhere in my blog, I had previously said was obtained through state medical insurance but no, it was through work. It was in 1997 because that's when I had medical insurance through CTR. So I picked out a health plan, saw a dentist many times, and decided, well, I guess I may as well have one of those women's exams since I hadn't been to a doctor since my auto accident and never for a physical. So since I had insurance, I went. My virginity was confirmed and then "technically" ruined by speculum at a health clinic paid for by Ed Israel's company, CTR. It was a doctor through one of the health plans I chose through work. It was definitely 1997, during my employment with CTR.

I didn't see a doctor again until I was in college I think, and qualified for state insurance which many had, and the doctor they assigned to me was Deborah O'Halloran in Oregon City, Oregon. I went on insurance after I was raped as well, because I had something odd occur to my leg, a form of warts. I'd maybe had 1 plantar wart on my foot in my lifetime, but had all these tiny dots all over my leg and thought it was maybe from my skin ever being in contact with the rapist's skin. However, it wasn't an STD at all. I didn't know I was intuitive then but I had a weird feeling that someone connected to the rapist or the monks (who were getting mad at me) had exposed me to something that caused this. That's when I remarked about rape to a doctor as well. It was lasered off and went away completely and it was only on one leg, in the summer or early Fall. Then I had a PAP, and Deborah O'Halloran said it was "ASCUS" (undetermined significance) and sent me to this other woman to take another look.

She said she wanted to do a biopsy and then I got suspicious, noting something was really wrong here. I mean, something was "up" and I could sense that people were lying for some reason. One's fertility and ability to carry children can be impaired by this kind of biopsy and it clicked with me that I didn't have anything going on at all. So I went to a different doctor, and had a falling out with Deborah O'Halloran, who personally knew the "We want to do a biopsy" doctor. So I went to a different doctor and asked for HPV and other tests and you have to have one to have the other and I had ZERO STDs or problems. There was nothing. Which means there is nothing wrong with my female system and no need for biopsy. I later had other PAPs and they were always normal. Not even ASCUS. At that point, I considered making a complaint against Deborah O'Halloran and the other biopsy doctor, because they started trying to defame me. I had caught the biopsy Dr. lying to my face, so then I asked for my records and O'Halloran wasn't happy and acted shifty. She acted extremely odd.

So then I was having migraines that were not normal frequency and it wasn't stress. It was that I had made some people mad, and I was in college FT trying to do well, even though it was community college to start, and someone was triggering migraines to occur in me at a rate of between 15 or more a month. There was 1 month it was that bad, and after O'Halloran or around that time, I met Christa Schneider and I recall she puzzled at why I was still in college and hadn't been forced to drop out.

The only reason I didn't drop out, when I had been made almost 100% disabled with deliberately triggered migraine, was because I have a strong will and determination and played it right--knowing I had enemies up against me, I took painting and poetry classes and graphic design. I SHOULD have been forced to drop out completely. But I didn't. I hung on by the SKIN of MY TEETH and I did NOT let go.

Later, I guess, my mother got chromium poisoning for helping me get rid of the warts. And the Dr.'s made fun of her and called it warts when it wasn't, and it's in retaliation for looking up L-cysteine and lyseine and probably, some group was worried about what my parents knew and thought they'd get in trouble so took it out on them later. You can look at my mom's feet and it's chrome sores, not warts at all. But my mother was retaliated against and to this day, not one Dr. has prescribed her correctly or given her the antidote or medicine which would clear it up. I remember Christa asked, well what did she give you and how could you just 'get rid' of them like that? and a couple other people asked. I said "My Mom is really smart and into homeopathic and natural remedies and she read up on it and it worked."

I remember, without a doubt, I was already being harassed and followed around at the time, and I met the monks before she was assigned. I remember trying to drive to Oregon City, Oregon, and being followed the entire way, by more than one car, and being treated rudely at the offices, after I refused to get "biopsied" and probably infertilized. They made SUCH a big deal about it, I think what they had planned was probably something that bad.

