Monday, November 14, 2011

Spokane Federal Judges Obstruct Justice

.It's no big surprise, but still shocking.

My request for an INJUNCTION (not a case, but injunction) has changed hands 4 times, between 4 federal judges at Eastern District Federal Courthouse in Spokane, WA.

The request hasn't changed and these Judges know VERY WELL what the difference is between a preliminary injunction request and filing a lawsuit, or "case". I know exactly why they're twisting things around.

I don't know that there IS such thing as a good Judge at that courthouse, and if it takes 4 of them to pass around the same thing, they are also trying to split the burden of being reported to a Judiciary Committee by me if they should cross the line and I were able to catch them in the act to report.

So, lack of ownership and trying to spread blame around is Problem #1.
Conflicts of interest is Problem #2.
Obstruction of justice by trying to deny access to electronically file, as a Pro Se citizen is entitled to and I was given instruction to apply for in the past, by that courthouse, is Problem #3.
And attempting to re-route a request for Preliminary Injunction to ask a federal question is a far cry from a full-blown lawsuit and they know it. I asked for an Injunction, and rather than address that request in a timely manner, or go back to reinstate to the original date, they are trying to turn it into a filing for a "Case" which I haven't filed for.

They are doing this, because they know I don't have the means to pursue a full case at this time, and if they can call this injunction a "case" now, and get rid of it, they get rid of it forever.

NO SUCH LUCK assholes. I don't care how many years all of you went to law school and served as a Judge, and how many Presidents you had tea with or which female politician you shagged in your youth--I have a right to expect Judges to conduct themselves WITH HONOR as is befitting their position. You can probably thank Judge Gerald Warren for putting up a huge warning sign and black mark against the judicial profession.

I mean, this, after my Uncle Howard was assaulted and their courthouse send out a quick announcement about the "Fun!"

It was first with Edward Shea, then Judge Lonny Suko, then Cynthia Imbroglio, and now, as of the 7th, it's Quakenbush.

Honestly, if it were a filing for a case, what he decided is right--it would need to be ammended. But Cynthia got it wrong when she tried to claim it was a case and not an injunction. Why she then handed it over I don't know.

The part that doesn't sit well with me, is denying use of electronic filing. Why would any Judge do this? I was TOLD, by this same courthouse, that if I wanted privileges of filing electronically, I had to make the request and that then, yes, they did allow this of Pro Se litigants. They told me this years ago and then more recently as well.

I see NO excuse for not allowing the same access to the court that a lawyer has, by means of service or filing.

There isn't a reason not to allow it. It's more like an attempt to make it harder for me to access the courts and to deny me the same full rights that other lawyers have and other Pro Se persons have had.

So when I read this, I looked up this Judge, and he already has 2 strikes against him--

1. He is Gonzaga college alumni with Gregoire, and
2. He is Navy.

I'm just SURE he wants to help.

I also don't appreciate his derogatory inclusion or reminder about "frivolous lawsuits" when no Judge in my entire history has gone so far as to put this into a publicly filed document. He is disparaging my case history with remarks like this, and I didn't file a "case" either. I filed for injunction back when and it was supposed to be honored and go back to that date.

It is the same thing as throwing back a motion and on the face of it, responding with, "Be reminded that one must be mentally competent to file a case or the court will be prompted to order an evaluation of competence."

He is making suggestions that he knows he doesn't need to make. He's going to have to recuse himself.

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