Thursday, November 24, 2011

Photos & Happy Thanksgiving

(Happy Thanksgiving.
One of me from, on Thanksgiving Day, I'm wearing a dark green turtleneck and cream colored fleece over it and I have my hair braided up again...will probably do my hair this way a lot now, since I've nothing else to do with it and can't stay curly in the rain--the time is off by 1 hour though, the actual time was 1 hour earlier not that it matters but if it does...)

Criminal Conspiracy and Glowing Heart
(just grabbed something at random and put a flashlight behind it. I didn't see what was on the paper or how the lighting was until I looked at the photos later--it wasn't manipulated, it just happened)

I guess I'll put up a few abstract photos. I don't know if I'll put any of me up or not. They're not great bc I can't move this laptop around without the camera disappearing. So I am only able to set it down upright and stationary, and can't even pick it up to move around or turn. But I still had fun with it. Today I noticed tulips on the base carving of the wood of the chair we've had since I was a kid. I've probably noticed before and then it came up accidentally on a curtain pattern but anyway,...reminiscing. I'll pick a few that are more abstract and then some which I think are cool in some way, even if they're not good quality.

Official Oppression and Medical ID Bracelet
(another random one where I grabbed one of my notebooks, didn't look at where I turned to and then grabbed the bracelet and put it together to see what showed up later--to me, symbolic of using false diagnosis to oppress)

I was going to put some of the jewel, and hibiscus stuff but maybe later. It didn't turn out like I thought it would but I have them. I might put them at the end sort of. Right now, I will put some of the ones that turned out accidentally to have a nice quality and space to them, and they're just totally abstract. I should say, it almost looked like a story the way someone ordered and arranged my photos for me, but it wasn't exactly the order in which they were taken. I had them in a different order and they were taken in a different sequence and then they got attached out of order. So, for example, I first had photos of me and the yulia or knives and things and fbi stuff, and then I was taking the photos of the spices. But it got put on my computer out of order. Actually, not very far out of order. It's very close. So the way it's on my computer now, it went from loose jewels (in person) to flowers, to a heart with the tunnel, to a clover on my hand (which was green but showed up white and then turned to more of a white bird shape), to coriander (kaliedescope or loose jewel or bead curtain appearance) to hyssop and then this was turned upside down and on top of, I had thought it was a forest fire, but it looks more like papers a stack of papers on fire and then there is a gold shaped object which is silver actually, but it shows up more gold. When I saw it in person, I thought it was like a fire on a burning bush or forest fire and then when I looked at the photos I thought, ohmygosh, it looks like papers being burned. But that's what's nice about abstract, bc different people can take different meanings from it. So all of this WAS in this sequence, but the part out of order is that I had the knives and me in a v-neck red sweater and fbi first. And then after the photos with me and fbi and RD stuff then I did get the glowing heart behind the conspiracy paper and oppression and then the order of things as I described. But it's just fun.

(the metal circle thing is actually silver, not gold but it showed up gold colored here. It's from a compact mirror I used)

I guess I'll go back now and show the other ones, which had looked much, much better in person. This is one of the green bottle cap that made the clover shape on my hand (I was shocked to see how it turned out bc it looked like the cover of a camera lens, but that's what I enjoy about abstraction):

these were sparkling like gems and diamonds

(I have some of the ones of the pattern on my palm out of order, but they showed up after the other photos, and there in my house they were green and took the color from a cap nearby, but in print they turned out white and not as clear as in person. You can sort of see one of them and then it takes more of a bird shape.)

The other thing I can't show, is how the little "gems" I described were really twinkling and shining like diamonds or jewels, and the camera didn't completely capture this. And then the other thing is that the ones with the hibiscus glowing more red, was much more vivid in person. But, this was happened with my random taking photos. I thought the flowers, which, you can see, from the hand palm close-ups, they were just dried petals. But they bloomed almost, into living roses in my hand or flowers so I was staring at it for awhile. I might add a few more of those, but they're nothing like I saw in person.

I didn't manipulate it...I was snapping tons of photos and moving around really fast and taking all random shots. I didn't try for anything either. I just saw it happen and then captured it.

Oh, and it was the hyssop and then the kaleidescope and then the flowers. I'll put those here (out of order) and then maybe think about anything else. I didn't make the black and white one, bc it's all color on my camera with no options, so it came out this way randomly.

Here are others:

anyway, that's coriander seed over a flashlight and then held up to the webcam. There were different colors sort of playing--I used hibiscus, then coriander seed and then it was hyssop, to experiment, and after that I was going to try more things but my storage was full and it wouldn't let me.

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