I was absolutely certain I wanted children and was going to have children, and I was waiting for the right person. I didn't want anyone tampering with my ability to conceive, so I followed my instincts and they proved right. Which pissed off hate crime people. No one would have made a big deal about it if they hadn't planned on doing something bad.

So, warts by unnatural means, to punish and retaliate by, and excessive triggering of migraines to the point of full-blown inoperable disability. And since I didn't even tell Christa how many I was getting and how bad they were, later, I don't know why she would act so shocked about my finishing the term. Unless she somehow knew what was going on and how brutal it really was.

I was very determined and I've always been flexible and adaptable, shifting course where an unexpected roadblock comes up, and this is partly why I think such effort is made to prevent me from doing anything at all.

After this, it was like someone had to keep the migraine thing looking natural. It was being documented in medical records, so someone started triggering them only on suspected cycle dates, so that the onslaught of 15 migraines in a month didn't look so out of the ordinary. And because I didn't know or understand the dynamics of what was going on at the time, I thought it was menstrual migraine too, until years later when I suspected it was all a cover-up. Then I started saying my period happened at different times than it did, to see when my migraines came up, and sure enough, they were being triggered on dates that people "thought" or believed I had my period, not during my actual cycle dates at all. Therefore, I knew my migraines were "man-made", "triggered by hate crime people", whatever. And they started after the rape to keep me out of college.

Someone didn't want me to be educated with a degree for whatever reason. Then, they used the same thing when I filed lawsuits, and aside from keeping up a show of menstrual migraine occurance, they occured on court dates, but this was done a little later I think. When I noticed how many of the migraines that were not in line with my cycle, were occuring on court dates, and obstructing my access to justice, I knew something was up. So I started lying about when I was having my periods. Sure enough, I was right. I didn't have menstrual migraine AT ALL. Some group had figured out how to trigger migraine and used it against me, illegally, to physically impair me and keep me from attending legal matters.

It all started after 1997, the odd use of toxins and other forms of assault. But it was discreet then. After 2004, they quit being discreet. I experienced some kind of exposure, in 2004 while still in litigation, to something that was airborne and caused bronchitis. I didn't have health problems like this, and I noticed it was a repeated exposure and it was bad enough that it affected my litigation. I asked for a medical abatement because of it. It happened after I reported the FBI agents to FBI.

2. Remembering first occurances of crime against my unborn-born child with use of military technology (skin crawling-twitching of me and my son, extreme ultrasound affecting lower back, becoming targets for lasers, etc):

