Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Plane Crash

I heard the news bc I was listening to radio and really don't like the almost jubilant tone some of these people take when discussing tragedies.

It's also bizarre bc I didn't blog about it, but I see it's from east of Apache junction. I really don't like the "messenger" tragedies where it's like a russian roullette and someone talks...

I woke up this morning, having not even heard about this accident and the first thing I thought about was my Granny. I thought about how other women had been so mean and jealous of her that they worried her to death, and people wanted Granny to think if she didn't do something just right, it was going to mean something bad for her family or other people. And I thought, I wouldn't even be surprised if some try to make a person think they are the cause or to blame for things when they're not, just for reasons of paralyzing them with fear.

I hadn't even read this news or heard about it and I thought this was maybe what was done with Granny. She used to take forever making up her mind about something as small as make-up, thinking if she didn't pick just the right thing, it was going to have an impact. And I thought, she was so gifted and funny and beautiful, I wouldn't even be surprised if even after she was married people were jealous of her and tried to impact her decisions on things.

That's why I started out today saying God, correct whatever I do wrong and let me walk in faith, knowing you will do this.

And then I wanted to wear red and did, bc it was dreary, and wore brown courderoy pants with it, and thought, this reminds me of someone but I don't know who, and then I braided my hair and threw on this scandalous bright red scarf that "the wrong ones" are twirling around in the movie Prince of Egypt, or that's hanging in the halls of a Russian govt. building from the movie "Saint".

I just wore what I wanted to wear and it suited me and nothing is clean or unclean or has any meaning attached that God can't turn into something else. I actually felt very confident and happy with what I wore today. And I didn't step off of our property either. There are days I dress just for myself, not bc of who will see me (though I did later get an idea to take photos, but that wasn't my original plan).

False prophets are false prophets. They try to distort meanings of everything and twist things.

So then I read this news, and it's from Apache junction, which I only thought was strange because I had ended up on an Apache program the day before. I was looking up a PDF converter or something to write over and diffferent things weren't working so then I picked this one and it was all Apache this and Apache that, and it didn't sound like the one I wanted so I moved to Xchange which had the stuff I needed. I can't remember what it was about Apache--I think it was that it wasn't free, or it wasn't one you could write on and sign or something. I don't remember. It was right after I was on another site, where I read the site was from England. They gave me something zipped up with nothing inside of it. It was supposed to be my converted PDF and all I got was a zipped up folder and I couldn't extract anything. So I was going to write for help and read fine print and it said England but I wrote anyway, and nothing but the next minute I was opening a link to an Apache program. I chose not to use it and went to Xchange. Then I spent a ridiculous amount of time looking at the features. It took me 10 minutes to type my name, I was so thrilled to finally find something that writes on top of a locked PDF.

Next thing I know, someone is crashing their twin planes into Superstition mountain next to Apache junction. Well, I found out this afternoon. Do you know who the drummer from "Bonner Jr." looks like? Dicaprio.

What does it mean? nothing. Unless you want to be superstitious and think someone is trying to freak someone out.

Um, but by the way, my comment about other countries paying attention to how this country treats their own citizens is true. When I said, "They're watching you" I wasn't joking. They are.

They're watching you.

You know what was great? do you know who I had an impression of after I wrote this? I mean, the first time? I had an impression of Brett McDonald looking over at someone. It looked like her.

At any rate, I need to get rid of these extraneous servers and european cookies. I know I could have put this locked file, the zipped one from England, into the trash and recycle but I didn't. I stopped short, because, well, it's evidence. It's a good reminder for me to see this zipped up folder on my desktop because it reminds me of the FBI.

How the FBI has information locked up and if I can't extract the information, am I going to toss out the file? No. Not about England at all, just something that ended up on my desktop and it made me think, just as I was about to trash it, wait, this is what I think some in the FBI want to do to my files. Or how they refuse to extract the information per my FOIA/PA request, so am I going to just trash it, my attempts, or am I going to do what some of them would do to me? So I just thought, "Don't ever get rid of evidence" and I left it there just as a reminder. However, I have to find out if there are cookies bc I don't want those.


I might trash the zipped up folder, but since I can't extract anything yet, not trashing it yet. If I have to find another way to open it, I will, bc I'm curious enough to learn new applications and wonder what's there, if anything. Don't dump until it's been discovered completely.

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