a. 2005. Russ and Olga's Strong's BBQ party.
b. 2006. Methow St., Wenatchee, WA. After Schneider asked how I wanted to die and I said torture would be worse. My son was included in the torture.
c. 2007. Rt. 2, East Wenatchee address. With my son included and increased to such severity, I literally knew we WOULD, in fact, die if I didn't do something.
d. 2007. In my Grandpa Baird's car, but I figured it was from a car next to us as he drove through traffic, with my son. Someone did a sharp zap of some kind. If they did this to my Grandpa, he never told.
*. 2007. At my Grandparents house, with my son. I didn't know if they just didn't notice, but we stayed the night there a couple of times and a couple of blasts hit me and my son, and caused him to cry out. We were all asleep, or they were. Possible burning sensation too, but they probably didn't notice. This was on Harden Rd, in Cashmere, WA. I started wondering about Rick and Claudia Baken because of it, because they are former FBI and live up the road. They moved there in 2000 I think. I don't think they're Protestants. They claim they converted but they are born and raised Catholics and moved to that house when I was meeting monks at the Abbey. I think they just wanted an angle. I know he did tell me to confront Laurie Laughlin and go ahead and report, but then my entire family was tortured. TORTURED. And my Mom and Dad too, so something isn't right. For all I know, he pretended to advocate for me to later defame me to the FBI as a help to the Catholic church hate crime groups.
e. 2007. In Canada, at the following places:-driving into Canada, on Canadian hwy, my son and I were zapped when another car passed us from behind and sped ahead. My son moaned out loud and jerked from it.
-at a women's shelter in B.C. The entire place was affected bc women in the other room woke up but didn't know what it was and my son jerked and cried out loud. I didn't say anything but I was the one noticing it all.
-in a grocery store in Penticton, B.C. with a white man and dark brown hair, about 5'8-5'10 medium build, targeting my son and when my son cried out, this man smirked and watched. One minute my son was his happy self, toddling over to look at something, the next in extreme pain. This was immediately after we drove into B.C., before I called to try a women's shelter while we looked around.
-in the household of the Penticton, B.C. man (Bruce and Karin) who said we could stay with him and his wife short-term. It happened mildly and no one supposedly knew we were there, and electronics were going off from his kids' toys there too. It happened only when he was home and usually at night and it wasn't extremely bad, so what could I say or do. If I went out of our room to where he was sleeping, I didn't notice any effect. It was in the room for me and my son but was still extremely mild compared to what happened in Wenatchee. When the lights on the toys and music went off, he blew it off but it was the same thing that happened to me and my son at our house in E. Wenatchee.
-in the Penticton, B.C. jail where I was held on a false arrest, whereupon they took my son. I believe it was one or two of the guards and they zapped me with something a few times. Not a lot, just a few times, and came by to smirk. One of them was seriously criminal and mean, and he wore a guard's uniform.
-It did NOT occur at the Vancouver, B.C. immigration detention center. I was NOT assaulted by anyone when I was in that secured center, for whatever reason, nor on the plane there or vehicle there and not on the bus-van when they drove me back to the border, and not at the immigration courthouse, nor at the Penticton hospital when I was there to be treated for migraine. At the immigration det. center I was out in the open for a lot of people to watch through the glass, with 2 Asian women also being held there.
(because I wasn't locked into one place, most of the torture was a zap here and there and then some things at night but very mild. There were people involved in B.C. but I had yelled political asylum so maybe that's why it toned down, after I left, but people were even targeting my toddler son in grocery stores)
-in the vehicle of the officer, female RCMP who approached me at the hospital when we drove back to let me collect my car, and this man who had been following me, with a black beanie on his head and angular face, smirked at her. She knew him. The RCMP woman who drove me from the Penticton hospital knew the man who had sat outside the shelter in a van and he smirked when I was driven off. She had me go back to my car to get my ID and he was there. To me, I thought Irish or possibly eastern european. He wasn't plain white but more exotic. Dark hair. Broad angular face. Find her, and she's posted as a B.C. employee, and you'll find him. She knows the man and he was stalking me and was happy to see me in her car. Why? supposedly no one knew me in B.C. but that wasn't true. It was already set up and then they tried to set me up.
f. 2008. At one or two houses in Blaine, WA but not much, like, visiting. It did not happen when I was at the Lion's Club place even though I believe I was given some things possibly, that I didn't consent to eat and it's possible if someone wanted to make it all about me and claim mental illness, they wouldn't torture if they thught someone believed I'd ingested, eaten, or drank something that affected me. I tried mj for the first time, remote amount, because of severe lower back pain, but actually, now that I know where that was coming from and what causes it, that could have been caused by them. So actually, I cannot rule out torture with technology means at Dave's place. It was only bc of my lower back hurting that I even thought about needing a medication for it. It wasn't like Wenatchee at all, but it's possible something was done with ultrasound, and it's possible I was given something I didn't consent to take.
g. 2008. At Vacation Internationale, I believe one of the workers who got hired after me did, and it happened once or twice at a coffee shop across the street from them. Still nothing major. It was not happening very much at all. 95% cut-back on what had happened to both me and my son, however, I think I was also possibly drugged by someone at this time, or given meds. No incident stands out to me aside from the lower back pain. However, I was being harassed by CPS and obstructed from travel to visit my son. I wasn't even having migraines like usual.
h. 2008. New Mexico. Mark--Irish Catholic, "former Army" truck driver. Happened with him. He had access to technology to torture and used it and watched me to see my reaction. He didn't repeat it after this, but he did do this at the start, and that was the beginning and at the end, I looked back and saw the expression on his face and thought, "he doesn't like me at all. what is going on..." I figured he'd forgotten about not liking me or his torture stuff but I don't really think so.
i. 2008. Maryland and D.C. With Alvaro Pardo and Henry. Nothing except for extreme back pain when I wanted to sleep on the couch instead of the bed, in MD. I had to go to ER and it was as bad as when I went into preterm labor with my son. And, I had almost every other form of harassment. Also, I am sure that Alvaro Pardo had me on birth control or gave me something to eat with this in it because my periods were affected, even after my surgery and they only came back after he left.
j. 2008. Virginia. At the Arlington address with the housemate from Morrocco. It happened at that location, when I was pregnant, and had helicopters flying up to my window and telecommunication problems with my cell phone and harassment and obstruction in getting into a prenatal clinic. I was being obstructed from prenatal care. So I guess, I've had federal workers obstruct me from freedom of travel, court and access to court, college, and medical care for me and my unborn child. No one can do this except NSA, with telecommunications obstruction, on the level with which I had problems. The technology didn't happen all the time at the address with the Moroccan housemate--it started happening after Post Pub employees/employers decided they wanted to get rid of me. When the Irish Catholics got mean at The Post Pub, and the Italian Catholics got mad that I was trying to get my son and went to CPS there, and when I started writing about things their church members had done to me, and maybe when some of the Jewish didn't like how I was pregnant with a child that did not belong to the Jewish princess he was dating, I was tortured. And I think they knew, when I left that one night, what was going to happen. I think they knew they were going to "fix" this pregnancy. The Moroccan guy was in his room on one occasion when there was technology used on me all night. But I can only recall time when he was present. I slept in the livingroom and kept wondering where it was coming from and knew he was in the bedroom next door. Before someone started using technology against me, my telecommunications were already being tampered with and I was being kept out of medical care.
k. 2008. Post Pub. I believe I was given some form of medication at the workplace with my daily "free meal". I wasn't having my periods anymore hardly, and that was before I was pregnant. I thought, "Maybe now that I'm pregnant they can't medicate me and say it's all mental illness and keep a claim that "she's not tortured bc she's medicated." Because Dabney was getting nasty and so were the others, and the Catholics and British were coming in, and saying I did everything wrong and trying to skip out on the bill. The DOJ was tipping me well and stealing my cell phones at the same time. I knew D.C. people and government were snooping into my internet so I wrote a blog insulting Chris or sort of sarcastic and yeah, people were violating my privacy. I didn't post it with my name, or publicly and still, people knew bc they were into my communications. I did the same thing with a couple of comments on my laptop given to me by the CIA contractor. Why? because if you don't ask, you don't know and you're not going to get anything correct until you quit torturing people and start looking them in the face instead of in a file.
l. 2008. D.C, MD, and VA. Refused appropriate medical care, twins killed. I was obstructed from the prenatal care I needed, and then the unborn were deliberately killed by "malfunctioning" medical equipment. Then MD Dr.'s were trying to send me home with pills that would have caused me to bleed to death away from a medical facility, which they said were for "completing" the miscarriage that hadn't gone through naturally. I almost bled to death even while staying in the hospital. Later, I was denied diagnostics that showed I was still in labor and needed a surgery and anyone should have been able to look and see what the facts were. I was forced to suffer, basically, and could have had worse problems. Then I was bleeding out into tubes at hospitals with nurses watching and smirking this one, seriously watching me as she showed me she was allowing my blood to drain out of my arm and into a tube for IV. WHO DOES this? Not kidding, and I took photos of evidence. So it was reallly great. I had to have a blood transfusion eventually and a surgery. I had good care at one hospital downtown when I was assaulted in the back and needed painkillers and valium--that was a nice Dr. and no issues and no problems...just pleasant, not suspicious, and fast. And then I had decent care at the Adventist hospital after I'd been a few other places. They treated me great when I was with Alvaro actually, or well enough. And they gave me some of my medical records but then ever since I broke up with my Ex, they've treated me like crap. I would call up for records again, because the other ones were left in the care of someone else, and it was someone rude always getting to the phone to be obnoxious.
m. 2009-2010. Chris Rozollo. I was having to stay at a motel because I had been wrongfully kicked out of housing. I met him there because he checked in there and I had no one to talk to. I talked to some of the others there but then I talked to him. After this, I was tortured full-force again. 100% reinstated torture. It didn't happen with him there first. I was tortured by some man from Bronx, NY who watched while there was some other skinny guy below me, and after frying me, he came out in a long sleeve black shirt like Chris Dabney used to wear and said, "Is it HOT enough FOR YOU?" Then police officers put an extra razor in my hand when they returned my bag to me, at the courthouse and officers somehow seemed to know him. I then had DEA watching me, and this guy named Mike with the DEA. For no reason. Chris met me again when I went to a women's shelter and the women there used technology on me and tried to have me kicked out and did. Two of the supervisors did as well, one named JILL (might know Amy Roe and moved back to Seattle, WA after she screwed me over) and the other named _____, will find it again, and this woman knew the same police who knew Judge Warren and who harassed me. She had virgin Mary and catholic stuff all over her office at the women's Y. The other woman was Jewish, as far as I know, but I might be wrong. Chris came to this place and I was zapped, repeatedly, while he faced me and he kept jangling around in his pockets. Too many people and places to list in Wenatchee, of people who zapped me or tortured...many who knew Mykal Holt did. This woman who taught drama for a high school in Wenatchee for years, assaulted me at a grocery store with it. Came right up to me to do it. I did lt. gardening for her and she turned around and assaulted me. Every house I stayed at in Wenatchee, I was tortured. The only one I wasn't tortured at was this woman's house, and she worked at Safeway but others there were petty about things and into research. I was not assaulted with technology at her house and everywhere else in Wenatchee, I was. I do think there was maybe one night I noticed something but it was more when I was sleeping or trying to sleep. There was this horrible Jewish (I think) woman across the street from her house who was hateful to me and another Jewish guy across in a different direction. At every other house, my property was stolen and I was tortured or assaulted. At an Eastern Indian owned hotel, more than once, at a different hotel where an Eastern Indian guy sold it to white people, I was tortured. It happened in the courthouse, by police, in lawyer's offices, at coffee shops, by cigar shop people who knew people, computer stores, Russian Baptist church, during CPS visits with my son with only Anne Crane, myself and my son in the room (she was the only visitation monitor that was ever present when literal torture was done, DURING the visit). They were using all kinds of weird stuff and it wasn't just full blown torture at night, in a house, but people approaching me in stores, right up to me, to zap me with something. Women. Like, you would THINK "normal" women. No one tortured me in a jail cell, with technology, in Wenatchee, but they put the temperatures at freezing almost, and then refused to give me a blanket, and mocked me and sexually degraded me even to the point of forcing me into public without a bra on. Being in an extremely cold solitary cell, on false charges to begin with, and then refusing to give someone a blanket is no different than torture or an attempt to inflict punishment of a kind. I was tortured at both women's shelters, by women, and then middle aged and older women, this "disabled (but not really)" guy assaulted me directly, who frequented the coffee shop. Police assaulted me with technology and watched for my reaction. Wenatchee police. I was at this guy Floyd's house and something happened where I was drugged but also, this other guy Ryan had something to do with things. He's an Irish Catholic marine and he had been stalking me since 2005. When I stayed with him it was because I was forced to and had no place to stay because Gregoire & Pals had me kicked out of fed. housing I qualified for. By the way, a lot of O'Hallorans have connections to Gregoire. Ryan stole from me, and stole items as a favor to Hispanic Catholics, that showed mafia affiliation, and I was assaulted at the clinics there as well, in the room they placed me in, someone would direct technology to fry me with. Ryan, I think it's Ryan O'Neal or O'Neil, was next door when I was at the other apartment and technology was started. No one was around except him and he was on the other side of the wall. He decided to apply for a job working (emergency preparedness) at a dam (I believe Grand Coulee Dam) after I was staying there. It was a federal job and I didn't feel I could say anything because I had no place with a roof over my head. Literally. There was some kind of technology that occured at Floyd's, aside from other things, that was just the humming or extra electricity on the laptop, otherwise, no torture. I think it did happen at Ryans' once or twice and then it occured for sure when he was on the other end of the wall and no one else was around. He also stole a yellow Abercrombie shirt of mine that I'd had since New Mexico, and when I went outside to look around it was a long SUV with a hispanic woman and man in the front laughing at me, just around the corner. Ryan was from Boston, MA.

Also, that apartment complex was run by a woman whose son is Irish Catholic and in the military and I recognized him from Oregon, even though this was in Wenatchee and she decided to forbid me to be on the property when I saw my son's fingers were cut after Floyd had these knives out on the counter. Her son was/is friends with an old "acquaintance". I also think Ryan used a camera of some kind, I think, in his apartment, but I can't prove it. Basically, the Irish Catholics and Hispanic and Italian and white Catholics all work together. There was a man around the corner who I met, who drove an open flap-wrap style jeep, and he drove in and out of Canada. His name was Graham. I thought he seemed friendly but he wanted a lot of info and then I noticed he was plain mean and didn't try to hide the fact that he didn't like me. He didn't ever torture me in his house, not once. I mainly wondered later at his reaction to me and thought, it was after I was told "It's too late" that he seemed to express how he really felt about me. We watched the cooking channel and had a little whiskey. But I met him simply from being next door to those apartments. He was a semi-driver between B.C. and U.S., long-haul. I almost want to say his last name was "O'Grady" but I don't remember for sure right now.

I was assaulted at the Wenatchee women's shelter "Haven of Hope" and the Y, by women staying there and the people who ran the Y.

I just corrected a name from Alison to Jill, too, for the Y, and I'm 100% positive it was Jill. Jill was the woman who said to me, "Keep swimming" all the time. And she and the other woman used torture to assault me themselves. It wasn't funny, it was shocking, because all these people in town even knew about it.

It was like I was living in the middle of Mafia Village. People you would not ever suspect to do bad things, did some bad things there. So anyway, I tried to file a complaint about Jill and the other woman, and a librarian Courtney, for assaulting me and for obstruction of justice and I tried to file it. Nakata or Harmon returned it to me, unfiled and then Judge Bridges was going to do the same thing, but it was something like, they were telling me if I wanted to file the complaint, I had to pay $200 filing fee or something and I had just wanted to file it under restraining order or anti-harassment because some of the women kept approaching me and interferring with my legal matters and living situation. I tried to file this and right after I did this, Courtney told me I was "banned" from the library for 3 months. This is after she interrupted my writing up a legal complaint to file for getting my son. I asked where Jill was, and was told it was an internship she'd taken through "Americorp" and she was back in Seattle, WA now. For some reason, Roe comes to mind when I now think about Jill. I don't know who Jill knows in Seattle, but I figured something was up because she supposedly didn't know who I was, and yet she did and made these comments to me and harassed me and had me kicked out of a shelter knowing it made me homeless. There was something up and I also thought she might have had a connection to Rozollo. I helped the Y with a rummage sale and I even had someone zapping me there. It was unbelievable.

The house next to Tony, where the woman with military boyfriends lived, was the only one where I wasn't tortured but I wasn't there long either--1 week. Nothing stolen or tortured. At Tony's, a few doors down, I hadn't thought they were too bad until $100 kept missing from my bag each month, and then a few times I was fried when I was there but not a lot, and I was this object of research still and I didn't like it. I think what made me thing there was something wrong with him maybe, was when I was eating fish and it had a ton of bones in it and one got stuck in my throat. It was seriously stuck and I thought, "This is why my Mom always said check for bones" and I DID but for the first time in my life, it was stuck in my throat and I had to use a flashlight to get it out. So I was practically gagging. It was sticking up in the back of my throat and had punctured through skin. I tried to get it with my fingers and then I tried using tweezers. I had to use a flashlight it was so far back. So it was embarressing to have this fish bone stuck and it took over an hour to get it out. I came out of the bathroom and Tony was LAUGHING and giggling and said, "Oh. Your's had fish bones? My piece didn't have any." I had almost choked from it and he was sniggering about how his piece didn't have any bones. I almost had to go to the hospital over it and I was too humiliated to go to ER so I stayed there, gagging, and using tweezers like a surgical instrument inside of my own throat. I could hardly swallow, and when I did it went in further, and my eyes were watering and was like having a needle stuck in your throat. It was on the left side of my throat and punctured the skin, sticking into it. It happened in the summer of 2010 and I didn't tell anyone until now.

Also, throw in assault by people in Bainbridge and Seattle as I've explained before.

Like he got the good piece and I got the bad piece, or the long and short stick. And then once I saw him laughing and smirking around with others about me and he saw me looking and stopped, deadpan and quit smirking. Then, they were draping all this Kate Middleton crap across the yard while I was surrounded by about 20 stray cats and all the E. Wenatchee neighbors with their binoculars and scopes having a laugh. I started to wonder who was maybe paying HIM for the great jokes and humiliation at my expense. Why put out Middleton stuff where I can see it and start making comments, when I didn't care, and it was like they thought I did care. Not too much that was bad happened there, in general. I just wondered whose side who was on. He was never around when I was tortured, the few times I was fried. So I don't know who did it and at least once I knew someone was upstairs. They started using technology on me more too, when I was there so I felt I needed to go and try to get somewhere to get my son, or that would give me a chance to be out of the torture-military network and on my feet to fight for Oliver.

n. 2010-2011. I was fine for 1 1/2 months. All of a sudden, I blogged about "How GREAT I am doing over here! No torture! which means it's Washington state or the Pacific NW mainly! Now that I'm in a BIBLE BELT it's better...Boy are they getting sued..." WHAM. All of a sudden, the FBI and hate crime teams assembled to commit crime. It was almost much more about Middleton than even religious hate crime stuff there, but it was still predominantly religious. However, it was sort of like I sensed this sudden fear that I couldn't be allowed to tip the balance (which was totally out of my favor) in any way. I sensed this serious urgency with these people. And then all of a sudden, I found out I was right in the center of a predominantly Catholic-Jewish area, and that I had ended up in a research zone as well, with Vanderbilt next door, and then the area had an easy-access route for anyone to come in, commit crime, pay people off, and make a quick exit and look like they were just there for business or tourism. I was tortured by a woman from Canada or who had connections there, who went to Catholic school. I was tortured at the Starbucks there, almost every time I went in. I was followed around and zapped by black gangster looking men and fried while sitting on the bus in front of a man who was distintly Eastern European (and could have been Catholic). There was a Billy Graham center but the area was actually almost 80% Catholic and Jewish. I think the Protestants were living out in the suburbs. I was tortured at the women's shelter there. I was also medicated there and they had some whacked out form of research at that shelter. Mary Krutcher was the director. I was fried at the Episcopal church I went to, and then found out the DEA and DOJ offices were right across the street. It wasn't every Sunday, but many Sundays and sometimes in chapel, depending upon which pastor was there. I was tortured and assaulted at places I went to to interview for employment--one an international temp agency and another place was a bar. I started getting tired of just being followed around and ASSAULTED. So I called police and some of them were crooked. The FBI was crooked. They were right around the corner and I even went to them once and they were hostile or non-responsive and set me up to go to a psych ward. I was zapped in federal offices--at the U.S. federal post office one door down from DEA and DOJ there. Almost every single time I went to that post office, someone did something and I kept thinking it must be someone standing in line but then it also happened when no one was in line and it was only federal employees.

By the way, I know my parents have been assaulted at this local post office too--a govt. office, by technology. I was NOT assaulted when I was in the DEA offices. I also wasn't assaulted at the FBI offices. However, why would they NEED to assault me? they had their friends doing the work and then they were acting as professionals and setting me up to go to psych wards to cover their own skin and the skin of their friends. I was assaulted with technology AT the psych ward. I was assaulted by technicians in the Vanderbilt ER. I was assaulted at convenience stores with an officer around the corner. It wasn't all the time, because I wasn't in one place so literally, I had people following me around wherever I went, to target me. I got a bus pass and lost them unexpectedly for no more than a few days and then they started getting on the bus with me.

No, it's not mental illness. These were all people connected to the same religious affiliation. There were only a few that were not and I guess they were involved for other reasons or money or favor from Catholic or Jewish supervisors or mafia. How should I know. I know that most of the people were Catholic or Jewish or military. I think the military just didn't want to lose a guinea pig. Then, I was about to get solid work and just as I was being invited to temp agencies and pursuing work, all of a sudden, I got a call and I knew somehow that it was a set up.

I was forced to work because Wenatchee was forcing me to pay a fine or get a warrant. This was for something I was not guilty of--harassment of Michelle Erickson and I had a right to overturn it but because I got drugged repeatedly there, and tortured, I couldn't get things together to fight it. They had me forced off of work and forced out of the benefits I had, which I was forced to take bc the hate crime groups obstructed all other normal forms of employment in Wenatchee. Then they told me I had to pay this fine or go to jail and I was forced then to accept a job where I was tortured by religious hate crime persons who had immediate contacts to their church and some govt. persons. I did not have a choice.

It was the old standby: You WORK for the MILITARY or you GO TO JAIL.

When the FBI is allowing hate crime to level you, and when they SELL you and your CHILD to other friends in government, they know, should know, and would definitely expect it to be the case that I would be forced to work for them or go to jail. So I did NOT have a choice.

Not only was the charge which they used to fine me with ILLEGAL and false, they made sure I had no other way to pay it off than work for these people at Logan's and it was 95% Catholic military and government workers at that one, and across the street from Vanderbilt, which has one of the worst human rights records for any University in the entire country.

I worked there because I had to and then I got my son some gifts because I had promised them to him long ago and had not been able to fulfil that promise and it was priority. I also had to pay for a safety deposit box because I had no safe place to store documents that affected my life, like passports and college materials. At NO point in time did I ever feel I could quit voluntarily. I was forced to work there and the job was offered, I believe, to obstruct me from getting something normal through a temp place.

The other job I had was with a FEMA-military worker whose employees tortured me. Jews and Catholics came in to see me working at minimum wage at a deli and they mocked me. They drove in an entire van of military to come in and mock me. And police and rich came in just for the occasion as well.

It was the first and only time in my life, that I was ever assaulted ON THE JOB. Mike's Deli, and Logan's. They were almost all Catholic. And they assaulted me every single day that I worked there and had friends come in who did the same. I have never, in my entire life, been tortured and assaulted in the workplace before. Never.

The FBI decided that if I didn't marry Alvaro, they were selling me out. They had already sold me out. And my son. But they decided to work with the CIA or military I guess and quit on the off-chance I married "The Catholic". When I didn't, they pursued their agendas and determined to make me sound crazy and let all the hate crime people viciously attack my entire family. And they let all the old people who had been involved, to tell new ones they'd be "covered" because now the hate crime was going to look like "research" and be classified. All the people in charge were Catholic or same thing as. Panetta, Mueller, Mike, all of them.

People know most of the rest, and I ended up in Coquille with yet another person thinking I was going to keep working for someone who tortured me in the workplace and I quit on Day 2.

So now, I still have this outstanding fine to pay off for false arrest in Knoxville, TN. I have federal people obstructing my way back into college of all things. And they have this idea of forcing me to work for them instead, rather than go to school and pay off my fine that way, I think some of them want it to be like this again:


It's not really even working for them. It's being assaulted by them and then letting them humiliate me on top of it and degrade me.

I deserve better and so does my son. And so do my parents, I might add.

Supposedly my parents aren't being held hostage.

I see little to NO evidence that they are free.

What I see is that they are held hostage by the FBI and military. They are not allowed to do what they want, travel freely, help their kids with things they might want to help out with, or even make recommendations they know would be best.

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